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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Radical Jihadists Publicly Crucify Syrians

Radical Jihadists Publicly Crucify Syrians

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…” (Isaiah 5:20)
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Shocking new out of Syria this week reveals that Islamic extremists have begun crucifying its enemies on crosses in public squares.
Recently, two men were who were prisoners of the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) were executed by crucifixion in northeastern Syria. The ISIS, which for the last year has took control of the town of Raqqa, has been killing off its enemies still remaining in the city and have been tearing apart historical relics.
If this news wasn’t bad enough, the Al-Qaeda backed jihadists are even taking to Twitter, publishing pictures and live-tweeting the crucifixions.
One image that appeared on a jihadist Twitter account showed a Syrian man, bloodied, hanging from a cross. A young Syrian boy looks on at the dead man’s body. The caption of the image read, “One of 7 people executed by ISIS in Raqqa today on charges of planting IED’s.”
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Messages of congratulations quickly flooded in, with the original Tweeter thanking jihadist followers and even joking, “lol became new false jesus.”
Ibrahim Alrquaoi, a Syrian dissident and founder of the organization Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, spoke to Fox News and said, “It’s very dangerous. They threaten us directly and want to kill us.”
“They [ISIS] want to stay in control. Everything they do is to scare people,” Alrquaoui said. “That’s why they kill people publicly.”
Previous reports out of Syria have proven that jihadists are employing violent and horrifying means to punish and kill off its enemies. Stories of point blank assassination, rape and torture are becoming all too common when it comes to the civil war raging on in Syria.
Since the start of the civil war in March 2011, more than 150,000 people have died.
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VIDEO: What Jews Endure on the Temple Mount - ISRAEL TODAY

VIDEO: What Jews Endure 

on the Temple Mount

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Related Stories
JerusaleWhen a group of easily identifiable religious Jews is actually allowed to ascend Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, the reaction of Muslim worshippers typically borders on open violence.
Jews (and Christians) are often prevented by Israeli police from entering the Temple Mount compound for fear of Muslim hostility. And even when groups are granted entry, most are not easily identifiable as Jews (most Orthodox Jews believe it is wrong to ascend the Temple Mount lest they inadvertently enter the area of the “Holy of Holies”).
But every once in a while, an Orthodox Jewish group will visit Judaism’s holiest site. And when they do, the Jews’ treatment at the hands of the adherents of the so-called “Religion of Peace” is simply disgraceful.
In the following video, one such group can be seen being harassed and even assaulted by a large Muslim mob, as Israeli police officers try desperately to maintain order. Among the group of Jewish visitors are a number of children, who are various points in the video can be seen crying and fearfully clinging to their parents.
One of the adults in the group tries to calm the children by saying, “Don’t be afraid! Don’t be afraid! This is our place!”
The incident was filmed and uploaded to YouTube by a Temple Mount movement headed by Linda Olmert, the sister-in-law of recently convicted former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Linda recently spoke to Israel Today about the situation for Jews on the Temple Mount.
Linda Olmert’s interview appears in the May issue of Israel Today Magazine. SUBSCRIBE NOW to read it!
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God's Footprint Through God's Leadership

"God's footprint over the ages has been ordinary people doing extraordinary things through the simple things that confound the wise. 

From this has come the "something more" dimension; a leadership exhibited by God's most unlikely candidates, employing God's most unlikely strategies that has brought about the most unexpected results when those known by His Name achieve the maturity to operate as a society of leaders." 


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Garris Elkins: I Saw Dominoes Fall Into Their Destiny - Causing a Supernatural Chain Reaction

Garris Elkins: I Saw Dominoes Fall 
Into Their Destiny  
- Causing a 
Supernatural Chain Reaction
The Elijah List

As the Day of Pentecost approaches each year, I am always stirred by the Spirit to watch for significant events that might take place. Many of these events happen very visibly. However, we can forget that something else may have taken place "out of sight" – that set in motion the larger circumstances unfolding before our eyes.

Garris and Jan ElkinsDream of Dominoes

This week I had a dream. In the dream I saw a long and winding row of dominoes. The landscape was a fairy tale setting, like an illustrated children's story. Some of the dominoes had a single human face, and others represented the faces of entire groups of people. A description of each unique destiny was written across the body of each domino.

At the head of the line was domino number one. This domino was not the largest or the most unique – it was simply the first in line. I then saw a large finger enter the image and touch the first domino, and it fell over. I knew this was the finger of God. As the first domino fell, it began a chain reaction that caused the remaining dominoes to fall in succession.

Some of these falling dominoes were much larger than the Dominoesothers. A few of the larger dominoes literally dwarfed the first domino. The dominoes were people. Others represented nations, and some were multi-national corporations. Once this chain reaction began, it continued on toward the distant horizon and eventually out of sight. Then I awoke.

(Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

As I processed the dream, God began to download some of its interpretation to me. 

I felt the Lord say this season of Pentecost would be a tipping point in the Church and the cultures of the earth. The falling of these dominoes is not a falling into a place of failure – it is a falling into destiny. 

The falling of these dominoes would represent their bowing down before the will of the Lord for each individual, nation, business, and culture.

The size of a domino did not determine its significance. Some dominoes that seemed insignificant in the natural would have a huge impact in the Spirit. Their significance was not in their size, but rather it was in their placement and position in the line of unfolding events. The seemingly insignificant would precede the significant. The falling of some of the larger dominoes was the result of what had taken place behind the scenes when a small domino fell into its destiny.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"Cultures of the Earth..."

The Lord begin to speak to me about His desire in this season of Pentecost:
"I am about to raise My finger and touch the cultures of the earth. I am reaching out and touching lives that will fall into My presence. This falling is not for destruction. My touch will set into motion the plans I have for goodness and hope for all the earth.

Obedience will tip the scales of world events"In the past you have focused on the larger events of history and missed what I did to bring these larger events to pass. It was the small event that I touched that set off the chain reaction of natural events you broadcasted in your news. 

(Photo by Ben Earwicker)

"In this season be wise and insightful and look for that place of simple obedience that will tip the scales of world events. 

Set your acts of obedience before Me, and I will tip them toward My heart and will. This is not a time for hesitation in your obedience.

"Do not let anyone tell you that the smallness of your obedience will have little impact. 

I have hidden significance in what appears to be small to the natural man. Like My David against Goliath and like My Joseph abandoned in a pit, I set the grandest works in motion by the smallest acts of obedience when all odds are set against the one who obeys.

"I am about to amaze you in how quickly I work. I have selected a significant domino to fall that will release a chain reaction of My design for your future. The significance of this domino is My secret. I want to surprise you in its manifestation. This chain reaction will change the landscape of My Church and the cultures of the earth."

Garris Elkins, Senior Leader
Living Waters Church – Medford, Oregon

Garris Elkins' ministry, Prophetic Horizons, is a ministry of teaching, writing, and prophecy committed to raising up a prophetic generation to speak to the cultures of our world with the empowered voice of Heaven. Garris and his wife, Jan, are the Senior Leaders of Living Waters Church in Medford, Oregon, and have two grown children, Anna and David.

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Israeli Researcher: European Jews Have No Future

Israeli Researcher: European Jews Have No Future

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Anti-Semitism continues to rise in Europe amid a surge in popularity of extremist parties in the region, according to a new study by the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University.

The study's findings were released Monday ahead of Israel's Holocaust Memorial Day.

***For more about how Israel is educating people about the evils of the Holocaust, watch this report from CBN News' Mideast Bureau.

"Normative Jewish life in Europe is unsustainable," Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, said in a presentation of the study's results, the Jerusalem Post reported. "Jews do not feel safe or secure in certain communities in Europe."

"The Jews in Europe do not have a future," Kantor told the Post. "I think that their future is bleak."

According to the Kantor Center, European Jews experience anti-Semitic incidents almost every day.

"According to that survey, almost half of the Jewish population is afraid of being verbally or physically attacked in a public place because they are Jewish, and 25 percent of Jews will not wear anything that identifies them as Jewish or go near a Jewish institution for fear of an attack," Kantor said.

Researchers recorded 554 violent anti-Semitic acts in 2013, including attacks on people and vandalism against synagogues, cemeteries, and other Jewish institutions.

For the second year running, France had the highest number of incidents, with Hungary, Belgium, and Sweden following close behind.

The report warns about the increasing popularity of far-right parties, especially in France, Hungary, and Greece, where they're expected to make big gains in European parliamentary elections next month.

King of Kings Community Jerusalem - Making Time for Community!

Shalom Friends!

We hope that you are healthy and well and enjoyed a wonderful Passover and Easter season! We have had a busy few months here as we've spent time investing in what we truly believe in: community. 
The Esco Bistro youth program has been steadily growing! This past weekend, a group of 19 students and staff went camping along the Sea of Galilee. They went hiking, swimming and climbed a ropes course. When they weren't running arund, they spent time learning about Peter, no better place than the Sea of Galilee! Earlier this month Esco Bistro had a bake sale to fund the trip and raised over $700! We love having them as a part of our community and seeing then grow in their walk with the Lord.
In addition to our younger community members, our students at Kings School of Media participated in the Second, Annual KSM Mini Oscars! The students produced their own films and submitted them one week before the event for judging, then that evening winners for announced for categories from "Best Film" to "Best Cinematography" and "Best Sound Editing." The Jerusalem Post sent a reporter to attend the event and Kings School of Media had a write up in the paper the following week! 
In order to further reach out beyond our community, the women on our staff organized a Women's Tea. They originally expected around 30 women, but over 80 signed up and attended! Ladies from communities all around Israel gathered in the Pavilion for tea, a light lunch and to be encouraged by different guest speakers. It was demanded that it become an annual event!
Finally, we are also thrilled to tell you that the floors on the P1 and C1 level of the Clal building have been cleaned and polished! As some of you may know, we have have been earnestly praying that the Clal building would be restored and seen as a place of beauty. Now under new management, the first order of action was to clean up the floors! It has brought new life and light to the area surrounding King of Kings, Cafe Forte and the Anchor of Hope Family Counseling Center. We are so excited and thankful for this answer to prayer! 
You are a part of our community as well, so thank you for taking some time to read and learn about all the Lord is doing here at King of Kings! Don't forget to stop in and visit us at or join us for service each Sunday through Live Stream, the links are below!

Many blessings!

Wayne Hilsden and the King of Kings Team
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On Israel Independence Day, Israel Salutes the Women of Israel

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 28 Apr 2014

Jewish women in Jerusalem's Old City, 1903. How do we know these "peasant women" are Jewish? Note the crowd of Jewish men behind them, and compare the design of their shawls to those at the Western Wall below. (Library of Congress)

Israel Independence Day will be celebrated on May 6.  

On its eve, May 5, twelve torches will be lit by 14 honored Israeli women - Jewish and Arab, old and young, social activists, educators, athletes, former political figures. The ceremony commemorates, "The Era of Women -- Achievements and Challenges."
Women at the Western Wall (circa 1900). Note the absence of benches and barriers between the
men and women worshipers which were prohibited by the Turkish and Arab authorities.  The 
two sexes voluntarily maintained a separation. (Library of Congress)

Women obviously played a major role in the Jewish life of both the New and Old Yishuv. The New Yishuv was comprised of many new immigrants from Europe in the late 19th and early 20th century, mostly secular Jews, and many imbued with a socialist dream of a new society. They were driving forces behind the establishment of new settlements and factories around the country.

"Poor Jewish women leaving Tiberias hospital after the feast which was 
given them"  Christmas, 1924. (Dundee University Archive Services, 
MS 38 Torrance Collection). For more click here
The Old Yishuv was the traditional Orthodox community, centered in the age-old towns of Jerusalem, Tzfat, Tiberias, and Jaffa. many tracing their Eretz Yisrael families back many generations. Their customs and lifestyles often reflected their eastern European, North African, Yemenite, Babylonian and Persian origins.

The Jewish women of the Old Yishuv, the great-grandmothers of today's Israelis are honored in this posting.

Next: the women of the New Yishuv, the other great-grandmothers of today's Israelis.

"Jewish Arab" by Tancrede Dumas,
1889 in Damascus (Library of Congress)
Women's Old Age home in Jerusalem (1900) (Library of Congress)

Shlomo Narinsky's portrait of a Jewish woman,
1921 "Perspective on Life" (Laurent Philippe 
collection) For more click here

"Maiden of Rishon LeZion" picking almonds, 
Circa 1921 (Library of Congress)