Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Henry Gruver's Incredible Vision of Russian Submarines Launching Nuclear Missiles at the United States - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

A little more than 30 years ago, God showed Henry Gruver that someday Russian submarines lurking very close to our coastlines would launch an absolutely devastating nuclear first strike on the United States. (Public Domain)

Henry Gruver's Incredible Vision of Russian Submarines Launching Nuclear Missiles at the United States

A little more than 30 years ago, God showed Henry Gruver that someday Russian submarines lurking very close to our coastlines would launch an absolutely devastating nuclear first strike on the United States.
If you are not familiar with Henry Gruver, he is truly a remarkable man of God, and I do not use that term lightly. He has literally spent thousands of hours prayer walking through cities all over the globe, and signs, wonders and miracles have followed his ministry for decades. He has never sought to make a big name for himself, because his priority has always been following the Lord's agenda.
So many people today claim to "get a word" about global events, but they don't actually physically see or hear anything. Of course, many of those "words" end up falling to the ground because they were never from God in the first place.
But with Henry Gruver, he actually saw the things I am about to share with you with his own eyes while he was awake. Many refer to such experiences as "open visions," and they can often be absolutely overwhelming to those who receive them because they are so powerful.
During a time that he was prayer walking through Wales in 1986, God caught Henry Gruver up into the heavens and showed him a future conflict between the United States and Russia. In his vision, submarines that were lurking along our coastlines emerged from under the water and began launching missiles at major U.S. cities. In his account of the vision, Gruver specifically mentioned the cities of New York City, Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego and Tampa. After the vision was over, Gruver asked the Lord when this would happen, and this is what he was told:
"When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses and will begin to let their weapons down and will cry, 'peace and safety,' and that's when it will happen."
Of course, Gruver was given this vision while the Cold War was still raging. The Berlin Wall would not fall until three years later, but once that happened, we did see the Iron Curtain come down, and Russia did open her gates. In fact, I was fortunate enough to go on a mission trip with Campus Crusade for Christ to Moscow during the summer of 1991.
To this day, many Americans are still crying "peace and safety," but in reality we are closer to war with Russia right now than we have been at any point since the Cuban missile crisis of the 1960s. In fact, the Russians have already pledged to respond with force the next time the Trump administration attacks Syria.
Henry Gruver has a tremendous track record, but one of the ways that we know his vision was from God is because it has been confirmed by many others. So many watchmen have also been shown that the Russians will attack the United States someday, and many of them have specifically been shown that the initial attack will involve nuclear missiles launched from Russian submarines.
In another vision, Gruver was shown that a ground invasion will follow the initial attack with nuclear missiles. This is something that has also been confirmed by many others. In a recent interview with Steve Quayle, Gruver discussed these visions. You can find Part I of the interview here.
The videos are rather long, but they are definitely worth watching. You can find Part 2 of the interview here.
Needless to say, a nuclear war between the United States and Russia would be a catastrophe beyond anything that humanity has ever known before. The following is what the executive director of the Los Alamos Study Group had to say about this recently:
But Mr. Mello said even a "limited nuclear war" would wipe out large swathes of the US.
He added: "Keep in mind that nuclear war is not one or two Hiroshima-sized bombs.
"The imagination cannot encompass nuclear war. Nuclear war means nuclear winter.
"It means the collapse of very fragile electronic, financial, governmental, administrative systems that keep everyone alive.
"We'd be lucky to reboot in the early 19th century. And if enough weapons are detonated, the collapse of the earth's ozone layer would mean that every form of life that has eyes could be blinded."
Unfortunately, things with Russia just continue to become even more tense. Both sides have a deep distrust of one another at this point, and both sides continue to rattle their sabers. For example, Russian bombers have violated Alaskan airspace for the last two nights in a row:
For the second consecutive night, Russia flew two long-range bombers off the coast of Alaska on Tuesday, this time coming within 36 miles of the mainland while flying north of the Aleutian Islands, two U.S. officials told Fox News.
The two nuclear-capable Tu-95 bombers were spotted by U.S. military radar at 5 p.m. local time.
Unlike a similar incident Monday night, this time, the U.S. Air Force did not scramble any fighter jets.
But before I end this article, I want to make one thing exceedingly clear: The surprise Russian nuclear attack is not going to happen yet.
Yes, we should certainly expect the relationship between the United States and Russia to continue to deteriorate, and we have definitely entered a time of wars and rumors of wars. We may even see limited military conflict between the United States and Russia, but the big war is not going to come for at least a little while.
That is because there is a series of prophetic events that lead up to the fall of America, and the surprise Russian nuclear attack comes at the very end. My wife and I have studied thousands of prophecies related to the future of America over the years, and the reason so many of them are so consistent is that they all come from the same source. And there are still a whole bunch of things that have to happen before the fall of America, and so we know the Russian submarines are not going to attack just yet.
But this will happen someday, and right now the pieces for this future conflict are falling into place right before our very eyes. 
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael's controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict" is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

9-Year-Old Boy Has a Vision of an Asteroid Hitting the Atlantic and a Nuclear War Involving the United States - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

When I started watching this little boy describe his vision, one thing immediately jumped out at me. He said that he saw a giant asteroid that appeared to be "flaming hot red" coming toward the earth. (Public Domain)

9-Year-Old Boy Has a Vision of an Asteroid Hitting the Atlantic and a Nuclear War Involving the United States

Did God give a 9-year-old boy a vision of the future of America? Recently, my wife pulled me aside and strongly urged me to watch part of an amazing video that she had found on YouTube. I was quite tired at the time, but I agreed to watch it because I could tell from my wife's expression that she had found something special.
And without a doubt, what I am about to share with you does appear to be extraordinary. A grandmother known as "A Daughter of The Highest King" on YouTube came across a dry erase board that her 9-year-old grandson had been drawing on, and the things that he had been drawing were so unusual that she decided to ask him about them.
Well, it turns out that this little boy had been trying to draw a picture of things that were shown to him in a vision. When he received this vision, he was in bed, but he was not asleep at the time. He told his grandmother that in his vision he was standing in space and looking down at the earth, and it appears that he may have been shown things that are coming in the future. If you would like to watch the entire video, you can find it on YouTube here.
When I started watching this little boy describe his vision, one thing immediately jumped out at me. He said that he saw a giant asteroid that appeared to be "flaming hot red" coming toward the earth.
As it got very close, he said that it appeared to break up into pieces and strike multiple locations, but according to him the main impact seems to have happened in the Atlantic Ocean.
When this little boy said that I was absolutely startled, because my wife and I have been collecting dreams and visions of a giant asteroid that is going to strike the Atlantic Ocean for many years.
In fact, my wife has collected more than 100 of these dreams and visions. Many have seen that the asteroid breaks up into multiple pieces before it hits, and that the impact in the Atlantic Ocean causes an enormous tsunami that will be hundreds of feet high. When this gigantic tsunami slams into the east coast of the United States at an extremely high speed, the devastation that will be caused will be almost too horrible for words.
As you can see in the video, this little boy is not even allowed on the internet, and so he probably has never even heard about any of these dreams and visions. But his description of the vision that he was given matches up perfectly with what dozens of other prominent men and women of God have received over the years.
And of course, the Bible tells us that someday a giant object will plunge into the ocean. The following is what Revelation 8:8-9 says in the Modern English Version:
Then the second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea became blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
After the asteroid strikes, this 9-year-old boy was shown nuclear missiles flying all over the world, and many of them hit the United States.
Once again, this fits perfectly with what other men and women of God have been shown. The great tsunami on the east coast comes first, and after that a nuclear conflict involving the United States happens.
In his vision this young boy was also shown "giant people with goat horns" roaming around. Some have suggested that these could be demons on the earth during the Great Tribulation, while others have suggested that what he saw may have been Nephilim.
We do know that things will get quite wild here on this planet during the Tribulation period. I have always said that it is going to be crazier than the most insane science fiction movie that Hollywood can possibly come up with, and this youngster may have gotten a small glimpse of what life will be like during that time.
He also saw the planet breaking apart in various areas and a "giant crack in the middle of America". I have been warning about the great "megaquake" that is coming to the New Madrid fault zone for many years, but it is not clear from the video if that is exactly what he saw.
But I certainly do believe that this vision was from the Lord, and this would be perfectly consistent with Scripture. In the Book of Joel, we are told that our sons and our daughters will prophesy in the last days. This is what Joel 2:28-29 says in the Modern English Version:
And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. Even on the menservants and maidservants in those days I will pour out My Spirit.
Could this vision be a very small part of the fulfillment of that ancient prophecy that was given to the prophet Joel?
God is not sending us these warnings to frighten us.
Rather, God is sending us these warnings so that we will not be afraid.
God wants us to know that He knows everything that is going to happen in advance, He has a plan, He has everything under control and He is not going to abandon us.
Yes, the most challenging times in all of human history are coming. But for the people of God it will be the greatest chapter of all as multitudes come into the Kingdom even in the midst of all the shaking.
You were born for such a time as this, and now is the time for all of us to become the people that God created us to be. 
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael's controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict" is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Is The United States About To Bomb North Korea? The White House Says ‘The Clock Has Now Run Out’ - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 04 Apr 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

I got chills when I saw a CNN report that said that a White House official has just warned that “the clock has now run out” on North Korea’s nuclear program and that “all options are on the table”.  That second phrase has been repeatedly used by members of the Trump administration in recent days, and everyone knows what it means.  

When I wrote that a conflict with North Korea could be “Trump’s first war” last month, I was still hoping that cooler heads would prevail and that a military conflict could be avoided.  Unfortunately, it appears that a peaceful solution is not in the cards, and that means that the United States may soon start bombing North Korea.  And of course if that happens the North Koreans will strike back with whatever they can, and that includes nuclear weapons.

I don’t know if I have the words to effectively communicate how serious this situation could become.  We have gotten to the point where the White House is openly talking of going to war with a nuclear power
A senior White House official issued a dire warning to reporters Tuesday on the state of North Korea’s nuclear program, declaring “the clock has now run out and all options are on the table.”
“The clock has now run out, and all options are on the table,” the official said, pointing to the failure of successive administration’s efforts to negotiate an end to North Korea’s nuclear program.
Later this week, President Trump is going to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Florida.  The eyes of the entire world will be on this summit, because everyone knows that Trump is going to press the Chinese leader for help on resolving the crisis with North Korea.

But what can China actually do?

The Chinese could cut off trade with North Korea, and that would definitely hurt, but North Korean leader Kim Jong Un appears to have become convinced that long range nuclear missiles are the key to the survival of his regime, and so he will never give up his nuclear program.

And the Chinese will certainly not strike North Korea militarily, and so ultimately if something is going to be done to stop North Korea from getting long range nuclear missiles it will be up to the United States.

On Tuesday morning, North Korea once again showed their defiance by firing yet another test missile into the Sea of Japan
The missile was fired from the Sinpo region at 10.40pm GMT (6.10am local time) on the communist nation’s east coast and landed into the sea off the Korean peninsula, South Korean military officials confirmed.
The rocket is believed to have flown around 37 miles before crashing into the sea. Specific details about the type of projectile were not immediately available.
Kim Jong Un conducted more missile tests in 2016 than his father did in nearly two decades.

It has become crystal clear that North Korea is not going to back down.

President Trump is still hoping that China will step up to the plate, but if the Chinese don’t he has already stated that the United States is fully prepared to “act alone”.  In fact, he made headlines all over the planet when he told the Financial Times the following“Well if China is not going to solve North Korea, we will. That is all I am telling you.”
It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out what Trump is saying there.

Previous administrations have tried sanctions and negotiations for decades, and they all failed.

In the end, Trump is going to be faced with a choice whether to bomb North Korea or not, and four-star general Jack Keane says that bombing North Korea “may be the only option left”
A four-star general with close ties to Donald Trump has warned that military strikes are ‘rapidly’ becoming the only solution to North Korea’s nuclear program.
Jack Keane, who declined the President’s offer to become Defense Secretary last year, said bombing Kim Jong-un’s nuclear facilities ‘may be the only option left.’
But bombing North Korea is not like bombing Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria.

The North Koreans already have nuclear weapons, and the U.S. better destroy them all in an overwhelming initial assault, because Kim Jong Un will use any that survive to strike back.

If you doubt this, just consider what a very high level North Korean defector just told Lester Holt of NBC News
A senior North Korean defector has told NBC News that the country’s “desperate” dictator is prepared to use nuclear weapons to strike the United States and its allies.
Thae Yong Ho is the most high profile North Korean defector in two decades, meaning he is able to give a rare insight into the secretive, authoritarian regime.
According to Thae, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is “desperate in maintaining his rule by relying on his [development of] nuclear weapons and ICBM.” He was using an acronym for intercontinental ballistic missiles — a long range rocket that in theory would be capable of hitting the U.S.
North Korea is currently developing an intercontinental ballistic missile known as the “Taepodong 2” that will have a range of approximately 8000 kilometers.

In other words, it would be capable of striking cities in the western portion of the United States.

It is unthinkable that we would allow a tyrannical leader that is literally insane and that is obsessed with destroying the United States to have such a weapon.

But the moment that we start dropping bombs on North Korea we will start a war in which millions could die.  Whatever nuclear weapons are missed in the first assault will likely be fired at U.S. military bases in Japan or at South Korea’s capital city of Seoul.  

Approximately 10 million people live in Seoul, so the death toll would be absolutely enormous.  And even if all North Korean nuclear devices are destroyed by the first attack, the North Koreans still have thousands of artillery guns and rocket launchers trained on Seoul, and they would not hesitate to use their vast stockpile of chemical warheads.

After the initial North Korean barrage, the fourth largest military on the entire planet would start pouring across the border in a massive invasion of South Korea.  The U.S. military would be forced to respond with large scale ground forces if South Korea would have any chance of surviving, and just like in the first Korean War the Chinese may decide to respond to that move by committing their own troops to the war on the side of North Korea.

This is a season of “wars and rumors of wars”, and most Americans have no idea how dangerously close we are to the beginning of World War III.  My hope is that a peaceful way out of this crisis can still be found, but at this point that is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine.

If Donald Trump decides to go to war with North Korea, he needs to hit them with an absolutely overwhelming first strike that takes out every single North Korean nuke, the bulk of North Korea’s artillery and rockets, and the entire North Korean leadership team within the first few minutes of the attack.

It is hard to imagine a scenario that does not involve nukes that would accomplish that.

And Donald Trump better get the public approval of South Korean and Japanese leadership before ever attempting such an attack, because they will likely pay the highest price if North Korea is able to strike back.

If South Korea or Japan balk at backing such an operation and then they get hit by North Korean nukes, the United States could lose them as friends and allies forever.
The stakes are incredibly high, and there are so many things that could go wrong. So let us pray for peace, because the alternative is almost too horrible to imagine.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Haley Accuses UN of Demonizing Israel - CBN News

Haley Accuses UN of Demonizing Israel
CBN News 03-15-2017
America's U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley unleashed a scathing rebuke after the United Nations released a report calling Israel a racist and apartheid state. 
The report was co-authored by scholar Richard Falk who is known for accusing America and her Jewish ally of being colonial empires. The report calls Israel "an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination" and calls on countires to take action against Israel through boycotts and divestments. 
Haley was quick to condem Falk's claims, calling it "anti-Israel propaganda."
"The United States stands with our ally Israel and will continue to oppose biased and anti-Israel actions across the UN system and around the world," Haley said. 
She also called on the United Nations to take action and withdraw the study. 
A spokesperson for U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres distanced him from the controversial report. However, amabassador Haley believes that is not enough and called on the United Nations to completely withdraw the report. 
"That it was drafted by Richard Falk, a man who has repeatedly made biased and deeply offensive comments about Israel and espoused ridiculous conspiracy theories, including about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, is equally unsurprising," Haley said. "The United Nations Secretariat was right to distance itself from this report, but it must go further and withdraw the report altogether."
The report comes at a time when the Trump administration is reconsidering its role in several U.N. programs and taking a bolder pro-Israel stance. The administration is reviewing its membership on on the Human Right Council, which has issued numerous resolutions against Israel while ignoring human rights abuses in countries like Saudi Arabia and Syria. 
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Monday, January 30, 2017

The United States Is On The Precipice Of Widespread Civil Unrest - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

SFO Muslim Ban Protest - Photo by Quinn Norton

Posted: 29 Jan 2017   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

It doesn’t take much of a trigger to push extremely large crowds of very angry protesters into committing acts of rioting and violence.  And rioting and violence can ultimately lead to widespread civil unrest and calls for “revolution”.  The election of Donald Trump was perhaps the single most galvanizing moment for the radical left in modern American history, and we have already seen that a single move by Trump can literally cause protests to erupt from coast to coast within 48 hours.  

On Friday, Trump signed an executive order that banned refugees from Syria indefinitely and that placed a 90 day ban on travel to the United States for citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.  Within hours, protesters began to storm major airports, and by Sunday very large crowds were taking to the streets all over the country
From Seattle to Newark, Houston to Boston, hundreds jammed airport terminals — lawyers, immigration advocates, ordinary citizens compelled to the front lines, many refusing to leave until those who had been detained by U.S. Customs had been freed or had obtained legal counsel.
On Sunday, the movement caught fire and demonstrations and rallies erupted in communities across the U.S. from city halls to airports to parks. In the nation’s capital, the site of the march that drew a crushing 500,000 people Jan. 21, Pennsylvania Avenue was shut down Sunday as thousands trekked from the White House to the U.S. Capitol. An energized crowd stopped outside Trump’s showcase hotel along the avenue to shake fists and chant “shame.”
You can see some really good pictures of the protests going on around the nation right here.
As I was going through articles about these protests today, I remember one woman holding up a sign that said “Remove Trump By Any Means Necessary”.

It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out what she was suggesting.

Visions of violence are dancing in the heads of these very frustrated people, and they are being egged on by top members of Congress such as Chuck Schumer
‘These orders go against what America has always been about,’ Schumer told the crowd in Battery Park according to the New York Daily News. ‘The orders make us less humanitarian, less safe, less American and when it comes to making us less safe people forget this, that’s why so many of our military, intelligence, security, and law enforcement leaders are opposed to this order and all those like it.’
Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Trump’s presidential rival, Hillary, tweeted a picture from the rally. It was captioned: ‘Yes. We will keep standing up for a country that matches our values and ideals for all. #NewYork #NoBanNoWall.’
On Sunday, President Trump attempted to clarify what his executive order was really about and make it clear that it was not a ban on all Muslims.  The following comes from CNN
President Donald Trump insisted Sunday his travel ban on certain Muslim-majority nations would protect the United States from terrorists, after a weekend of outrage and confusion over the move.
In an afternoon statement, Trump wrote the country would continue showing “compassion to those fleeing oppression.”
Unfortunately, polls show that somewhere around a third of the country greatly dislikes Trump, and those people are more than ready to believe that Trump is a racist bigot that hates all Muslims.

But the truth is that Trump does not hate any group of people.  His target is simply Islamic terror, and he is actually pro-immigration as long as it is legal immigration.

Let us not forget that his wife is a legal immigrant.

I know that Trump is quite eager to get things done, but putting out this executive order at this particular moment was definitely a case of poor timing.

We are a nation that is deeply, deeply divided, and now this latest controversy threatens to divide us even further.

When I was out earlier today, I saw a pro-Trump billboard that some business owner had put up that was urging liberals to quit their whining.

On the surface that may sound funny, but it definitely doesn’t do anything to bring us together.

If you give anger enough fuel, eventually it leads to violence.  I am certainly not suggesting that we should ever compromise on what we believe, but what I am suggesting is that there is a wise way to handle things and an unwise way to handle things.

Someday, widespread civil unrest is going to sweep across the United States and major American cities will burn.

My hope is that we can put this off for as long as possible.

In fact, I sincerely hope that this will not happen at all during the Trump/Pence era.
But you would have to be blind not to see the hate, anger and frustration that are all growing like cancer in the hearts of our young people.

This is a time for the peacemakers.  If there are any left in Washington, we need them to rise up now and try to bring healing before it is too late.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Employment Boom: 10 Companies That Have Promised To Add Jobs In The United States Since Trump Was Elected - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Hiring - Public Domain

Posted: 23 Jan 2017   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

One of the primary things that Trump’s presidency will be judged upon is his ability to encourage the creation of good paying jobs for American workers, and so far the results have been quite promising.  Since Trump’s surprise election victory in November, a whole bunch of companies have either promised to bring jobs back into the country or have pledged to create new ones.  Ultimately time will tell if those jobs actually materialize, but for the moment there is a tremendous amount of optimism in the air.  In fact, I don’t know if we have ever seen anything quite like this at the beginning of a new presidency. 

The following are 10 companies that have promised to add jobs in the United States since the election of Donald Trump…

#1 Kroger says that it intends to fill 10,000 permanent positions in the United States this year.

#2 IBM has announced that it will be hiring an additional 25,000 workers in the United States over the next four years.

#3 Foxconn is considering setting up a 7 billion dollar plant in the United States that would create between 30,000 and 50,000 jobs.

#4 has pledged to add 100,000 full-time jobs in the United States by mid-2018.

#5 Wal-Mart has announced that it plans to add approximately 10,000 retail jobs in the United States in 2017.

#6 Sprint has announced that 5,000 jobs will be brought back to the United States instead of going overseas.

#7 After meeting with Trump, the CEO of SoftBank stated his intention to create 50,000 new jobs in the United States.

#8 After a phone call from Trump, industrial manufacturing giant Carrier promised to keep hundreds of jobs in the United States instead of moving them out of the country.

#9 Hyundai has promised to spend 3.1 billion dollars supporting their current factories in Georgia and Alabama, and they have said that they are now considering adding an additional factory in the United States as well.

#10 GM has pledged to invest a billion dollars in U.S. factories and to add or keep 7,000 jobs in the United States.

Unlike most politicians, so far Donald Trump seems determined to actually keep many of the promises that he made during the campaign.  And on Monday he kept a very important promise by pulling the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  If you are not familiar with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the following is a pretty good summary  from USA Today
The TPP is a comprehensive trade agreement among 12 Pacific Rim countries, not including China, that was signed last year by President Obama after seven years of negotiation. But the Senate had not yet ratified it. The 30-chapter pact, which also needed to be ratified by other countries before Trump’s order Monday, primarily aims to boost exports, remove tariffs and non-tariff  barriers, open access to more markets and usher in transparency in trade rules.
The 12 nations that were to be included in the Trans-Pacific Partnership collectively account for approximately 40 percent of global GDP.  So it was going to be a very big deal, and it is something that Barack Obama had been working on for many years.
But with one stroke of a pen it is over, and as I will explain below that is a very good thing.
Trump is also promising to keep his pledge to renegotiate NAFTA
On Nafta, Trump said Sunday that he’ll meet with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto to begin discussing the deal, which he has routinely blamed for the loss of U.S. jobs although there was little change to employment in the U.S. in several years after it went into effect. Trump signaled that he’s willing to work with the U.S.’s closest neighbors.
“We’re going to start renegotiating on Nafta, on immigration, and on security at the border,” Trump said at the start of a swearing-in ceremony for top White House staff. “I think we’re going to have a very good result for Mexico, for the United States, for everybody involved. It’s really very important.”
Nobody is suggesting that we shouldn’t trade with the rest of the world, but what Donald Trump understands that so many other politicians do not is that many of these “free trade deals” have been extremely destructive to the U.S. economy.

For years, we have been buying far, far more from the rest of the world than they have been buying from us.  As a result of our massive trade deficits, there has been a continual flow of cash, jobs and businesses leaving the country.

Over the past several decades, formerly great manufacturing cities such as Detroit have been reduced to urban hellholes.  Meanwhile, China has become exceedingly wealthy and gleaming new factories have sprouted like mushrooms in their major cities.

This didn’t happen by accident.

Bad decisions lead to bad results.  And if we had kept on doing the same things, we would have continued to systematically impoverish our nation.

For more than seven years, I have been hammering home the message that our trade policies have been absolutely killing us.  So I am quite thankful that we finally have a president that understands these things.

Of course there is much more to fixing our economy than just addressing our trade deals.  As I discussed yesterday, our rapidly growing debt is becoming a major crisis, and that is going to present quite a challenge for Trump.

But for the moment, we should definitely celebrate the fact that Trump has gotten us out of the TPP and that he plans to renegotiate NAFTA.

Donald Trump understands business, and it is going to be fascinating to watch how a businessman handles the position of the presidency.  It has only been a few days, but already some of his former critics seem to be coming around a little bit.  For instance, just consider what Mark Cuban is saying
The Dallas Mavericks owner and entrepreneur is “playing it by ear” when it comes to the effect President Donald Trump’s policies will have on the stock market. But he thinks there’s possible upside.
“I think the discussed economic programs are potentially a big plus for public companies and the overall economy,” Mr. Cuban said in an e-mail Mondaymorning.
The potential policies Mr. Cuban is optimistic about: corporate tax cuts; getting rid of the “friction” for small businesses; and reducing and simplifying administrative activities.
Considering our current trajectory and the immense amount of long-term damage that was done during the Obama years, it is hard to be optimistic about the future of the U.S. economy.

However, I am certainly willing to give Donald Trump a chance to show what he can do.
At least he is doing things differently than his predecessors did, and that is to be greatly applauded because the road that we were on clearly would have ended in economic oblivion.
We may very well end up there anyway, but there is certainly nothing wrong with being hopeful that Trump can somehow turn things around.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Stephen Powell: "Don't Allow the Enemy to Take My Ravens Out of the Church!" - The Elijah List

Stephen Powell: "Don't Allow the Enemy to Take My Ravens Out of the Church!"

The Elijah List
Dec 9, 2016

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a "wow" word full of prophetic'll be at the "edge of your seat" so to speak, as you read through it. Stephen Powell is an upcoming voice in the prophetic and his words are hitting like arrows as you read through them.
Stephen writes a potent article about finances, the economy and how the Church needs to respond in this hour. Stephen shares here:
"Manage wisely, but make decrees. Expect the miraculous even in your money, and I will cause the windows of Heaven to open in your life and cause My face to shine upon you even through these windows," says the Lord.
Now pull up a chair and get ready to be really encouraged and full of expectation of what the Lord is doing through His Kingdom finances! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
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Preserving the Ravens of God
"And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there." (1 Ki. 17:4)
God says, "The enemy is trying to take the ravens out of the Church." Ravens represent supernatural provision (see 1 Ki. 17:4). Even though we can make money and prosper according to laws of economics in the earth, there is a higher way, a higher culture, that the Church is connected to called the economy of Heaven. Ultimately, all of the economies of the earth are subject to this economy, even though many are not aware of it.
Whole nations have risen and fallen on supernatural culture giving because this culture, which has these supernatural acts, are beyond the natural. They are of the eternal Kingdom, and when they are inserted into the earth's matrix by faith, all other economies are subject to them.
When God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, He blessed them tremendously even with the bounty of that land. They came out loaded with camels, livestock, gold, silver and precious stones. They plundered the enemy (Ex. 12:35)! But almost immediately they began to manifest the Egypt in their hearts by pouring their resources into an idol (Ex. 32:4).
"So it is in the world today. Resources flow to build what's in the heart of the nations! So be prepared to see more Apostolic Kingdom-building in the days to come than we've ever seen before, because the light of God's glory will continue to break through into the hearts of mankind, even kings and men of influence," says the Lord!
Israel had a Moses, and God has still blessed His Church and His world with many like Moses— many who will go up on the mount at times even without food and water and without the most basic needs to plead on behalf of God's people. These people have stood in the gap and cried for a better tomorrow.
"They have not cried in vain," says the Lord. Their cries have been heard for many long years and God is bringing grace in ways we cannot even see or comprehend. For where there is gross darkness—even deep error and sin—grace does much more abound in these areas, for darkness doesn't stand a chance against the light! (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
God's Miracles and Provision Are His Pleasure
Moses began to establish the nation in righteousness and justice and many of the laws of the Kingdom of God while governing in the earth. Many of these principles—these Kingdom revelations—although being refined through the person of Christ and His Gospel of grace, will forever remain because God's Laws and Kingdom are eternal.
In this establishing, Moses called for the building of a structure which God gave the blueprint for through the heavenly vision (Ex. 25:9). He called for the linens, the badger skins, the dyed garments, the bronze, the stones, the precious metals and the gold. He called for the wealth which God had given even in the form of seed. This was Kingdom government and order being established by God's people even through lavish giving. Listen to the extraordinary account of this scenario unfold in the book of Exodus.
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"The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the Lord commanded to be done." Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: "No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary." And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work."(Ex.36:5-7 NIV)
This is an apostolic foundation even for a nation state; one nation under God being poured into through supernatural giving.
The Lord would say unto the Church, "Don't allow the enemy to take My ravens out of the Church. Some of your teachers have told you to put away the ravens and not to let them out. They say, 'You're a fool if you believe in financial miracles, you're a fool if you think seriously about such things as gold and glory.' But I would say unto you, 'Did not your Lord, Jesus Christ, say unto His disciples to pay the taxes due unto Caesar but then turned around and command that the tax be paid supernaturally by the mouth of the fish? Did not I shift the heavens to bring down quail and manna in the midst of My people; in the midst of their wanderings? Am I not the God of the supernatural that takes delight in it?"(Photo via Pixabay)
The Lord would say, "I'm telling My people to be good stewards and open up your windows, Malachi's windows, so the ravens can find their home in your life. Manage with wisdom but expect the God of miracles to send the ravens. This is My pleasure," says the Lord.
"And as you learn to find taxes in the fish's mouth, flesh in the raven's beak, even honey in the lion, I will bring more fish, more birds, more beasts with the earth's sweetness—even the wealth of the land. This is a key to moving beyond the earth's economy into My supernatural economy of Heaven," says the Lord!
"Manage wisely, but make decrees. Expect the miraculous even in your money, and I will cause the windows of Heaven to open in your life and cause My face to shine upon you even through these windows," says the Lord.
"Each window has an angel assigned. But if you don't work with the angels by embracing the economy they work in, they will move onto another that opens the window for them, even with their faith and agreement," says the Lord.
New Apostolic Foundations for Nations
There were many wonderful things that our nation, the United States, was built on. At the nation's founding we saw apostolic fathers arising and making the foundation of this nation into an altar of sacrifice. This being similar to the foundation for Solomon's reign which was founded in sacrifice (1 Ki. 3:4).
It's a matter of history that many of our founding fathers gave vast sums of their wealth away, giving into the cause of the revolution, sacrificially giving to establish the foundation of a new nation (1). Many of these fathers gave their lives for the love of something, which they received from God. They gave so much because of the the hope that God gave them—that liberty and freedom might reign in this new world!
The Lord says, "I'm bringing together apostolic fathers again, not just in the Church but in nation and state. They will break up the old foundations that offend and pour new strength into the Constitution even into your foundation as a nation to stand and trust God once again for our greatest days. This foundation will undoubtedly be built on truth. And not a convenient truth, but a tried truth, a proven truth, a loving truth," says the Lord.
"The people who pour it and the people who build it will be good for their word. For it will be a striking trait of this new apostolic company of government reformers. They will keep their word, even with grace to carry it through. There is rising a greater part with you, for the giving of the word, and the 'yes' and 'amen' that comes with it.
"This will build impeccable character and rapport with the people. They will continue to be less touchable, even in many ways beyond previous reproaches that so weighed down previous teams. But in standing in truth they will be strengthened by the God of truth, and they will effectively lay the foundation for America's new day even pave the way for the greatest harvest with love, sweat and tears for this nation," says the Lord! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Love & Blessings,
Stephen Powell
Lion of Light Ministries

Stephen Powell is an Itinerant Minister commissioned under Steve Toliver of "Abundance of Rain Ministries", and is an Associate Revivalist through "Fresh Fire Ministries" under Todd Bentley. When he was a teenager God began to visit Stephen in powerful encounters in the Secret Place during extended seasons of fasting and prayer which has released a deep and tangible anointing in his life! Stephen's passion is to perpetuate revival culture where ever he goes and continue to walk in greater demonstrations of intimacy, power and glory with Jesus! He currently resides in Fort Mill, South Carolina with his wife and four children, and serves on Todd Bentley's Senior Apostolic Board.
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