Friday, October 28, 2016

Spreading the 'Good' Lies Friday, October 28, 2016 | Chris Moxon ISRAEL TODAY

Spreading the 'Good' Lies

Friday, October 28, 2016 |  Chris Moxon  ISRAEL TODAY

Want more news from Israel?
Britain’s Lichfield Cathedral has hosted a conference with the intention of ‘Holding Palestine in the Light’.
But instead, an avalanche of familiar bias aimed at undermining and delegitimizing Israel was presented by a panel of intellectuals, including the Dean of St George’s Cathedral in Jerusalem, Hosam Nahoum, who suggested that the Palestinians were converted to Christianity at Pentecost 2,000 years ago.
This of course flies in the face of the biblical record which makes it clear that the early Christians were entirely Jewish, though this included a small number of converts (to Judaism).
He later admitted that, in services, he and other Palestinians try to avoid the Old Testament (what Jews call the Tenach) and does not use the Psalms as they are “Israel-friendly”.
His interviewer, Jane Clements[1], even confessed that she finds it very hard to say “This is the word of the Lord” (in formal Anglican tradition) after reading some passages of the Bible which, she said, “patently isn’t the word of God”.
And yet the Old Testament is the scripture Jesus knew and loved – he even said he had come, not to abolish the Law (of Moses), but to fulfill it, as in ‘live it out’. (Matthew 5.17)
He denies, however, that his view amounts to Replacement Theology, the belief in some Christian circles that the Church has replaced Israel in God’s purposes and affections.
Yet so-called ‘Christian Zionism’ was described by the host – the Very Rev Adrian Dorber (dean of the cathedral) – as a “pernicious doctrine” when the panel was discussing the impact of evangelical Christianity on Israeli politicians.
Some of the greatest Christians of the past few centuries – men like John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, William Wilberforce, Lord Shaftesbury and Rees Howells – have indeed encouraged and supported Jewish aspirations to resettle their ancient homeland. And they were right to do so because the Bible prophets clearly speak of such an outcome.
And, yes, these wonderful Christian leaders influenced the government of the day to help bring this about. Hence the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that paved the way for Jewish repatriation. (Lord Balfour, the Foreign Secretary, effectively gave a promise that the British Government would do all in its power to facilitate a re-born state of Israel).
Professor Ilan Pappe, a secular Jew, then made the astonishing claim that Zionist leaders plotted the pogroms and expulsions of Jews from Arab countries following Israel’s re-birth in order to increase the new state’s population because “not many Jews from Europe wanted to go there”.
He also said that Jewish students in the UK identifying with Israel can expect pressure, and noted that every synagogue holds weekly prayers for Israel, which renders them “vulnerable”.
Actually, praying for Israel is a biblical command, even for Christians (e.g. Psalm 122.6 & Isaiah 62.6).
In short, much of the discussion bordered on the absurd, such as Professor Yossi Meckleberg’s[2] statement that “there can be no thriving Israeli economy without peace, no democracy without peace, no security without peace…”
The situation, however, seems to be that Israel does indeed have democracy and a thriving economy despite a lack of peace.
In conclusion, the Lichfield dean felt obliged to defend discussing the “grubby world” of politics in a church setting as “sanctified disputation” which “redounds to the glory of God and is deep within the tradition of being an English cathedral”.
It is difficult to see how some of the secular, non-believing, obviously biased participants were engaging in ‘sanctified disputation’. More like anti-Semitism dressed up in Christian piety.
For full article see blog page

  1. Jane Clements is director of CCJ, the Council of Christians and Jews ↩
  2. A professor at Regent’s College, London  ↩
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Actor Denzel Washington speaks at the Carousel of Hope Ball in Beverly Hills, California. (REUTERS/David McNew)

Denzel Washington: God 'Had Faith in Me'


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Did you know that Hollywood actor Denzel Washington considered becoming a Christian pastor?
According to Faithwire, the A-list actor whose father was a Pentecostal minister thought about preaching despite hating church as a child. Today, Washington has no qualms about his Christian faith. He has been a member of the West Angeles Church of God in Christ for over 30 years and professed that he prays and reads the Bible every day
Washington recalled from his childhood, "Because we had to go to church, I hated it. ... I rejected it in my early teen years, when you're working stuff out." Additionally, due to his father's pastoral role, Washington was barred from watching most Western films. Thus the only movies from his childhood he remembers are Bible epics such as King of Kings and The Ten Commandments.
Despite his sheltered childhood, Washington has held roles in a dynamic collection of films including American GangsterThe Equalizer and Training Day.
And of course, he no longer shies away from Christianity, and instead is quick to identify the impact it has had on his life. At a Christian charity event in St. Louis, Missouri, Washington attested, "There's never been a time (when) God didn't direct, protect and correct me."
Washington's career aspirations ranged from studying pre-med, to political science and pre-law, to journalism, before he finally settled on acting. A Christianity Today article reported that Washington "chooses roles that he can bend in the direction of a positive message or a reflection of his deep personal faith."
"Give thanks for blessings every day. Everyday. Embrace gratitude. Encourage others. It is impossible to be grateful and hateful at the same time," Washington remarked at a charity event.
What a refreshing message from a man who lives out his Christian faith despite the secular influence of Hollywood. 
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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Melania and Donald Trump's Biggest Prayer Request - CBN News David Brody

Melania and Donald Trump's Biggest Prayer Request
CBN News  David Brody
WASHINGTON -- The Trump family has a new place to stay on Pennsylvania Avenue.
No, not that one… but the new Trump International Hotel. The Republican presidential candidate took credit for opening the doors under budget and ahead of schedule.
He's hoping that accomplishment can translate to success on the campaign trail but most national pollsters see trouble ahead for him.
Meanwhile, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is making a play for traditional Republican states, a strategy Trump tells CBN News she may want to rethink.
"You know Hillary wants to run up the score on you? Democrats might be a little cocky," CBN News Chief Political Correspondent David Brody said.
"I don't think they're cocky anymore. Now it looks like we're leading Florida, could be leading Florida big," Trump responded. 
"They are out playing in Arizona and Utah," Brody said. 
"I think we're doing very well in Arizona. I mean, we'll speak in two weeks and see what happens," Trump said.
Some recent polls show Trump possibly closing the gap. Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told CBN's Jenna Browder she's confident.
"I believe that we will win. I believe that the country is calling, urging for true change not just talking about it in polls," Conway explained. "Seventy-five percent of Americans now say that they want to take the country in a new and different direction. That's an unmistakable endorsement and frankly an unmistakeable mandate."
If Trump hopes to pull this off, he needs one key ingredient and a lot of it.  A source inside the Republican National Committee says it would take at least 80 percent of the evangelical vote to put him in the White House.
"Is it about the base at this point to make sure evangelicals who are a big part of the base that they get out? Because do you believe evangelicals are the ones that kind of brought you to the dance and they are the ones that are going to get you over the top?" Brody asked.
"Well, we're doing very well with evangelicals and if they vote, we're going to win the election…had they voted four years ago, and they didn't, you would have had a different result in the election instead of having Obama who has been catastrophic for evangelicals and a lot of the things that we stand for," Trump urged.
"What is your message to those that are on the fence and aren't sure?" Brody asked. 
"I just want the people to remember: United States Supreme Court. Whether they love me or like me or don't like me, we're going to put great justices, pro-life justices, we're going to put Second Amendment justices and I think for the evangelicals it's so important that they get out and vote," Trump reiterated.
Trump's wife Melania clearly understands the connection between this voting bloc and her husband's chance at success. 

"We want to thank them for their support of my husband. We believe in them. We're standing with them and we will be strong for them," she reassured.
Melania Trump has also shown strength in dealing with a media she says has it in for her husband.
"We saw very dishonest and not fair reporting without checking facts and it's really damaging and hurtful and it's unfair," she reflected.
Trump also adds fuel to the fire when he goes off script.
"Who is the real Donald Trump? We've seen different versions appear on the campaign trail at times," Brody asked. 
"Well, whatever you see that's what he is. He's a fighter, he's the best deal maker… He has days that he really feels that he needs to fight, fight for himself and that's how he will fight for the American people," Melania explained.

As the calendar turns toward November, this fight is coming to an end and Clinton wants to finish strong.
"You know, with 13 days left in this election we cannot stop for a minute. No complacency here," Clinton encouraged supporters.
You can bet Trump won't be complacent in these last days. His team is looking above as the homestretch approaches.
"What do you need prayer for?" Brody asked. 
"Well, we always say health, that's the most important because if you have health, you keep going and keep fighting," Melania replied.
Mike Huckabee with Donald Trump
"I would say I would like them to pray for guidance and to pray for our country because we need prayer now almost more than we've ever needed it before," Trump responded.
It's safe to say a big prayer will go up when this race finally comes to an end.
*CBN neither supports nor opposes any candidate for public office.

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Where from here? 22 years ago today, Jordan signed an historic peace treaty with Israel.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Where from here? 22 years ago today, Jordan signed an historic peace treaty with Israel. Will other Arab countries follow? A few thoughts.

by joelcrosenberg
(Central Israel) -- One of my regrets in life is that I never had the opportunity to meet Jordan's King Hussein, truly one of the most courageous and compassionate Arab leaders of the 20th century.
Twenty-two years ago today -- on October 26, 1994 -- Hussein made history by signing a peace treaty with the State of Israel. In so doing, Hussein became only the second Sunni Arab Muslim leader to do so.
The first, of course, was President Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt, another of the great Arab leaders of our age.
Which Arab state will be next? What Arab leader will follow the lead of Sadat and Hussein in making peace with the Jewish State? And when?
Admittedly, I'm not holding my breath. Nor should you. But as I've been writing about on this blog for some time, there are, in fact, signs of encouraging behind-the-scenes cooperation between Israel and the Sunni Arab world, including a number of intriguing public meetings between prominent Israeli and Saudi notables. Why? In part because a growing number of Arab leaders in the region now recognize that the true existential threat to them is not the presence of a sovereign Jewish State but rather Iran's menacing nuclear program and the genocidal, apocalyptic ambitions of the Islamic State.
King Hussein knew full well that he was taking an enormous risk when he signed the historic peace accord with then-Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin during an elaborate ceremony that was overseen by President Bill Clinton, held on the Israeli-Jordanian border, attended by some 4,500 guests.
Hussein had grown up in the bubbling cauldron that is the modern Middle East. As a teenager, he was standing at the side of his grandfather, King Abdullah I, when Abdullah was brutally assassinated by a Palestinian radical just outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in the summer of 1951. Over the next four decades, Hussein survived literally dozens of plots against his life, including the effort by Yasser Arafat and the PLO to overthrow him in 1970 (what became known as "Black September.") Hussein also knew all too well how his friend, Sadat, was cruelly assassinated by Islamic jihadists in 1981, just two years after Egypt made peace with Israel.
Yet remarkably, twenty-two years ago today, Hussein made the decision to proceed anyway, knowing all the history and all the threats and all the risks. He thus demonstrated his extraordinary wisdom and impressive drive to bring peace and prosperity and stability and opportunity to the people of Jordan.
Today, seventeen years after Hussein's untimely death from cancer, the Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty still holds. Why? Much of the credit goes to the equally-extraordinary leadership of his son, King Abdullah II, who continues to follow in his father's impressive footsteps, steadily seeking to improve the quality of life for all Jordanians, while navigating ever-turbulent regional storms.
Indeed, Abdullah II seems born for this challenging moment. He strikes me as uniquely qualified to protect his kingdom from all threats foreign and domestic, and build on his father's legacy of moderation, tolerance and strength, as a I wrote earlier this spring when Lynn and I had the humbling honor of visiting with His Majesty in Amman.
Today, thank God, Israel and Jordan are working quietly but closely on security, intelligence, agricultural, economic and energy matters. They are also working closely with other Sunni Arab countries like Egypt, the Saudis and the Gulf emirates on vital security issues, most notably the fight against ISIS and the effort to protect the region from emboldened Iranian aggression.
What's more, just last month Israel and Jordan signed a 15-year, $10 billion agreement in which Israel will provide natural gas it is drilling in the Mediterranean to the kingdom at low prices. Some Jordanians are protesting the agreement, but it really is a win-win for both sides. Jordan is the first country to whom Israel has agreed to export its natural gas, and the deal will help the Hashemite Kingdom "$600 million a year from the state's energy bill."
Of course, the pressures on Egypt and Jordan to distance themselves from Israel, even to abandon their treaties, are enormous. Both Radical Islamists and Apocalyptic Islamists see Jordanian and Egyptian leaders as apostates, betrayers of the cause, and seek to bring them down as rapidly and violently as possible. Such are some of the themes in my most recent series of novels, The Third Target and The First Hostage. Such issues also play a significant element in my forthcoming thriller, Without Warning (though I'm not ready to go into any detail yet).
Israelis, Jordanians and Egyptians have been enormously blessed by these peace treaties. Without continuous war amongst us, we have all seen our economies grow and our children pursue their education and their dreams in a far better way than they could have. True, a fair and compassionate agreement must still be forged between Israelis and Palestinians -- and for this I pray every day. I hope you do, too.
But on this day when we remember the signing of the Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty (and its predecessor between Israel and Egypt), let us be likewise committed to standing with Jordan's King Abdullah II and Egypt's President el-Sisi. Let us be praying for them and their governments and their people. Let us be praying for peace, stability, and economic growth for Jordan and Egypt.
For if the jihadists succeed and Jordan and Egypt become destabilized, this would have catastrophic consequences for the region and the world. Such is the nightmare scenario I pray we only read about in novels, not see play out in real life.
[PHOTO: Front page of the New York Times reporting on the signing of the Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty in 1994; and a photo of Jordan's King Hussein sharing a smoke with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.]
joelcrosenberg | October 27, 2016 at 11:30 am | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Sing a Little Louder (Persecuted Church) - short video

Sing a Little Louder (Persecuted Church) - short video

Published on Nov 12, 2015

Inspired by the true story of an elderly man who in his youth witnessed the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust from the pews of his Church, Sing a Little Louder provides a stunning message for the twenty-first century and a revelation of the genocides that continue to exist today. From the creators of the viral hit Test of Fire, Sing a Little Louder seeks to embrace a culture of life and freedom. Join us and learn more at

WATCH: Trump Tells GOP Jerusalem Rally He’ll “Make US, Israel Safe Again” - JNS BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Donald Trump addresses the Jerusalem event by video. (Screenshot)

WATCH: Trump Tells GOP Jerusalem Rally He’ll “Make US, Israel Safe Again”

“Pray for the peace of Yerushalayim; may they prosper that love thee.” Psalms 122:6 (The Israel Bible™)
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told a rally in Jerusalem held by Republican supporters he will make “America and Israel safe again.”
On Wednesday evening, hundreds of Israeli Trump supporters gathered in a Jerusalem restaurant overlooking the Old City in an event titled “Jerusalem Forever,” organized by the Republicans Overseas Israel. The event came just hours after UNESCO voted on a second resolution ignoring Jewish and Christian ties to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City.

“I love Israel and honor and respect the Jewish tradition, and it’s important we have a president who feels the same way,” Trump said in the minute-long video message.
“My administration will stand side-by-side with the Jewish people and Israel’s leaders to continue strengthening the bridges that connect, not only Jewish Americans and Israelis, but also all Americans and Israelis,” he added. “Together we will stand up to enemies, like Iran, bent on destroying Israel and her people. Together we will make America and Israel safe again.”
Do you agree the Jewish people have a Biblical right to Jerusalem?
Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, also recorded a video message for the event, and spoke about the common threats Israel and the U.S. face.
“Donald Trump and I stand with Israel because Israel’s fight is our fight, because Israel’s cause is our case,” Pence said. “Like the U.S., Israel is hated by terrorists and the failed states that support them. She is hated by too many progressives because she is successful and her people are free.”

Ancient Papyrus Again Proves Israel's Biblical History - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

Ancient Papyrus Again Proves Israel's Biblical History

Thursday, October 27, 2016 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
Bible scholar and Israel Prize winner Shmuel Ahituv on Wednesday revealed a rare papyrus fragment in which Jerusalem is mentioned. The papyrus was obtained in an undisclosed manner through the theft prevention division of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The ancient parchment has been dated to the 7th century BCE, which makes it one of only three papyri documents from that era.
The document from the First Temple period, of which only two lines of ancient Hebrew script have survived, is a dispatch regarding a gift of wine "to Jerusalem." The text itself reads: “[hand]maid of the king, from Na'arata, wineskins, wine, to Jerusalem.” The city of Na'arata, or Naarah is mentioned in Joshua 16:7. The gift of wine was sent either to King Manasseh, King Amon or King Josiah - who reigned during this period.
Prof. Ahituv emphasized that "not only is this papyrus the most ancient external biblical source that mentions Jerusalem in Hebrew script, but also, until now, no papyrus documents from the First Temple period have been found in the Land of Israel except one from Murabat creek." The papyrus also draws attention to high-ranking women in the Judean administration.
Eitan Klein from the IAA theft prevention division said that "this document is a rare testimony to orderly administration in the Kingdom of Judea. The document highlights the centrality of Jerusalem as the economic capital of the kingdom in the first half of the 7th century BCE."
IAA head Israel Hason said that this papyrus points to the possibility that "more findings of great importance to our heritage are waiting to be discovered in the Judean desert. World heritage artifacts are being robbed daily … Israel should allocate the resources for a historic operation of methodic excavation in all the caves of the Judean desert."
Minister of Culture and Education Miri Regev said that the discovery of the papyrus "upon which the name of our capital Jerusalem is in full display is yet further testimony that Jerusalem was and will forever be the capital of the Jewish people … even if UNESCO ratifies its unfortunate decision ten times over."
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Holy Spirit Uses These 4 Methods to Guide You in His Will - J.D. KING CHARISMA MAGAZINE

This is a rhythm and pattern to growing in the Holy Spirit.

This is a rhythm and pattern to growing in the Holy Spirit. (Rosan Harmens)

Holy Spirit Uses These 4 Methods to Guide You in His Will

Spirit-Led Woman
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I had a vigorous discussion with a colleague the other day. Reflecting on some of the deeper realities of God, our conversation pivoted into an exploration of how life-change happens.
I think that most everyone is interested in spiritual growth. Yet, how does the desired maturation actually transpire? What is it that elicits this transformation?
My friend and I discussed the fact that God can effectively operate in a myriad of ways. As you probably know, the architect of the cosmos has never been limited by means or methods. I love the fact that His benevolent actions are often characterized by intense displays of imagination and wonder.
Nevertheless, in the midst of all of this, there are particular approaches that seem to be utilized more than others. There are certain avenues of engagement that more readily come to the forefront.
In the following article, I would like to point out some prominent ways that personal development takes place. My friend and I talked about this subject at length, and now I would like to briefly discuss it with you.
Here are four ways that life-change happens:
1. Revelation
Encountering foundational truths from God's Word is a catalyst for personal transformation. As kingdom precepts are accessed, our perspective widens, and we begin to observe previously overlooked realities. Revelation enables us to hear and see. This illumination, not only ignites the imagination, but it also becomes an invitation for exploration.
Disclosing some of God's inexplicable mysteries, Solomon, the sage, declared: "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter" (Prov. 25:2).
2. Encounter
Through heaven's reverberating glory, the sons and daughters of the Most High are uniquely positioned for the future. Divine encounters often become the impetus for identity and advancement. As a touch from God is encountered, we not only discover His goodness and glory, but we also find our place in a family. One brief moment with God can utterly transform the bitter and the broken.
From time to time, we need to be reminded of Jesus' desire for engagement. He said, "I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).
3. Connection
Experiences of revelation and encounter bring us into edifying connections with fellow sojourners. As "family members" begin to "do life" with each other, we come into sync with healthy rhythms and patterns. Despite claims to the contrary, everyone was uniquely designed for connection. I understand that relationships can wound, but they can also heal.
Many of the answers we seek are woven into the tensions of community. The writer of Hebrews exclaims: "And let us consider how to spur one another to love and to good works" (Heb. 10:24).
4. Activation
It isn't adequate to only know and feel. We were also formed to express the unfathomable mysteries of the kingdom. Often what's needed the most will not be evident until the dormant gifts of God are activated. Many are waiting for the river to part before they advance, not realizing that the waters will never recede until they make the first step.
Sometimes the answer is found in casting off the constraints of the past and boldly pursuing our inheritance. "Therefore, since we are encompassed with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us" (Heb. 12:1). 
J.D. Kingdirector of the World Revival Network and co-pastor at World Revival Church, is writing Regeneration: Healing in the History of ChristianityKing is a sought-after speaker, writer and author. Learn about J.D. King's book that is currently in the final stages of development: Regeneration: Healing In the History of Christianity
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