Friday, June 7, 2013

The Lions Roars (Vol. 18) - Karla Shrake - "Who Will Build With Me, As Noah Did?"

A Prophetic Newsletter
By Karla Shrake

June 6, 2013  Volume 18

Click here to subscribe to The Lion Roars Newsletter:

"And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His camp is Very Great,
For Strong is he who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11

"I am Calling and Commissioning Noahs - Who Will Build With Me in this Late Hour?" asks your Father"

by Karla Shrake June 6, 2013

Pt. II of "He is Readying Us to Rule and Reign"

"For surely long ago I spoke to you about the last days, the days of My Son's return and how they would be like the days of Noah. Know that in My goodness I always have an ark - a way of escape - for those seeking truth and life. In the days of My servant Noah it was an ark of gopher wood and pitch that provided the way of escape through the deep flood waters. In your day I need many centers, many ark-centers that are built and established upon the saving and rescuing blood of Jesus."

Ark Refuge Live-In Centers:

"I need places to bind up the wounded and heal the brokenhearted. I am pouring out much grace in this hour My people, therefore I need containers and structures that I can pour this grace into so it can be accessed by the masses who so desperately need it. I have begun developing rescue-centers that will serve as prototypes for others to follow, but there is much left to be built and established. I am calling My people to create ark-centers, even cities of refuge in every region so they will be readily available to those who have need of them."

"Where are My Noah-Builders who will partner with Me in the greatest harvest of all time?" asks your Father.

Many Coming In Soon:

"For there are many who will be coming into My kingdom in a very short time," explains your Father, "and many will need a place to rest their weary heads and souls. I desire to raise up centers of healing, deliverance and housing, for it is not enough for the wounded and the needy to attend services, they need to have places to live where they are loved and restored to wholeness and strength. They need a place to be discipled in how to live daily life as an overcomer.

A Place to be Discipled:

I desire to manifest to these in need not only through the preaching of My Word, but also through the truth lived out in daily life, relationships, in marriages and families. As these broken ones come into wholeness they will in turn become mighty warriors who will have great anointing, wisdom and authority over the enemy who seeks to rob, kill and destroy mankind. Their healing is part of the foundation of their equipping for the great exploits I have planned for them."

"Where are those who have My heart of compassion for the lost and hurting? Who will build with Me and for Me," asks the Father of mercy. "Who will yield to Me and labor with Me in this all-important mission?"


"I not only want to offer food for the hungry and clothing for the naked, I also want to offer healing for sick bodies and souls. I am now beginning to pour out My delivering power as never before in the history of mankind and I need many Noahs to partner with Me in the liberation of multitudes of captives. The evil powers of this day have locked up many in dark dungeons of deception, delusion and despair, but know that I am throwing new mantles of Noah upon those whom I have called and am now commissioning for these mercy-missions." 

"Just as the animals followed Noah into the ark so will many souls follow you into the ark in this uncertain hour. From before the foundation of the world the ark of salvation was prepared - as the Lamb was slain for the sins of all," comforts your Father.

"In his day My servant Noah preached faithfully for 120 years and not one soul turned toward Me. But you My last-day Noahs will see the greatest harvests of all time as I bring them in just as I brought my animal kingdom into the ark in Noah's day. The animals came in two by two and in sevens as I instructed, in all types and species.

Master-Plan for each Region:

"As leaders in each region inquire of Me I will begin to unfold the master plan for your area. Each center is to be designed according to the region's unique characteristics and needs," explains your Father-Planner. "These centers will be hospitals for sick bodies, sick souls and sick families. 

I am very eager to pour out supernatural signs and wonders as never before. I am restoring all things as prophesied by My prophets Joel, Malachi, Jeremiah and others and I am needing willing vessels, agents of My mighty restoration power, to not only rescue lost souls but to also love them with My love and bring them into complete and total wholeness and soundness in every way."

"The last day storms are increasing, so quickly help the lost find their way back home" pleads the merciful Father.

Redemption Glory:

"For those who are obedient to hear My voice in the details of each center's design and purpose, you will see Me begin to pour out an abiding glory that will overshadow and redeem all that the enemy has tried to ravage and destroy in mankind. Centers of joy and new life in My resurrection power!" laughs your jubilant Father-Rescuer-Provider. "Redemption centers, reclaiming souls that some have deemed as hopeless. But I AM the Living Hope and My redemption lives and the power of My glory is ever-increasing!"

"My covenant faithfulness awaits each Noah-team as I pour out My latter-day glory," promises your Abba.

Abba Provides for Ark-Centers:

"Noah-teams.......My eyes are upon you...I am with you to build and to move forward into all I've put in your heart. As you yield, listen and obey My instructions be assured I will provide for the building and sustenance of the ark-center, even as I provided long ago for Noah the gopher wood, pitch, and the needed helpers.

Abba Provides for Noahs:

"I not only supplied for the building of the ark, but I also provided for Noah and all his household.....for most assuredly I provide for My faithful ones and for those who are about My critical last-day rescue business, for it is very dear to My heart as precious souls are gathered into My bosom," consoles your Father. "My heart longs for all tribes, nations, peoples and cultures of the world to come in to the ark of safety while there is still time."

Davidic Warriors,

Warm greetings to all of you! It is encouraging and strengthening to know our numbers are increasing as the Holy Spirit is stirring friends to share with new friends in our prayer-decrees. What a joy to know we are partnering with Him as we are pulling heaven's plan and purpose into the realm of the earth, that He would have His way in all things pertaining to our lives, destinies and families. And what a comfort and joy to know others are praying for our families and loved ones!

I pray you faith-eagles will feel a fresh breeze from heaven, even the Father's life-breath, to lift you up and refresh and strengthen you. How He loves and appreciates you! Take a pause and receive His loving embrace.....

And I send an embrace of appreciation and love, a hug to you as well -


Upcoming Ministry Events

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A Prophetic Word to this Generation

Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households.

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Glory Conferences

Our ministry offers what we call 'Preparing for the Glory' Conferences.

We customize these for churches, prayer-groups, home-groups and even

businesses. In these we deal with the whole person, body, soul and spirit, in a very pragmatic way. The seminars and conferences are designed so that folks receive not only encouragement and inspiration during the meeting sessions, but also receive the very pragmatic tools to take home to bring about deep, genuine change and growth for themselves and their families. For more information, go to:

Coaching/Personal Ministry

As time permits in between speaking commitments, Karla is available for phone or Skype sessions. For more information go

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Love Song - "A Love Song" & Their History

    The History
    When Chuck Girard, Tommy Coomes, Jay Truax and Fred Field first stepped out onto the Calvary Chapel stage one evening back in 1970, it's not likely that the few hundred people gathered there had any idea they were about to witness the beginning of a new era in gospel music. 

    You don't usually think in those terms when you hear a group for the first time. Now, had you been there, you probably would have come to the conclusion that these four young men who called themselves Love Song were pretty good. Exceptionally good. They played soothing, intensely personal music that spoke to the heart and echoed the timeless themes of God's love. 
    At the same time, it sounded very much like the music the professional rock and folk rock groups were playing.

    Calvary Chapel - 1970

    That was perhaps the most intriguing part of it. Music like Love Song was playing had formerly been reserved for the pop airwaves; it had, at that time, no place in the Christian scheme of things. But here was this group, weaving a tapestry of close harmonies, pulsating rhythms and intricate guitar patterns, all tied together with an undeniably clear gospel message.

    The audience felt something vibrant, something fresh, something uniquely positive about this music. For the moment, it was beautiful praise music befitting the atmosphere; beyond that moment, the newly conceived sound was to become the forerunner in contemporary gospel music.

    That's quite a statement, but consider the facts: two years later Love Song's first album would be released. Sales would catapult the record to the top, where it would remain for more than a year as the best-selling gospel album in the nation.

    Today the album, along with Love Song's second release, "Final Touch," is still a best seller. And between the albums, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have witnessed the group's dynamic live performances

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In the early 70's, during the beginnings of what became known as the "Jesus Movement," a group of young, long-haired, bearded musicians, desiring to express their new-found faith in Jesus Christ through music, formed a band called Love Song. Using a mixture of folk, rock, pop, and country, Love Song's music was entirely new and unique for the Christian music world.

The music was fresh, sometimes radical, and yet, truly inspirational for a generation of young people searching for truth and it blazed the path for what we know today as 'contemporary Christian music.' Many called them the Christian "Beatles" at that time and their 1972 debut album is now considered a true classic, voted the #7 contemporary Christian album of all time by CCM magazine. - (

Don Moen - One of My Favorite Worship Leader


His latest albums... and then his early years.

Moen's first album for Hosanna! Music, Give Thanks, became the label's bestseller. He followed this with a number of successful albums of his own including two, En Tu Presencia and Trono De Gracia, in Spanish. God with Us won Dove Award for Best Musical. On an Asian tour in 1999 he recorded The Mercy Seat at Singapore Indoor Stadium in Singapore and Heal Our Land at Yoido Park inSouth Korea, which was released in 2000. One of Moen's albums, I Will Sing, was recorded at Christian Broadcasting Network.

God Will Make a Way: The Best of Don Moen was released in 2003 and features 19 greatest hits. The title song was written for his wife's sister and her husband, who lost their oldest son in an auto accident while three other children were seriously injured. Moen's album, Hiding Place, became his first studio album which was recorded at Paragon Studios in Franklin, Tennessee and was released in the autumn of 2006. I Believe There Is More released on fall 2008. His third studio recording titled Uncharted Territory (funded successfully through Kickstarter) released on March 27, 2012.[5] His new Christmas album, Christmas: A Season of Hope, will release in October 22, 2012 and some songs were recorded at a studio in Czech Republic.[citation needed] Moen has released a new album titled Hymnbook as a celebration of reaching over 1 million likes on his Facebook page.[6][7]
Live albums

Give Thanks (1986)
Steadfast Love (1988)
Bless the Lord (1989)
Christmas (1990)
Eternal God (1990)
Worship with Don Moen (1992)
God with Us (1993)
Trust in the Lord – Live Worship with Don Moen (1994)
Mighty Cross (1994)
Rivers of Joy (1995)
Emmanuel Has Come (1996)
Let Your Glory Fall (1997)
God for Us (1998)
God Is Good – Worship with Don Moen (1998)
En Tú Presencia (1999)
The Mercy Seat (2000)
Heal Our Land (2000)
I Will Sing (2000)
God in Us (2001)
Trono de Gracia (2003)
Thank You Lord (2004)

Studio albums

Hiding Place (2006)
I Believe There Is More (2008)
Uncharted Territory (2011)
Hymnbook (2012)
Christmas: A Season of Hope (2012)

Compilation albums

Praise with Don Moen (1996)
More of You, Lord – Praise with Don Moen Volume 2 (1999)
God Will Make a Way: The Best of Don Moen (2003)
With a Thankful Heart: The Best of Don Moen (2011)
Ultimate Collection (2013)


Arise: The Worship Legacy of Don Moen (2006)


Worship with Don Moen (1992)
Trust in the Lord – Live Worship with Don Moen (1994)
God with Us (1995)
God Is Good – Worship with Don Moen (1998)
Give Thanks (1999)
I Will Sing (2000)
Thank You Lord (2004)


Hatiku (1995)
Behold the Lamb (1997)
Healing (1998)
The Smithton Outpouring (1999)
Hope Changes Everything (2000)
Mas de Ti (2000)
Sing for Joy (2002)
Amor Sin Limites (2004)
American Worship Gathering (2005)
Arise: A Celebration of Worship (2006)
Cool Worship (2010)
A Little Boy's Prayer (2010)
Marvin L. Winans Presents: The Praise & Worship Experience (2012)
Bishop Jerry L. Maynard Presents: The Cathedral of Praise Choir (2012)

Israel Marks Six-Day War's 46th Anniversary

Israel Marks Six-Day War's 46th Anniversary

By Tzippe Barrow
CBN News Internet Producer - Jerusalem
Wednesday, June 05, 2013

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Forty-six years ago Wednesday, Israeli pilots carried out a preemptive strike on the Egyptian Air Force, effectively grounding the entire fleet.

For the next six days, the Jewish state would fight a fierce war against Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, which joined two days into what became known as the Six-Day War.

When the fighting ended on June 10, 1967, Israelis had much to be thankful for.

After 2,000 years, Jerusalem was reunited under Jewish sovereignty, along with the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria -- called the West Bank under Jordanian occupation, a label that persists today.

No longer would Jews be denied access to the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City. No longer would Syrian snipers target Israeli farmers in the Hula Valley.

Israel also captured the Sinai Peninsula, but despite investing heavily in its development for more than a decade, ceded the peninsula within the framework of the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.

The modern nation-state had shown the world it could and would defend its right to exist.

More wars would be fought and won over the next 46 years. Yet today, neighboring Arab countries -- and much of the world for that matter -- harbor seemingly unending resentment against the Jewish homeland.

For many, Zionism has become a dirty word. Israeli towns and cities outside the 1948 armistice lines, along with Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem, are called "settlements," as if they were some kind of illegal, transient thing instead of home to 350,000 Jewish residents.

Late last month, Jordan announced it would exclude Israel from its upcoming military drill whose purpose is "to increase the level of coordination among civil, military and humanitarian organizations" as well as boost "cooperation among the participating states…," The Jordan Times reported.

According to Amman, some 15,000 soldiers from "friendly countries," including the United States, Great Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates, will take part in "Eager Lion 2013."

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Paul Hirschson told CBN News Israel wasn't meant to participate in this exercise. The real question, he said, is why Jordan felt the need to emphasize Israel's exclusion.

"Beyond the rumors, there is security cooperation between the two parties on various issues," Hirschson said. "We were never meant to be part of this drill. We weren't going to be from the beginning."

Nonetheless, many of these "friendly" countries would see Israel return to the pre-1967 borders (1948 armistice lines), which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled "indefensible," and Tourism Minister Uzi Landau called "Auschwitz borders," a concept put forth by the late Abba Eban.

"Before 1967, they [Palestinian Arabs] didn't have Katyusha rockets and missiles to the extent owned today by Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south, which constitute a strategic threat to Israel," Landau said in a recent interview.

Meanwhile, Iran is moving toward nuclear weapons capability as it continues to arm, train and fund Islamist groups in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, while vowing to wipe Israel off the map.

While no one wants peace more than Israelis, history has shown that has never come easily.

In Memory of Robert F. Kennedy on the 45th Anniversary of his Assassination

Posted: 05 Jun 2013 08:48 PM PDT
Robert F. Kennedy 

Nov. 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968

- a strong supporter of Israel

We leave our regular historical features to pay tribute to Robert Kennedy who was murdered on this day in 1968.  

Several special features about Kennedy make this posting very appropriate for this site today:

1. Kennedy visited the Holy Land prior to Israel's establishment as a young newspaper correspondent and described Israel's armed struggle and economic development.

2. Several historic photographs of Kennedy's 1948 visit to Israel were provided by the Kennedy family.
Kennedy "firing a slingshot" outside of the King David Hotel in
Jerusalem, March 1948 (from the Kennedy family)

3. Kennedy, as a young college graduate, wrote several feature articles for The Boston Post on his visit.  The newspaper went out of business in 1956 and for many years the articles were virtually lost.  

Several years ago, The Israel Daily Picture's
Kennedy on King David Street, north of the hotel. Note the
armored British vehicle and British checkpoint behind him
publisher, Lenny Ben-David, found the articles, published them, and posted them on the "Robert Kennedy and Israel" website.   

Read the full-length articles by RFK here

4. Kennedy's family points out that he was murdered by a 
Bobby Kennedy deplaning from a RAF plane at Lod airport
Palestinian Arab terrorist, Sirhan Sirhan, who was angry about Kennedy's strong support for Israel.  The assassination took place on the first anniversary of Israel's victory in the Six Day War, and the timing was no accident, the family insists.

5. Kennedy visited the Middle East in March 1948 and departed Palestine before Israel's declaration of independence on May 14 and Ben-Gurion’s announcement of the name of the new country. RFK, therefore, does not refer to “Israel” or to “Israelis” in his articles.

Read several excerpts of Robert Kennedy's articles: 

The Jews point with pride to the fact that over 500,000 Arabs in the 12 years between 1932 and 1944, came into Palestine to take advantage of living conditions existing in no other Arab state. This is the only country in the Near and Middle East where an Arab middle class is in existence.

It is an unfortunate fact that because there are such well founded arguments on either side each grows more and more bitter toward the other. Confidence in their right increases in proportion to the hatred and mistrust for the other side for not acknowledging it.

The Jewish people in Palestine who believe in and have been working toward this national state have become an immensely proud and determined people. It is already a truly great modern example of the birth of a nation with the primary ingredients of dignity and self-respect.

Read the full-length articles by RFK here

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Jesus Culture - Your Love Never Fails - Full Concert

Published 2013
Jesus Culture - Your Love Never Fails" -  full concert
0:00 Your Love Never Fails
8:04 Sing My Love
15:21 King of Glory
20:38 You Won't Relent
34:12 Beautiful
41:58 Happy Day
48:36 I Exalt Thee
57:41 Where You Go I Go
105:24 All Consuming Fire
111:22 Here is My Heart

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Hillsong - You'll Come - With Subtitles/Lyrics

Hillsong - You'll Come - With Subtitles/Lyrics - This Is Our God DVD

Sing it out this generation of the Lord Jesus!
Do mighty works for His purposes,
with your whole heart!

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Don Moen - "All We Like Sheep" (with lyrics)

Israel From Above - צילום אוויר - צילומים מרהיבים של ישראל

Areas viewed as you fly over:

0:25  Sa'ar Falls, Golan Heights
0:32  Mt. Arbel -- above Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee
0:40  Tiberias
0:50  Jordan River, flowing into the Sea of Galilee
0:53  city of Nahalal, Jezreel Valley (Valley of Armegedon)
0:56  Roman Theater and city ruins of Bet She'an -- south of Sea of Galilee along the Jordan River
1:05  Ba'hai Temple, Haifa
1:31  Old City of Joppa with Tel Aviv in the background
1:35  Night in Tel Aviv
1:50  Tel Aviv Marina
2:00  Coastal city of Natanya
2:06  Roman aqueduct, Caesarea 
2:50  Elat at night
4:10  St. Georges Monastery, Wadi Kelt, between Jerusalem and Jericho
4:17  Menorah -- outside the Knesset Building (Israeli Parliament)
4:25  Western Wall -- Old City of Jerusalem
4:37  Old City of Jerusalem from direction of Mt. of Olives; Golden Gate (Beautiful Gate) in center of the wall.
4:43  Church of the Dormition (grey dome), Mt. Zion, Jerusalem
4:48  Russian Orthodox Church -- Mt. of Olives
4:55  Church of the Ascension -- Mt. of Olives
5:06  David's Citadel -- Jaffa Gate, Old City
5:18  Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, with Mt. of Olives in background