Thursday, October 31, 2013

Something Is About to Change - David Ravenhill (Identity Network)

Something Is About to Change By David Ravenhill

David Ravenhill

For almost 50 years of ministry, I have heard the prophetic community tell us we are on the verge of something new. They use terms like a new anointing, new alignment, new generation, new move, a new season, change is coming, there is a shift in the heavenlies and God is about to do a new thing. Others have told us God is raising up a new company. I don't recall how many new companies I've heard about over the past 50 years. There have been at least a dozen or more that come to mind.

This growing chorus of change seems to be getting louder and louder. However, by the time one word regarding change is given, another has already replaced it.

This all begs the question: Are these genuine words or just the earnest desire of those longing for some type of recognition in the prophetic community? While the answer may well be yes to both of these possibilities, there is also a third one to consider.

Just the other day, I was reading Paul's letter to the Romans where he tells us, "The anxious longing of creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. ... For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now" (Rom. 8:19, 22, NASB). Not only does Paul tell us that all of creation is in labor, but he goes on to state,"And not only this, but also we ourselves … groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies" (v. 23.)

I believe what we are hearing from our prophetic brethren is the groaning and longing of those who yearn for the fullness of God's purpose to be revealed. This deep longing is being expressed through them in a variety of ways and words. They are feeling and sensing what creation is going through and can sympathize and identify with it. While not content to settle for things the way they are, they are voicing their frustration and longing through these cries of change.

Does God Change His Mind?

I have never held to the belief that God is forever updating and changing His plans as though His former plans were failing. It has always troubled me to hear that God is about to do something new, which implies He wasn't doing it that way before.

Take, for instance, "a new anointing for evangelism." Does that mean all of a sudden God has had a change of mind regarding the lost? I don't think so! His longing to seek and save the lost has no variation whatsoever.

There is no doubt in my mind that we, along with the rest of creation, have not yet fully seen all that God has prepared for us. While I don't pretend to know all that is implied by Paul's phrase "the sons of God," I do know that it is not a new company that will proudly strut their spiritual superiority before the rest of the body of Christ.

The day is rapidly dawning in which we will see all our longings, desires and groanings realized, which will be "the redemption of our bodies." The birth pangs are definitely intensifying and becoming more frequent with each passing day.

Until that day, let's patiently bear with those who can't fully articulate what they are feeling other than to say, "I'm sensing something is about to change."

David Ravenhill
Welcome Home
Receiving the Father's Forgiveness and Acceptance
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J. Lee Grady - "The Sign of a True Apostle (It’s Not What You Think)"

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady

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Mens conference
What are the characteristics of a true apostle? (VitalyVitorsky)
A few years ago I heard a preacher tell a room full of ministers that they couldn’t work miracles or exercise apostolic authority unless they used the word apostle as a title. So some of them ran out and printed new business cards—as if putting the word in front of their names was the magic ticket to reclaiming New Testament power.
That was a bad idea. For the past 15 years or more, thousands of people have been wounded and countless churches have nosedived because immature leaders thought they could gain apostolic status the easy way. We are so eager to qualify ourselves that we forget God alone calls, prepares and sends true apostles.
The late Arthur Katz, who was a prophetic voice to our movement for many years, wrote in his 1999 book Apostolic Foundations that nobody should be eager to step into an apostolic assignment or to treat such a task flippantly. “God is jealous over the word apostolic,” Katz wrote. “It is a word that has fallen into disuse and needs to be restored, and that restoration is not going to be cheap.”
We are so carnal, so power hungry and so enamored with status and position that we don’t have a clue what apostolic ministry really is. Most charismatics think it is about authority, and many men who claim to be apostles build top-down pyramid structures that abuse people. Others think apostolic leaders are marked primarily by sensational miracles. Yet I see something we have entirely missed when I look at the life of the apostle Paul. 
Paul told the Thessalonians that love is the true hallmark of any person who is sent on an apostolic mission. Therefore, if we want apostolic power or authority (which we should), it must flow through apostolic love or it is a counterfeit. This apostolic love can be described in four ways:
1. It is incarnational. Paul brought the gospel to the Thessalonians and lived among them. He did not just drop in, preach a good sermon and leave. He said, “We were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives” (1 Thess. 2:8, NASB, emphasis added). Just as Jesus came to this earth, lived among us and died for us, true apostles give it all. If all an “apostle” does is preach a good message, he is a poor substitute for the real thing. (And if he also spends more time taking up offerings for himself, he is a hireling or a con artist.)
2. It is sacrificial. Paul risked his neck in Thessalonica, and then he told his followers that he would “suffer affliction” from his persecutors (1 Thess. 3:4). But he loved them so much that he prayed for them continually, and he longed to visit them again even though he knew it would be risky. He never mentions money. In fact, when he was with the Thessalonian church, he worked night and day “so as not to be a burden to any of [them]” (1 Thess. 2:9). That flies in the face of modern apostles who charge $1,000 an hour for their consulting fees. 
3. It is relational. The word brethren appears in 1 Thessalonians 17 times. That’s because Paul viewed the church as the family of God. He saw himself in the role of a gentle, nursing mother (1 Thess. 2:7) as well as a strong father (v. 11). Paul’s affection is so thick and so slobbery that it drips off the page of his letter. He says the members of the church “have become very dear” to them (v. 8) and that they “also long to see [them]” (3:6). It’s no surprise that he ends the epistle by exhorting the people to greet one another with "a holy kiss” (5:26).
What has happened to this kind of holy affection in today’s church? Why are we so disconnected? We have replaced deep relationships with cold professionalism. Many pastors have not been properly fathered, so they don’t know how to love—nor do they have close friends. So we cover our dysfunction with busyness. We work, work, work—while sterile, loveless congregations struggle to grow. We use gimmicks and programs to get people in seats because our love is not warm enough to attract people to Jesus.
4. It is confrontational. Paul was not seeker-sensitive. He did not hesitate to confront sin. He gave the Thessalonians one of the most frank, forthright sermons on sexual sin ever written (1 Thess. 4:1-8). But he confronted them as a loving father by emploring them to stay within their God-given boundaries. He didn’t use anger, manipulation, domination or threats. He led with strong, apostolic love.
I believe God wants to pour out a new wave of apostolic power on our generation. But we can’t be trusted with this anointing if we refuse to grow up. We will have the maturity to use the word apostolicwhen we learn to walk in the love that was modeled by the first apostles.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the director of the Mordecai Project ( You can follow him on Twitter at @leegrady. He is the author of The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale and other books.

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The Father

The Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) 

reveals to us Jesus 

(Yeshua HaMashiach). 

Jesus shows us the Father (Abba) 

and the Father then shows us the way,

being He is the Good Father.

God of all. 

Get to know your Father. 

Steve Martin

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Israel Today - "Israel to Ramp Up Building in Jerusalem"

Israel to Ramp Up Building in Jerusalem

Wednesday, October 30, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu early Wednesday morning announced a major increase in Jewish building projects in Jerusalem.
The announcement came just hours after Netanyahu had freed 26 blood-soaked Palestinian terrorists as a "peace gesture." The new building projects were themselves seen as a gesture to the Israeli public that had so opposed the release of jailed murderers.
The new building plans are to include an additional 1,500 housing units in the neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo in north-eastern Jerusalem, a large new visitors' center at the City of David archaeological park outside the Old City, and a new national park on the slopes of Mt. Scopus.

Ramat Shlomo was at the center of a rift in Israel-US relations in 2010when the municipality announced new building tenders there during a visit by US Vice President Joe Biden. Washington supports the Palestinian claim to the eastern half of Jerusalem.
The City of David archaeological park is situated in the volatile Arab neighborhood of Silwan, another local flash point, and the new park on Mt. Scopus will reportedly prevent the expansion of nearby Arab neighborhoods.
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It is the Land that God Gave - Israel365

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It is a Land that the Lord your God 

seeks out; the eyes of the Lord your God, 

are always upon it, from the beginning of 

the year to the end of the year.


אֶרֶץ אֲשֶׁר יְ-הוָה אֱ-לֹהֶיךָ דֹּרֵ

שׁ אֹתָהּ תָּמִיד עֵינֵי יְ-הוָה

 אֱ-לֹהֶיךָ בָּהּ מֵרֵשִׁית הַשָּׁנָה וְעַד אַחֲרִית שָׁנָה

דברים יא:יב
(Here is how to pronounce the verse in Hebrew:)
eh-retz ah-sher ah-do-NIE eh-loe-he-kha doe-resh
oh-TA ta-MEED ay-NAY ah-do-NIE eh-lo-he-kha bah
may-ray-SHEET ha-sha-NA ve-AD ah-kha-REET sha-NA
Subscribers to Israel365 each day at 7 AM receive a 
stunning photograph along with an inspirational 
Biblical verse describing the Land of Israel 
in English, Hebrew and Transliteration.

"Blessing to Start the Day"

Hola!  from New Mexico, What a blessing to start the day
with an awesome scene from Israel, reminding me to
"Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem".
Marydee M.

I've just discovered Israel365 and can’t tell you how much
I enjoy the teaching and the glorious photos!  Getting your
Israel365 is a real treat for me because I've come to love
this precious plot of earth, Israel.
Diane W. Alabama
With Many Blessings,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

Someday...we will fill this plane.

Fly me there!
And all 
who want to go with us!

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Click here: Ahava Adventures!

Israel Rocked by Earthquakes

The Jordan Rift Valley in Israel is part of the Dead Sea Rift, a geological
boundary that separates the Arabian plate from the African plate deep under the
earth's surface.

Israel Rocked by Earthquakes

“Tell us, they said, when will this happen, and what will be 
the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age? ... 
There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  
All these are the beginning of birth pains.”  (Matthew 24:3, 7–8)

After a string of earthquakes hit Israel’s north,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for 
heightened emergency preparedness, ordering the IDF 
Home Front to ensure that citizens understand 
procedures for coping with a major tremor. (Times of Israel)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met at the Knesset (Israel's
parliament) last week with officials to discuss preparedness in the event
of an earthquake.

Six tremors were felt as far north as Safed 
in the Galilee and as far south as the southern
port city of Eilat, which sits on the Gulf of Eilat,
also known as the Red Sea.
On two separate days, tremors of a magnitude of
3.6 on the Richter scale were felt in the north,
including two on the same day in Tiberias,
where the walls of older apartment buildings
cracked causing residents concern for their safety.

Quakes measuring 3.3 on the Richter scale were experienced in Eilat and further south in the Red Sea.  (Times of Israel)

Tiberias is an Israeli city on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee
(also called the Kinneret).

One Tiberias Municipality employee, Madleine Sror, 47, said that
her computer moved and tea cup shook.

"My daughter, who works in a different part of the city, 
called in a panic,” Sror said.  “I heard her frightened coworkers
on the phone.  Four hours later, there was another earthquake—
we thought we were imagining it, but we felt the movement and
everyone started screaming, 'Did you feel it?  Did you feel it?'”

One of our Bibles For Israel team members was 
also in the thick of it.

“I was sitting at my desk in Tiberias hard at work, when
my chair began to move back and forth and my stereo
speakers began to rock, but not from playing music,” he said.

The general manager of the Geophysical Institute
of Israel, Dr. Uri Frieslander, said a bigger earthquake
would not necessarily follow the string of smaller ones.

“The sequence of earthquakes does not indicate
anything about the future.  We can’t rule out a
stronger earthquake, but it is certainly possible
that these small quakes will not lead to anything,”
he said.  (Israel HaYom)

Israel, however, sits on top of a fault line 
that stretches from northern Syria down to 
East Africa and combines several rifts running 
through the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and
the Red Sea which meet up with the East African Rift.

This entire system is subject to seismic activity. 

The Jordan Valley along the Sea of Galilee.

"We are heading to an earthquake,” Amotz Agnon,
a geology professor at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University said (jn1tv).

“I cannot tell you when, I cannot tell you exactly where
will be the next one.  But since the Jordan Valley, 
the Dead Sea, the Arava Valley, this stretch of 200
kilometers hasn't seen a really big event in the last, 
say, almost thousand years may suggest that we are
closer to an event.  It definitely tells us that the level of
energy is high.  But we don't know yet when the next
catastrophe will come," he continued.

The Bible does predict a huge end-time earthquake
in Israel, as well:
“It will come about on that day when Gog comes 
against the land of Israel,” declares the Lord God, 
“that My fury will mount up in My anger.  In My 
zeal and in My blazing wrath, I declare that on 
that day there will surely be a great earthquake in the land of Israel.”  (Ezekiel 38:18–19)

Many of Israel’s buildings were not built 
with quakes in mind.

"A big chunk of Tel Aviv has buildings from the 50s,”
Agnon said, adding that they stand on pillars without
any support.  “You have all these parking lots under
buildings ... and they will collapse.  You don't need a
huge earthquake for this."

Tel Aviv architecture is characterized by a charming mix of
Oriental Eclectic, Bauhaus, Art Deco, classical, and modernist,
among other styles.
Although Israel invested a couple of years ago in
an earthquake alert system that will notify the public
of a quake ahead of time, it will not be operational until 2016.

The last major earthquake to hit Israel was in 1927. 
It measured 6.2 on the Richter scale, killing 500 and
injuring 700.

In 1837, a major quake left 5,000 dead.
Such quakes are known to hit the country 
on average every 80 years,
meaning that Israel may be due for another
serious event.  (Times of Israel)

The epicenter of the 1837 earthquake was just north of the
Sea of Galilee.
Israel is not the only country this month to
experience earthquakes.

The Philippines experienced its most deadly 
earthquake in 23 years, in which 222 were
reported dead, eight missing, and 797 injured.
Over 67,000 houses were damaged or destroyed.

Both Crete and Mexico also experienced 6.4-
magnitude quakes.

Yeshua (Jesus) prophesied in Matthew 24:3–8 
that there would be earthquakes in the last days.

In the Book of Revelation, in John’s vision of the
Apocalypse, earthquakes are connected with the 
opening of the Seven Seals:

“I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and 
there was a great earthquake and the sun 
became black as sackcloth made of hair, a
nd the whole moon became like blood.”  
(Revelation 6:12)

“Then the seventh angel poured out his 
bowl upon the air, and a loud voice came 
out of the temple from the throne saying, 
‘It is done.’  And there were flashes of 
lightning and sounds and peals of thunder; 
and there was a great earthquake, such as 
there had not been since man came upon 
the earth.”  (Revelation 16:17–18)

People cross the water using a makeshift foot bridge in the Philippines
after an earthquake struck on October 15, 2013.

Shunning BDS Pressure, 
Pop Sensation Rihanna 
Performs in Tel Aviv

“I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”  (Genesis 12:3)

In spite of pressure from the Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions (BDS) movement not to perform in Israel,
over 50,000 fans of pop singer Rihanna enjoyed 
her music in an open-air concert at 
Tel Aviv’s Yarkon Park.

Seats went for $100 apiece and up when
she appeared as a part of her “Diamonds” world tour.

The BDS movement regularly pressures artists,
universities, companies, and organizations of all
types to put economic pressure on Israel with
regard to the Palestinian question.  Although
many artists refuse to appear in Israel because
of such pressures, many others do, and
Rihanna is one of them.

Rihanna joins leading artists, such as 
Madonna, Alicia Keys and Lady Gaga, 
all of whom have also resisted BDS 
threats to perform in Israel.

Among those who have given in to online
BDS campaigns through social media and
threats of poor ticket sales at other locales
are the Pixies, Jon Bon Jovi and Elvis Costello.

Qatar Shows Unsportsmanlike 
Bias Against Israel at World Cup

The Qatar organizers of the 2013 World Cup have
been accused of violating International Swimming
Federation (FINA) standards with unsportsmanlike
discrimination against Israel that included the
removal of the Israeli flag outside the stadium
during the event.

The Israeli flag was also whited out by state 
TV in graphics used to broadcast the 
international swim meet.  (Israel HaYom)

Such discrimination is a violation of the FINA 
Code of Ethics that bars discrimination on 
the basis of gender, race, religion, or 
political affiliations. (Israel HaYom)

The results of the qualifying meets in which
Israel appeared were never reported in order
to hide the presence of the Israeli swimmers
at the event, according to Israel’s top
swimmer, Gal Nevo.

The 26-year-old swimmer said that every
effort was made to erase Israel’s presence
from the event.  In several of the races the
initials ISR were used instead of naming
Israel as the competing country. (Swim Vortex)

Amit Ivry

“I watched the broadcast on television of the
race in which Amit Ivry won a medal.  She swam
in lane 1, but the broadcast focused completely 
on the other half of the pool.  Of course, there 
weren’t any results [announced] and it was 
impossible to know whether she’d finished in 
third place,” Nevo said.

In response to complaints lodged with FINA,
the organization released the following statement:

“FINA gave a warning to the organisers of the two
FINA Swimming World Cup meets and reminded
them that the FINA rules must be equally applied
by all FINA National Federations.  Moreover,
FINA guarantees that all steps will be taken 
in the future for such acts not to occur again.”

This unsportsmanlike conduct, however, raises
concern that Israel will receive similar treatment
at the 2022 World Soccer Cup to be hosted by Qatar.

Gal Nevo
Netanyahu to Kerry: 
“Don’t Lift Sanctions”

On Monday, Dr. Olli Heinonen, a former deputy director
of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
warned that Iran has passed the point of no 
return in its nuclear weapons program.

While Israel has repeatedly urged the dismantling
of Iran's nuclear capabilities, warning the world
about Iran's rogue nuclear program, Iran has
continued in the last year to install more
sophisticated centrifuges in its nuclear enrichment

On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
said Iran currently has the ability to enrich 
uranium from 3.5% to 90% within a few weeks.

“You have to have seen the ISIS report from
David Albright last week, which now says that
this breakout time can be one month," Heinonen
said.  "And I believe that if certain arrangements 
are made, it can even go down to two weeks.”  (JNS)

Dr. Olli Heinonen is a Senior Fellow at Harvard
University's Belfer Center for Science and
International Affairs.

Last week in Rome, Netanyahu met with
 US Secretary of State John Kerry, stressing
the importance of preventing Iran from attaining
nuclear weapons.

He also stressed the importance of sanctions 
against Iran, which have brought the 
country to talks with the world powers.
(Jerusalem Online)

The US Secretary of State expressed appreciation
for Iran’s new “diplomatic openness” while
emphasizing that Iran must not acquire a nuclear
bomb and must “prove that its nuclear program
is for peaceful proposes.”

Kerry said that diplomacy is the preferred approach,
and this Monday at a Ploughshares Fund Gala at the
US Institute of Peace, he said that it would be “the 
height of irresponsibility” to let “fear tactics and 
forces that suggest otherwise” block negotiations.  
(Times of Israel)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with 

US Secretary of State John Kerry in Rome last week.

Irish Journalist Tests Sweden’s 
Anti-Semitism by Wearing a Kippah

Irish journalist Patrick Reilly recently tested 
the waters of anti-Semitism in Sweden by 
publicly appearing to be Jewish for a few 
hours in the southern Swedish town of Malmö.

In response to complaints about anti-Semitism made
by the local Jewish community and Jewish tourists,
Reilly put on a kippah (head covering), an identifiable
symbol of Judaism, to see firsthand what those 
who are visibly Jewish experience.  (HaAretz)

One local Jewish resident, Shmuel Goldberg, one of
ew who dare to appear in public wearing the traditional
Jewish head covering, warned Reilly to be careful.

Goldberg knows only too well that the wearing the
kippah has resulted in verbal abuse and in one incident,
 he was almost physically attacked.

A Jewish man wears a kippah while praying at
the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem

Reilly made a point of avoiding areas of the city
known for racial discrimination and even violence,
areas tourists usually wouldn’t visit anyway.

The idea was to go about my normal day 
and also visit places which a potential 
tourist may go to, albeit with one major
difference—the kippah clipped to the back
of my head.”  (The Local)

Approaching the market area of the city that
also houses the local bars that draw a night
crowd, he said he immediately sensed he was
being watched.

“It didn’t take long before I got the feeling 
that I was on display,” Reilly said.

Noting that he had walked down the same
street numerous times in the past without
drawing any notice, he felt as if he now had
“two heads” as he drew constant backward

 “As I passed a well-known bar, I spotted some
lunchtime coffee drinkers looking open mouthed
in my direction,” he said.

Malmo, Sweden

Reilly reported that giggles were mixed with the stares
 as if the appearance of the small white head 
covering was humorous and deserving of laughter.

The stares continued in the center of town, he said,
but were less menacing.

The Irish reporter said he had almost forgotten he
was wearing the kippah when a husky man walked
in his direction and mouthed to his friend “f***ing Jew.”

“It was a reminder that making your Jewish 
identity in Malmö obvious carries its own risk.  
Frankly, it was a relief to take it off,” he said.

Malmo Synagogue, the only synagogue in Malmo, was bombed in
July 2010.

Reilly, who has lived in Malmö for the last two years, 
said he has never felt threatened until he wore the 
kippah for a few hours.

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre, which watches over
the interests of Jewish communities worldwide,
issued a travel advisory against visiting Malmö three
years ago due to a surge of anti-Semitism and hate crimes.

For instance, in 2010, Malmö’s only synagogue was
ombed.  Last year, a local Jewish community building,
which houses a kindergarten, meeting halls and apartments,
also was bombed.

We live in a world where it is increasingly difficult to be
identifiably Jewish.  Like Patrick Reilly, however, most
of us will never know just how difficult that can be until we
walk a mile in the shoes (or in this case, kippah) of the
Jewish People.

We all can, however, stand against anti-Semitism
wherever we see it and stand WITH the Jewish People
today and always.

"Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her 
hard service has been completed, that her sin has been 
paid for, that she has received from the LORD's hand double 
for all her sins."  (Isaiah 40:2)
Bibles For Israel | P.O. Box 8900 | Pueblo, CO 81008

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