Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Missionary Trap in Jerusalem's Old City? - Ryan Jones ISRAEL TODAY

A Missionary Trap in Jerusalem's Old City?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish anti-missionary groups were up in arms last week after a number of fellow Israeli Jews visited Christ Church, the oldest Protestant Church in the Middle East, during the annual Jerusalem Light Festival.
The Light Festival, which draws a large number of Israeli families, begins at the Jaffa Gate of Jerusalem’s Old City. Christ Church is situated just inside the gate, and opposite the Tower of David.
Given its prominent location along the Light Festival route, Christ Church was the backdrop for some of the first major light displays that visitors saw.
Naturally, Christ Church opened its gates and its popular coffee shop for any and all that wished to learn more about this steadfast Christian ministry.
In speaking to Artuz 7, the head of the anti-missionary group Lehava, Bentzi Gopshtain, expressed outrage.
Gopshtain claimed that Christ Church had deceptively lured unsuspecting Israeli Jews onto its premises and then presented them with material about “that guy”, meaning Yeshua.
The charge was nonsensical given that the gate of Christ Church, its coffee shop and the adjoining Christian Information Center are very clearly marked as Christian facilities. Those Jews who did enter most likely did so out of genuine curiosity.
Gopshtain and his crew were having none of it, and stood outside Christ Church for long hours holding signs reading “Warning: Missionaries” in order to dissuade fellow Jews from entering.
He seemed most perturbed by the fact that Christ Church houses a small museum featuring famous models of Jerusalem and the Temple. In fact, the sanctuary at Christ Church is littered with Hebrew inscriptions and biblical Jewish symbols.
To Gophshtain and those like him, this is a nefarious attempt to present “that guy in a Jewish disguise.” Such is the unfortunate history of Christianity that many Jews fail to recognize that Yeshua is every bit as Jewish as they.
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Monday, June 13, 2016

Dutch Sheets, Rick Joyner Offer Prophetic Wisdom in the Midst of Orlando Massacre - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

People attend a candlelight vigil for the victims of the Orlando attack against a gay night club, held in San Francisco.

Dutch Sheets, Rick Joyner Offer Prophetic Wisdom in the Midst of Orlando Massacre

People attend a candlelight vigil for the victims of the Orlando attack against a gay nightclub, held in San Francisco. (REUTERS/Stephen Lam)
Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Forty-nine are dead—50 counting identified shooter Omar Marteen, who slaughtered more victims than any other shooter in U.S. history.  
The nation appears paralyzed, with political candidates calling for gun reform and LGBT community support. 
But pastors and prophetic voices alike are also speaking out. Here's what some of them have to say:
Prophetic voice Rick Joyner"The Christian community has crossed swords with the LGBT for a long time, but when it comes to this kind of diabolical attack on defenseless victims, of any persuasion, we must stand together in defense of our fellow Americans. The fact is that most of the armed Americans who can defend their neighbors are conservatives, and liberal Americans tend to be anti-gun. So be it, but this is the time for the armed conservatives to be ready to defend their unarmed liberal neighbors, or LGBT neighbors.
"There are also many faces to Islam, just as their are many faces to Christianity. Moderate or liberal Muslims are some of the most at risk from radical Islamist, many of which truly are more Americans than Islamists. These we too must stand with and defend in these times when many will want to lump them together with the Muslim terrorists, but they are not. The worst deception that comes upon all of humanity is for us to judge other people, or people groups by their most extreme elements. Let us not fall to that deception as we resolve to defend the truth. We are at war with radical Islam, but not all Muslims are in this category. It may be easier to lump all Muslims together, but that is not the truth, and we must be committed to the truth." 
Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd: "Our hearts are broken for the people of Orlando. May America Rise up and pray for the families of the victims and the entire city. Our Southern Baptist family will do so from across the world as well as from our convention at #SBC16 in St. Louis, In these perilous times in America, we are reminded again of our great need for Jesus Christ and for spiritual awakening in America."
National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference President Rev. Samuel Rodriguez: "Today's deplorable act of terrorism goes against everything we stand for as Americans and as Christians. Every life, deserves to be loved, cherished and respected. We mourn with the families of the victims and pray for those injured in Orlando. In addition, we call upon all Americans to come together for the purpose of building a firewall of love, grace, truth and respect against intolerance, hatred, bigotry and violence."  
Prophetic voice Dutch Sheets: "Debate it later. Pray now. The Lord is close 2 those who r brokenhearted. He rescues those whose spirits r crushed. Ps 34:17 #PrayForOrlando" (sic).
The Rock Church Pastor Miles McPherson: "Our hearts grieve with all the family and friends of those effected (sic) by today's tragedy in Orlando. May America's most deadly shooting be matched by America's most focused prayers for peace and unity." 
SBC Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission President Russell Moore"Let's call our congregations to pray together. Let's realize that, in this case, our gay and lesbian neighbors are likely quite scared. Who wouldn't be? Demonstrate the sacrificial love of Jesus to them. We don't have to agree on the meaning of marriage and sexuality to love one another and to see the murderous sin of terrorism. Let's also pray for our leaders who have challenging decisions to make in the midst of crisis. Let's mobilize our congregations and others to give blood for the victims. Let's call for governing authorities to do their primary duty of keeping its people safe from evildoers.
"And let's bear patiently with those who jump the gun in arguing about the politics on social media. For many of them, the jump to talk about gun control or Islam or military preparedness or any other issue isn't so much about pontificating as it is about frustration. They, like all of us, want this horror to end, and they want to do something—even if that's just expressing themselves on Twitter.
"As the body of Christ, though, we can love and serve and weep and mourn. And we can remind ourselves and our neighbors that this is not the way it is supposed to be. We mourn, but we mourn in the hope of a kingdom where blood is not shed and where bullets never fly." 
Christian comedienne Chonda Pierce"My heart breaks for the families of those killed last night in Orlando. The hate in people's hearts must indeed grieve the Lord so much. We are called to love. Period. My prayers are with those picking up the pieces of this broken world today."  
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler"This is when we show that Christians mourn with those who mourn. May the Gospel of Christ be evident as the only power greater than a broken heart." 
Free Chapel Senior Pastor Jentezen Franklin"Today we mourn the loss of so many Americans. We are praying for the hurting families to experience God's peace and comfort."
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Why Won't Obama Tell the Whole Truth About the Orlando Shootings? - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about the worst mass shooting in U.S. history that took place in Orlando, Florida, at the White House.

Why Won't Obama Tell the Whole Truth About the Orlando Shootings?

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about the worst mass shooting in U.S. history that took place in Orlando, Florida, at the White House. (Reuters)
Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaireJennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

President Obama is under fire for not pointing directly to radical Islam as the culprit in what goes down in American history as the nation's worst U.S. mass shooting.
Fifty are dead and dozens more were injured on Sunday at a gay nightclub in Orlando. I've heard reports of people in the club on their knees crying out to God for intervention and many lives were spared, but many met their Maker that night.
Like Franklin Graham, I appreciate Obama speaking to the nation in the wake of the Orlando massacre. He was abundantly clear that the it was an act of terror and hate and declared that we would not give in to fear or turn against each other.
But Obama stopped short of pointing to radical Islam even though radical Islam is glorying in the bloodshed and taking credit. Why didn't Obama lay blame where blame is due? That's what many want to know as yet another Islamic terrorist murders Americans on our own soil.
"Mr. President, with all due respect, don't forget Fort Hood; don't forget the Boston Marathon; don't forget San Bernardino; and don't forget 9/11. What do they all have in common? They were all Islamic terrorists carrying out their treachery in the name of their religion," says Graham.
"Mr. President, your administration has cut our military to the bone and some experts say we're the weakest we have been in modern times. It's time we were rebuilding our military force worldwide to take on this enemy. It's time we tighten America's borders until we can clearly vet those we're letting into the country. Mr. President, how many more American lives have to be lost before you understand the threat radical Islam is to every freedom-loving person?"
That's the trillion-dollar question.
Let's continue to pray for the families of this horrific tragedy. Let's keep praying for Muslims everywhere to encounter Jesus. Let's keep praying for a Third Great Awakening. Let's keep praying. And let's stop saying this terror attack was the judgment of God on gay people. It's those kinds of statements that make Bible-believing Christians look as hateful as radical Islamists.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of awakeningtv.com, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
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Celebrations and Story Time! - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Famous Jewish apologist, Dr Michael Brown, is the most recent to sit in our "Testimony Chair" to record the wonderful story of how he met his Messiah! Hear what he has to say, along with many other Jewish people who have found their Messiah on our website www.imetmessiah.com 

All New Hebrew Music Monday! ✡ "In the Desert of Sinai" - ISRAEL365

In the third month of the children
of Israel's departure from Egypt, on this day
they arrived in the desert of Sinai.

בַּחֹדֶשׁ הַשְּׁלִישִׁי לְצֵאת בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם בַּיּוֹם הַזֶּה בָּאוּ מִדְבַּר סִינָי

שְׁמוֹת א:יט

ba-kho-desh ha-shlee-shee l'-tzayt b'-nay yis-ra-ayl ma-e-retz mitz-ra-yim ba-yom ha-ze ba-u mid-bar see-nai

Today's Israel Inspiration

We are now in the Hebrew month of Sivan, the month when the Torah was revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai. A popular Hebrew name for women born this month is "Sivan," in the same way that June is a popular English name.

All New Hebrew Music Video!

Enjoy our amazing new Hebrew music video set to Psalm 122, "Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem," performed by Aryeh Samberg. With our helpful English transliteration, you'll be singing Psalms in the holy language of Hebrew!

In Messianic Era, Israel’s Borders Will Encompass the World

The Messianic age will feature an Israel that encompasses the entire world. Haters of Israel can interpret this in a negative light, but the truth is a utopian vision of universal brotherhood.

Today's Israel Photo

Ramon Crater by Elad Matityahu. The crater, called a "makhtesh," is a geological landform unique to the Negev desert of Israel.

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Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Lillie Scott. Todah rabah!

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I enjoy the information about your Jewish customs.  I live in San Antonio, Texas, USA- Linda Folsom

I love the video on Feeling God in the Holy Land. It features Israeli presence during the Yolanda hurricane disaster in the Philippines. Know that we Filipinos acknowledge this help from Israel and are most grateful for such help! God bless Jerusalem! God, restore the land to Israel, the rightful owner and inhabitant. - Huberto
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10 Tips for Recovering From Major Life Disappointments - RON EDMONDSON CHARISMA MAGAZINE

How do you deal with life's major disappointments? (Flickr )
Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Sometimes life throws curves at us that take the wind from our sails. If we aren't careful, we can allow the injury to haunt us for life, never regaining what we have lost.
Have you lost a job recently? If you're not careful, you will falsely assume that you could never get as good of a job again.
Have you had a business failure? If you're not careful, you'll keep yourself from ever taking a risk again.
Did you suffer from divorce? If you're not careful, you'll believe you can never recover or receive God's grace.
Did your spouse have an affair? If you're not careful, you'll never risk intimate love again.
The devil loves it when you doubt yourself.
What steps should you take to get back on track and succeed again after a major disappointment?
Here are 10 tips to consider during the recovery process:
1. Reconnect with God. This is always a wise idea, but it becomes a necessity at times like this. Times of disappointment can cause us to emotionally pull away from God. Our faith may still be in tact, but our daily trust waivers. We may know God is able, but we have a harder time trusting Him to do what needs to be done. (I preached about this issue HERE.)
2. Evaluate your life. Use this time to re-evaluate the decisions you have made in life and what got you in the situation you are in today. Are there changes that you need to make? If so, be willing to change. If you did nothing wrong in this case, release yourself from responsibility.
3. Create some new dreams. Don't allow past mistakes to keep you from discovering your passions in life. Keep those creative forces going in your mind so you'll be ready when the next big opportunity comes along. Give yourself permission to believe the impossible. God does.
4. Call in the advisers. Others can usually see things we cannot see. They approach our life from a different perspective. Give someone you trust, who has your best interest at heart, access to the painful part of your life ... and the freedom to speak into your life.
5. Don't take your pain and anger out on others. It doesn't make things better (usually worse) to hurt others because you are hurting. Innocent people shouldn't be subjected to the wrath of your pain.
6. Take a break. Don't expect to recover immediately. Your situation and the emotions and struggles because of them probably didn't start overnight and they will not end overnight. Give yourself time to heal.
7. When it's time, be willing to risk again. Yes, you may get hurt again, but just as life is full of disappointments, it's also full of joy and discovery. Remember that everyone is not the same and every situation is different. Don't hold your past experiences against others who weren't even there or against a future that hasn't come.
8. Don't let failure or disappointment define you. Be defined by God's love for you and His plan for your life.
9. Do something. Rest, yes, but at some point, just do something to stay busy and occupy your mind. It's true that the "idle mind is the devil's workshop." If you lost your job, find somewhere to volunteer until you find another job. If you lost a relationship, find non-sexual relationships through church or civic activities to keep from being alone. If nothing else, start journaling as a way to release your thoughts. Do something.
10. Get back in the game. Choose your next steps carefully and don't keep repeating the same mistakes, but at some point it will be time to enjoy life again. Life was not meant to be lived on the sidelines.
What steps do you have for receiving from disappointment? 
Ron Edmondson is the senior pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. For the original article, visit ronedmondson.com.
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