Monday, February 6, 2017

Make disciples of all the nations" - Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

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Richard and German students
At another school we weren't allowed to lead the students in a prayer for salvation but, being good Israelis, we found another route!  We described our Aliyah story because many times during that extreme adventure, we earnestly prayed for the voice of G-d to guide us!  Then Richard had the idea to ask the students if they'd like to hear the voice of G-d.  When they said yes, he encouraged them to quiet themselves and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to them.  They were quiet for 3-4 minutes and afterwards, one said she saw Yeshua standing on a rock with His arms open wide saying, "Come, My beloved child."  Another saw Yeshua sitting on His throne so she climbed on to His lap and gave Him a hug!

After this class, we realized that we should encourage everyone who receives the L-rd to also receive the Holy Spirit.  With prayer and some changes in our presentation, we were amazed at the receptiveness of the students!  A 17 year old youth who had just received Yeshua and the Holy Spirit, described a vision of being in an emergency room where many people were injured, but when he laid hands on the people, they were completely healed! Do you think he might have an anointing for healing?!

Do you remember your public school days?  When the bell rang, did you race outside to your buddies faster than the speed of light!?  Well, in one class, the students remained seated, asking questions and sharing impressions even after the bell rang.  When the second bell signaled the beginning of the next class, they stayed in their seats and still wouldn't leave!  

Praise the L-rd for the many divine appointments the L-rd arranged, including an opportunity to minister to a group of Syrian refugees in a church who had just completed a discipleship course!
German school min 2017
German school min 2017
German school min 2017
In January, we shared Messiah in ten classrooms in Germany with about 270 students.  Over 200 received Yeshua and many were filled with the Holy Spirit!  Hallelujah!
No matter where G-d sends us, we will go as He enables and equips us!
Sandals in snow 
Please pray that each student will bear good fruit for the Kingdom and pray for their born-again teachers who are following up with discipleship and Bibles!
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.  And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  Matthew 28:19-20

Ata Nehedar in French
A Swiss friend from Ivory Coast translated choruses from some of my songs into French so people could worship in their native tongue!
 "Ata Nehedar"
"Ton Nom Merveilleux"
Enjoy this video from the German dance troupe Malachim!
Shabbat 2 LSE 
Simcha in Toulon
Meme Psalm 51

We hope to raise up more and more informed intercessors for Israel as we worship, pray and share how G-d is moving on the hearts of Israelis today.  Come and join us in the Galilee!

What a joy to sing in a church where members of the Jewish community were invited!  We encouraged many to make Aliyah and met some who already have come home.  

I photograph most of these Word pictures in Israel but this one was taken in Switzerland; it's on my Facebook page. Please feel free to share and encourage others with the Word! 
A Nice Testimony

Outside of Nice, France, Carolyn and I stopped at a rest stop.  Being a bit lost and not having a French phone we asked a couple if we could make a quick call.  After the call we began to talk and discovered that they and their children were believers - an unusual occurrence in France. 
When Richard asked if we could pray for them, they gratefully replied that they were moving and needed a house and a job; the husband added that he had difficulty finding a job because he could barely bend both his knees.  We told them that recently we had seen G-d do many miracles and ask if we could pray for him.  After we prayed he said they were a little better, but he still couldn't bend them completely.  We prayed again and this time he was able to do a full squat, not once but a few times!  They were ecstatic and as we left they were praising G-d for the miracle.  G-d is good!

A word received during worship at Kehila in Israel:
"Don't worry or fear but your daughters are going to be touched by the fires of hell.  It's going to be tough but don't worry. They will be saved."  Not exactly comforting but after 
the service we visited with a fine young man who asked how our prodigals were doing.  We remembered that he was once a prodigal himself so we asked him what was the turning point that brought him back to the L-rd.  He replied, "I was touched by the fires of hell and G-d answered the faithful love and prayers of my parents."  What an incredible confirmation to never give up as we go through this season of turmoil...
We marvel at how the L-rd prepared the way for this journey and wonder what He will do with our upcoming journeys!  
We continually meet many believers who are quietly and faithfully preparing for the coming Great Aliyah - it's an honor to equip and encourage the saints!  
Thank you for your love, prayers and support and b
lessings upon you all in Messiah's amazing love,
Richard & Carolyn Hyde
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda   15220  
USA:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canada:  First Century Foundations  
Canadian charitable tax #10780-1771-RR0001  *   Phone: 1-877-628-2800
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada *  

Worship Music and Outreach Booklets from Israel!

 Deep Calls cover with text The Latter Rain CD cover Fine Linen cover   All 5 Supernatural booklets in a row
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We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd.  Thanks for understanding. 
Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved.
Heart of G-d Ministries, PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246

Your news from Israel - 6 February 2017 - The Jerusalem Journal Brian Schrauger


Apparently, the US is reasserting its presence in the Middle East - in partnership with Russia. The move effectively coronates Putin as the superpower sovereign of the Middle East. Putin, in turn, and for now, is shutting down Iran and its proxies in Syria. READ MORE...



Combined with last week's announcement, the decision authorizes a total of 5,500 new homes in Israel's biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria. READ MORE...



Among a number of new political winds, the UN may be inclined to treat Israel with a degree of respect it has not seen since the body granted full membership to the reborn state in on 11 May 1949 — if the new UN Secretary General has his way, that is. This week he reiterated, on the record, that the Temple Mount is the historical site of the original Temples of Judaism. And, he added, Israel is an equal member among the nations-states at the UN. READ MORE...



There are six reasons why Trump might find Yemen a compelling battlefield to engage Iran. READ MORE...

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Debt Apocalypse Beckons As U.S. Consumer Bankruptcies Do Something They Haven’t Done In Almost 7 Years - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Bankrupt - Public Domain

Posted: 05 Feb 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

When debt grows much faster than GDP for an extended period of time, it is inevitable that a good portion of that debt will start to go bad at some point.  We witnessed a perfect example of this in 2008, and now it is starting to happen again.  Commercial bankruptcies have been rising on a year-over-year basis since late 2015, and this is something that I have written about previously, but now consumer bankruptcies are also increasing.  In fact, we have just witnessed U.S. consumer bankruptcies do something that they haven’t done in nearly 7 years.  The following comes from Wolf Richter
US bankruptcy filings by consumers rose 5.4% in January, compared to January last year, to 52,421 according to the American Bankruptcy Institute. In December, they’d already risen 4.5% from a year earlier. This was the first time that consumer bankruptcies increased back-to-back since 2010.
However, business bankruptcies began to surge in November 2015 and continued surging on a year-over-year basis in 2016, to reach a full-year total of 37,823 filings, up 26% from the prior year and the highest since 2014.
Of course consumer bankruptcies are still much lower than they were during the last financial crisis, but what this could mean is that we have reached a turning point.
For years, the Federal Reserve has been encouraging reckless borrowing and spending by pushing interest rates to ultra-low levels.  Unfortunately, this created an absolutely enormous debt bubble, and now that debt bubble is beginning to burst.  Here is more from Wolf Richter
The dizzying borrowing by consumers and businesses that the Fed with its ultra-low interest rates and in its infinite wisdom has purposefully encouraged to fuel economic growth, if any, and to inflate asset prices, has caused debt to pile up. That debt is now eating up cash flows needed for other things, and this is causing pressures, just when interest rates have begun to rise, which will make refinancing this debt more expensive and, for a rising number of consumers and businesses, impossible. And so, the legacy of this binge will haunt the economy – and creditors – for years to come.
Despite all of the economic optimism that is out there right now, the truth is that U.S. consumers are tapped out.

If the U.S. economy truly was doing great, major retailers would not be closing hundreds of stores.  Sears, Macy’s and a whole host of other big retailers are closing stores because those stores are losing money.  It truly is a “retail apocalypse“, and this trend is not going to turn around until U.S. consumers start to become healthier financially.

We also see signs of trouble in the auto sales numbers.  Compared to 2016, sales were way down in January this year
Compared to January last year, car sales collapsed for all three US automakers, and the largest Japanese automakers didn’t do much better:
  • GM -21.1%
  • Ford -17.5%
  • Fiat Chrysler -35.8%
  • Toyota -19.9%
  • Honda -10.7%
  • Nissan -9.0%
For all automakers combined, car sales sagged 12.2% from a year ago.
A lot of attention is given to our 20 trillion dollar national debt, and rightly so, but a similar amount of attention should be paid to the fact that U.S. households are collectively more than 12 trillion dollars in debt.

About two-thirds of the nation is essentially living paycheck to paycheck.  Most families really struggle to pay the bills from month to month, and all it would take is a major event such as a job loss or a significant illness to plunge them into financial oblivion.

In America today we are told that the secret to success is a college education, but most young Americans have to go deep into debt to afford such an education.

As a result, most college graduates start out life in the “real world” with a mountain of debt.  And since many of them never find the “good jobs” that they were promised, repayment of that debt becomes a very big issue.  In fact, the Wall Street Journal has discovered that student loan repayment rates are much worse than we were being told…
Last Friday, the Education Department released a memo saying that it had overstated student loan repayment rates at most colleges and trade schools and provided updated numbers.
When The Wall Street Journal analyzed the new numbers, the data revealed that the Department previously had inflated the repayment rates for 99.8% of all colleges and trade schools in the country.
The new analysis shows that at more than 1,000 colleges and trade schools, or about a quarter of the total, at least half the students had defaulted or failed to pay down at least $1 on their debt within seven years.
If you do find yourself deep in debt, a lot of families have found success by following a plan that was pioneered by author Dave Ramsey.  His “Debt Snowball Plan” really works, but you have to be committed to it.

Getting out of debt can be tremendously freeing.  So many people spend so many sleepless nights consumed by financial stress, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Most of us have had to go into debt for some reason or another, and not all debt is bad debt.  For example, very few of us would be able to own a home without getting a mortgage, and usually mortgages come with very low interest rates these days.

But other forms of debt (such as credit card debt or payday loans) can be financially crippling.  When it comes to eliminating debt, it is often a really good idea to start with the most toxic forms of debt first.

It has been said that the borrower is the servant of the lender, and you don’t want to spend the best years of your life making somebody else rich.

Whether economic conditions turn out to be good or bad in 2017, the truth is that each one of us should be trying to do what we can to get out of debt.

Unfortunately, a lot of people never seem to learn from the past, and I have a feeling that both consumer and commercial bankruptcies will continue to rise throughout the rest of this year.