Monday, February 13, 2017

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: What should we watch for when Trump & Netanyahu meet this week? Here are five crucial questions that need answers.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

What should we watch for when Trump & Netanyahu meet this week? Here are five crucial questions that need answers.

by joelcrosenberg
(Central Israel) -- As I write this, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is flying to Washington for his first officials meetings with President Trump.
The men have known each other for years, and there is a good chemistry between the two. They met last fall in Trump Tower (see picture above) and have spoken several times by phone. There is, therefore, a great deal of optimism among Americans and Israelis that a new, warmer, closer friendship can and will be forged after the deep strains of the Obama-Biden years. Yet there are also concerns regarding just how the Trump relationship with Netanyahu and his government will play out.
What exactly should we be watching for this week? Here are five crucial questions to which I'm looking for answers.
1.) HOW WILL THE TWO LEADERS PREVENT IRAN FROM GOING NUCLEAR? -- No issue on Netanyahu's agenda is more important than undoing the damage of the nuclear deal President Obama cut with Iran, the deal the Israeli premier famously called an "historic mistake."
Most of the GOP candidates during the primary vowed to rip up the deal if they were elected president. But candidate Trump never did. He has certainly blasted the deal as terrible, but rather than scrap it he vowed during the campaign to "police" it and punish Iran the moment they violate its terms. In recent weeks, numerous Trump cabinet officials and advisors have reaffirmed that the President won't scrap the deal. (See herehereherehere and here.) During an Oval Office call with Saudi King Salman last month, President Trump vowed to "rigorously enforce" the Iran deal.
Interestingly, since the election Netanyahu has not actually urged Trump to scrap the deal but to "tighten the noose" around Iran's neck with punishing new sanctions. The Prime Minister has publicly suggested he has at least five additional options the new President could consider vis-à-vis Iran, though he has not explained what those are yet.
The big question then is this: Can Trump and Netanyahu agree on a unified strategy to contain the ayatollahs of Iran and prevent Tehran from building nuclear weapons and further testing long-range ballistic missiles, and if so, what exactly will that strategy involve?
2) HOW CAN THEY CONTAIN THE CRISIS IN SYRIA? -- Here in Israel, we are watching a modern Arab state implode before our very eyes. More than 500,000 people are dead. Chemical weapons have been used by the Assad regime, and by the Islamic State. The militaries of Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Turkey are all operating in the Syrian theater. The refugee crisis is enormous. Millions of Syrians have poured into Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey.
The big question now is this: Can Trump and Netanyahu map out a unified approach to contain the crisis in Syria and prevent it from causing: A) a new war to erupt with Israel; B) a flood of terrorists to spread out into the U.S., Israel, Europe and the Arab world; and C) the destabilization of Jordan and/or other Arab allies?
3) HOW CAN THEY ADVANCE RATHER THAN UNDERMINE THE EMERGING STRATEGIC ALLIANCE WITH THE SUNNI ARAB WORLD? -- As I have been writing about for the last several years (see herehereherehere and here), a quiet but dramatic shift is taking place in the epicenter.
The existential threats posed by Iran and the Islamic State -- and the vacuum caused by President Obama's foolish insistence on retreating from the Middle East -- are causing Sunni Arab states to discreetly drop their intense hostility with Israel. Indeed, they are  working closely -- increasingly closely -- with the Jewish State to protect themselves from common enemies. Every few weeks, I'm hearing of more high-level contacts between current and former Israeli leaders and current and former Sunni Arab leaders.
The big questions now are these:
  • Can Trump and Netanyahu agree on an approach that might deepen and broaden the relationships between Israel and the Sunni Arab states from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf emirates to Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco?
  • Is it even possible to help some of those Sunni states step forward and sign peace treaties with Israel, as Egypt and Jordan have already done? (Yes, this would have seemed fanciful just a few years ago, but it doesn't seem crazy anymore.)
4) WILL THEY ACTUALLY MOVE THE U.S. EMBASSY TO JERUSALEM, AND IF SO HOW, AND WHEN? -- It looked like it was going to happen fast.
  • Candidate Trump insisted he would make the move quickly.
  • A law passed in a bipartisan fashion and signed by President Clinton in 1996 fully allows President Trump to make the move.
  • President Trump has appointed a new U.S. Ambassador to Israel -- David Friedman -- who fully supports moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
  • An excellent new report by Rob Satloff, the executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, explains how to make the move in a way to strengthen rather than undermine America's position in the Mideast. (I commend the report to your attention; click here to read it in full.)
However, America's Sunni Arab allies, and surely the Palestinian leadership, have warned President Trump not to be hasty. They argue such a move could cause a serious backlash against the U.S. on the Arab street and disrupt or even derail the significant progress that is being made behind the scenes in terms of Israeli-Sunni relations.
To his credit, the new President has slowed the process down and seems to be listening carefully to a range of counselors on the matter. In the end, this is actually the President's decision alone to make. But he is absolutely right to weigh every issue carefully.
The big question now is this: Will Trump and Netanyahu agree that this should be done, and if so how, and how quickly -- or will they conclude that such a decision regarding the embassy should be slowed down to put more attention on building a global coalition to contain Iran and finding new ways to strengthen the U.S.-Israel-Sunni alliance?
5) HOW WILL THEY IMPROVE THE LIVES OF PALESTINIANS EVEN IF THE PROSPECTS OF A PEACE DEAL ARE MINIMAL RIGHT NOW? -- President Trump sees himself as a deal-maker par excellence. He would love to be the guy who solved this problem where no other American president could. He wants to appoint his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to focus on make a peace deal.
That said, most observers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict see no way to make a comprehensive peace deal any time soon. Here are a few reasons why:
  • A terrorist organization (Hamas) controls Gaza and has been firing rockets and mortars at Israeli civilians since Israel withdrew in 2005.
  • The Palestinian Authority is led by a man (Mahmoud Abbas) serving the twelfth year of a four year term and is unwilling to hold new elections.
  • The Palestinian leadership has repeatedly rejected generous peace offers made by successive Israeli prime ministers.
  • The Palestinian leadership has refused since 2009 to come to the table and sit down for bilateral negotiations with Israeli leaders.
Meanwhile, as the world tries to pressure Israel to focus on a two-state solution, Israeli leaders on the center-right are increasingly calling for the expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and even the annexation of part or all of the West Bank under Israeli sovereignty.
Netanyahu, meanwhile, is cautioning his governing coalition not to overreach and expect the Trump administration to give Israeli leaders everything they want.
The big question now is this: In the absence of a clear path forward in the peace process for now, can Trump and Netanyahu at least agree on a strategy to help improve the lives of the Palestinian people by encouraging economic growth, job creation, and the building of new factories, schools, hospitals, roads and other critical infrastructure, and doing so in a way that doesn't undermine the quiet alliance emerging between Israel and her Sunni Arab neighbors?
These are big questions. I'm as curious as you are to see what answers emerge. Let's be praying for wisdom for the two leaders as they and their advisors meet this week.
joelcrosenberg | February 13, 2017 at 7:19 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Powerful Video: Humanity of Pre-born Child Cannot Be Denied - CBN News

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Powerful Video: Humanity of Pre-born Child Cannot Be Denied
CBN News 02-13-2017

A new video campaign by the Life Institute is looking to spread the message that the "humanity of the preborn human cannot be denied."
The goal is the reach 8 million people worldwide with the pro-life message by using hashtags #savelives, #savethe8th, and #human.

"Humanity. It is all of us. It is you and me and all the living humans on earth. It is also the quality of being human. It is the ability to love, to show compassion, protect, and be kind," the video states.

On their webpage, the Life Institute makes the claim that abortion campaigners want to take away this right from preborn children.

In the United States alone, Planned Parenthood performed one in three abortions in 2015, according to their own annual report. According to a survey by the Guttmacher Institute, there were 926,200 abortions performed nationwide in 2014. That's one every 97 seconds.

"They are human beings, like you and I, but like other victims before them, their humanity is being denied to justify their killing," reads the Life Institute's website. "Without the right to life, there are no other human rights."
Click play to watch the Life Institute's video message:
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Your news from Israel - 13 February 2017 - The Jerusalem Journal Brian Schrauger


What was it like to "go up" to the Temple, "the house of the God of Jacob"? Starting this week, pilgrims to Jerusalem can walk the same path worshippers took 2,000 years ago. READ MORE...



In an announcement that Jerusalem did not expect, Russia has signaled its intent to provide high-tech weapons to the armed forces of Syria. The problem is that Damascus remains the puppet of Iran and a sibling puppet with Lebanon's "Party of Allah." Their visceral commitment to Israel's destruction is at least as strong as their desire to defeat ISIS. Accordingly, Jerusalem wonders: will these high-tech weapons be added to Hezbollah's vast arsenal for use against the Jewish state? READ MORE...


Archeologists from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, along with faculty and students from a Christian university in the US, have found "one of the most exciting archaeological discoveries, and the most important in the last 60 years, in the caves of Qumran." READ MORE...



ISIS is not only to Israel's north, in Syria, and east, in Iraq; it is also just across the border to the south. In fact, the terror group has taken over a large swath of the Sinai peninsula. From its stronghold there, it launched four rockets into Israel last night. But this is not the only military activity that occurred during the evening. There were two more. READ MORE...

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9 Prophetic Words for 2017 - PATRICIA KING CHARISMA NEWS

Restoration is headed our way in 2017. (Flickr/CC)

9 Prophetic Words for 2017

Heaven is in a very interventionist mode with America right now, and it is going to take some getting used to for many who don't understand America's assigned role among the nations.
In the first of a two-part article, here are nine prophetic words for the nation for the year:
1. A year of significant breakthrough. Breakthrough will come in areas where the enemy has assaulted believers, such as health, finance, relationships and adverse circumstances. Many of these breakthroughs will come suddenly. Breakthroughs will come on regional and national levels, also in response to the prayers of the saints. "Breakthrough" will be a significant word in 2017. The more it is proclaimed, the more breakthrough will come.
There will also be the breaking forth or "birthings" of new things in believers' lives and in the world.
Angels called Breakthrough are being dispatched. God is sending angels called Breakthrough to assist believers as they break forth into new realms of kingdom authority, encounter and experience. As a result, many Believers will experience sudden deliverance from areas of warfare and bondage and will encounter liberty and freedom in the spirit. These angels represent the breaker, and they execute His assigned works of breakthrough on behalf of believers.
When the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel, all of the Philistines went up to search for David, but David heard about this and went down to the stronghold. Now the Philistines had come and were spread out in the Valley of Rephaim. So David asked the Lord, "Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You give them into my hand?"
The Lord said to David, "Go up, because I will certainly give them into your hand."
So David came to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there. He said, "The Lord has breached my enemies before me like bursting tides" Therefore, he named that place Baal Perazim. The Philistines abandoned their idols there, and David and his men carried them away (2 Sam 5:17-21).
"He who breaks through has gone up before them; they will break through and pass the gate and go out by it. Then their king will pass on before them, the Lord at their head" (Mic. 2:13).
From Cindy Jacobs' article, "2017: Year of the Breakthrough" (from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders gathering):
The number 17 in Scripture symbolizes overcoming the enemy and complete victory.
God overcame the sins of rebellious humans when He began to flood the earth and rested on the 17th day of the Hebrew month. Noah's ark and its eight passengers rested on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month of the religious year (Tishrei), right in the middle of God's holy period known as the Feast of Tabernacles.
The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is in the seventh month (Tishri) and on the tenth day of the Hebraic calendar. This day calls for the turning from our sins through repentance that brings us to victory. It is the time for the breakthrough to victory.
2. Restoration. Many things that have been lost will be restored in 2017. Faith, hope, joy, relationships, finances, positions, lands, inheritances, reputation, health and strength will be restored by the Spirit of grace. There will be great joy and testimony as a result of the Lord's work of restoration. Restore, restore, restore!
"Restore us again, O God of Hosts, and cause Your face to shine, and we shall be delivered" (Ps. 80:7).
"Restore our captives, O Lord, as the streams in the Negev" (Ps. 126:4).
"The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who shall say, 'Give thanks to the Lord of Hosts, for the Lord is good; for His mercy endures forever,' and of those who bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord. For I will restore the fortunes of the land as at the first, says the Lord" (Jer. 33:11).
3. Focus on love and kindness. "Do not be mean in '17!" A standard of love and kindness will be raised up against the hatred, cruelty and violence demonstrated in 2016. A "Love War" will be waged.
"Follow after love and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy" (1 Cor. 14:1).
"For the entire law is fulfilled in one word, even in this, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Gal. 5:14).
4. Israel, America and Trump. President Trump will restore America's relationship with Israel this year. Any nation that curses Israel will be cursed, and any nation that blesses Israel shall be blessed. America was close to being severely cursed due to the previous administration's actions against Israel, but Trump will turn this around. As a result of this positional restoration as allies of Israel, America will receive blessing from the hand of the Lord. God has positioned Trump. Our God is a forgiving and loving God.
President Trump will need much prayer this year. The church must arise and make Scriptural decrees for his protection and pray for God's wisdom to fill him daily. America will have great breakthroughs and will be used to help other nations encounter breakthroughs, but the battle will be fierce on many fronts. Much prayer is needed.
"I will make of you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you, and in you all families of the earth will be blessed" (Gen. 12:2-3,).
 "For thus says the Lord of Hosts: He has sent Me after glory to the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye" (Zech. 2:8).
From Johnny Enlow, January 2017:
Trump and the Angel Called Union
As I have stated before, I believe that Trump will be the most important President since Abraham Lincoln and that our nation will in the future have a "before Trump" and "an after Trump" historical perspective. I believe that the United States' great angel, named Union, has been ordered to step in as he has not been asked to step in since Lincoln's day. I also believe a great angel of Reformation that was from that day has also been released at this time and it is for the 2.0 version of Reformation.
Heaven is in a very interventionist mode with America at this time, and it is going to take some getting used to for many who don't understand America's assigned role among the nations. United States was formed and fashioned with a foundation of freedom and liberty as a gift to the nations. The nations of the world were hopelessly stuck in dead-end cycles of tyranny, war and devastation. America was and still is the interruption into those cycles, and the call extends well beyond anything we have so far seen. God's commitment to seeing America through has not wavered despite our many weaknesses, and this will become increasingly evident to those who have eyes to see. America is also called to be the protector and guarantor of Israel, and it is a primary calling. Because of that call, military might is a must for America as a deterrent to foolishness among the nations.
What we will see for the next 8 years is reflected in the acronym of our new president's last name.
Transformation – This is what happens to people and to the macro-narrative itself.
Reformation – This is what happens to the seven mountains of society.
Union – This is the great angel over us and his specific assignment.
Momentum – We will shift into full-scale destiny momentum.
Prosperity – Transformation and reformation are both a root and a fruit of prosperity.
5. Increase in miracles, signs and wonders. God's eye is particularly gazing upon the Middle East and parts of Asia such as India and Pakistan in 2017.
I see Egypt beginning to awaken through the visitation of signs, wonders and miracles. Those who have held to a form of godliness and denied the power will come under conviction due to personal encounters with the Lord.
Israel will continue to experience tensions, but it will escalate in revelation of truth and will experience signs and wonders at the hand of God. The Lord will call many God-fearing intercessory believers to move to Israel in 2017.
The Lord says, "Watch what I will do in Syria." Many individuals trapped in the deception of ISIS will wake up and see the truth. Many of them will be visited by the power of the Lord and as a result will risk their lives for His justice, righteousness, and glory.
"God also bore them witness with signs and wonders and diverse miracles and with gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His own will" (Heb. 2:4).
6. Increased Anointing Activated in Believers to Break Strongholds and to Produce Good Works.
"In that day his burden shall be taken away from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck; and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing oil" (Is. 10:27).
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him" (Acts 10:38).
7. Revival, Revolution and Reformation. Many who have felt empty, dry and unfruitful will experience personal renewal and refreshment in the spirit when they cry out to the Lord for revival. Apostolic revival centers will expand in the nations and become more established in 2017.
Anything that causes you to revolt is an invitation for a revolution. This year, revolutions on many fronts will demand attention and justice. These revolutions will result in reformations (re-formings).
"Behold, I have a longing for Your precepts; revive me in Your righteousness ... Revive me according to Your lovingkindness, that I may keep the testimony from Your mouth" (Ps. 119:40, 88).
"For thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy, 'I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones'" (Is. 57:15).
Fourth Wave, From Cindy Jacobs' article, "2017: Year of the Breakthrough" (from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders gathering)
We are hearing the words "new wine, new wine."
A convergence of all the past moves of God coming together with the manifestations of Pentecostal fire, the healing and deliverance crusades. The latter rain glory being poured out with new realms of glory, the evangelicals' burden of the lost, and the Jesus People Movement's love for the lost, the gifts of the Holy Spirit from the Charismatic movement, the Third Wave theological credibility, the revelation of the prophetic movement and the relational networking of the apostolic reformation that includes an understanding of reforming and transforming society in each mountain (or sphere) is great Convergence of the ages is coming with a historic Fourth Wave of the Holy Spirit and a reformation that will lead to the great transformation of nations.
The wind of the Holy Spirit is going to blow with new renewal movements arising in the youth upon centuries-old churches. The power of the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a new, fresh way, manifesting through the young and old. The miracles that have seemed only to happen infrequently are going to be dramatic.
Many "workings of miracles" that are creative in nature will be seen in hundreds of churches across the world. Centuries-old churches that have prayed for a renewed move of the Holy Spirit will see their prayers answered. It is the time for a new Pentecost! Some who criticize those who are longing for renewal will find they are put out of leadership in their churches and denominations. Both the young and the old will see the power of the Holy Spirit fall upon them.
This again will result in many, many new missionaries being sent out across the face of the earth that are willing to go to the most difficult and hard-to-reach areas. Central Asia will be significantly impacted by this missions movement. God is calling a new generation who will go out and evangelize the world. The numbers of those going to preach will increase in large proportion compared to the generation before them.
8. Harvest. Stadium gatherings will spring up in the nations and many souls will be saved. A new breed of evangelists preaching with faith, conviction, love and power will emerge, leading masses to Christ.
Churches will reach out in their communities, and individuals who are searching for answers will discover truth.
Call forth laborers to the fields that are white with harvest and pray for churches to be ready to disciple new believers:
"He said to them, 'The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest'" (Luke 10:2).
9. New inventions and solutions. The year 2017 will be one of discovery. Breakthroughs in knowledge, wisdom and understanding will bring forth cures, inventions and technical solutions and advancement.
"I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge and discretion" (Prov. 8:12). 
Note: Stay tuned Thursday for Part Two of this article for eight more prophetic words for 2017.
Patricia King is a respected apostolic minister of the gospel, successful business owner and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His kingdom's advancement in the earth. She is the founder of XP Ministries and co-founder of Visit her website at
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