Sunday, May 25, 2014

Israeli Pastor Speaks of Mid-East Awakening - ISRAEL TODAY

Israeli Pastor Speaks of Mid-East Awakening

Sunday, May 25, 2014 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
A Jesus movement among both Jews and Muslims in the Middle East has been described by a Japanese-American pastor as a spiritual awakening that has never been seen before.
Peter Tsukahira was addressing a conference in Jerusalem aimed at strengthening the bonds of reconciliation between the sons of Abraham (Isaac and Ishmael). An invitation-only event, At the Crossroads was hosted in the Old City by Christ Church, the oldest Protestant church in the region.
Arab, Iranian, Turkish and Kurdish delegates attending from countries perceived as enemies of Israel risked their lives to come and enjoy the hospitality of their Jewish brothers, quite apart from the fact that Christians are suffering severe persecution in many of the Muslim-background nations represented.
Pastor Tsukahira, who is co-leader of a church on Mt Carmel in the north of Israel made up of both Jews and Arabs, said an awakening was taking place along the so-called ‘Isaiah 19 Highway’, which runs from Egypt to Assyria (including much of the Arab Middle East) via Israel. The prophet Isaiah had foretold of a time when these nations would become a blessing to one another.
The pastor said the church at large was in danger of entering a ‘dark age’, but could change the world if they affected every facet of life and culture with biblical foundations.
“Christianity is at a crossroads,” said Tsukahira. “One day Islam is going to fall, and then the Christians are going to have to step up with the answer and fill the vacuum. However, the kingdom of God is more than a gospel of church growth.”
One area in which the church had failed over the centuries was in cutting itself off from its Hebraic roots. But the last few verses of the Old Testament (in Malachi) speaks of how the hearts of the fathers will turn to their children, and the children to their fathers – paving the way for the Messiah’s second coming.
This, he says, refers to Christians re-connecting with their Jewish founding fathers. After all, God’s promise to Abraham was that he would be a blessing to all nations.
“I think it’s like going to a long movie after the intermission. We never understand why it ends the way it does, or learn of the part played by characters earlier on.”
Tsukahira believes that a big breakthrough among Arab Moslems would come quickly and suddenly, and would provoke the Jews to jealousy, paving the way for Israel’s national acceptance of Jesus as Messiah.
Photo Credit: Carino Casas, Christ Church

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the ChosenHe recently reported live from At the Crossroads in Jerusalem. His previous reports can be found here:
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American flag sky dive with paratroopers

NASCAR Nationwide History 300 at Charlotte MotorSpeedway - May 24, 2014

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Remembering...lives given for freedom to live.

We remember.
We are thankful 
for lives given 
for freedom.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Saturday, May 24, 2014

America BLESS God will bless America.

"From the mountains..."

"to the prairies..."

" the oceans"

God will bless America!


Hope Your Light Shines Today!

Photo by Andy Cook of Colorado Springs, CO

May your light shine today,
to let others know that
our Lord & Saviour
Jesus Christ,
Yeshua HaMashiach,

Steve Martin
Lover For His People, Inc.

Alan Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty': My Father Phil Is a '21st Century Prophet'

Alan Robertson of 'Duck Dynasty': My Father Phil Is a '21st Century Prophet'


May 23, 2014
Alan Robertson speaks at the Family Research Council's "Watchmen on the Wall 2014" event in Washington, D.C. May 22, 2014.
WASHINGTON – Phil Robertson of the A&E reality TV show "Duck Dynasty" is oftentimes compared to John the Baptist for speaking about the Gospel unapologetically, said his son, Alan Robertson.
Alan, a guest speaker at the Family Research Council's "Watchmen on the Wall 2014" event on Thursday, addressed a crowd of hundreds of pastors to encourage them to continue preaching the Gospel without compromise – much like his family is known to do on their show.
"My dad has the heart and mindset of a prophet and is most compared to John the Baptist … for speaking the truth in a culture that isn't prepared to hear truth," Alan said. "That doesn't change my dad's view at all. Prophets tend not to care about their public image. They tend to talk about their judgment as if it's real and they speak what God gives them to speak ... so he is, in that sense, a 21st century prophet."
The event, aimed to remind Christian leaders about the nation's Judeo-Christian heritage and inform them about the moral issues being debated in the public square, was the ideal platform for Alan's message.
Alan addressed his father's controversy late last year when he spoke against homosexuality to GQ magazine during an interview. At the time, Phil shared his belief that homosexuality is a sin, causing outrage among the gay community and network executives that threatened to suspend their show.
Despite warning that Phil's comment would create an uproar of discontent, Alan says his family stood by their beliefs as a united front.
"Our local newspaper guy came up to me and said, 'Al, we got a problem. If this gets out, you guys are in trouble. This is going to cause you guys a lot of grief because this message is not politically correct,'" Alan said. "Well, in December it did hit the fan and it hasn't changed us one bit about who we are and what we believe."
Alan called his father a "culture-changer" because of the incident, and also compared his boldness to other prophets in the Bible, like Elijah and Jonah.
In the same manner, Alan urged the group of pastors to speak the Gospel's truth regardless of how their public image may be perceived or how they will be judged. However, he also noted the importance of preaching grace as well.
"This message is for us to learn from these prophets. I want to encourage you guys to tell the truth. As a family, we're going to do that," Alan said.
He added, "Our message for people is God is God. Therefore, I am not. I have no reason to put myself in His judgment seat, but I can learn that God has a job for me … the country is going terribly, what can we do to change it? But you know what, 'I have 7,000 reserved that have not bowed their knees to Baal,'" he said, referencing 1 Kings 19:18.
CP insider: Family Research Council's 'Watchmen on the Wall 2014' Event
CP insider: Family Research Council's 'Watchmen on the Wall 2014' Event

Franklin Graham Calls on Pastors to Speak Out on Abortion, Homosexuality; Says 'God Hates Cowards'

Franklin Graham Calls on Pastors to Speak Out on Abortion, Homosexuality; Says 'God Hates Cowards'

May 23, 2014
Rev. Franklin Graham addressing pastors at the Watchmen on the Wall National Briefing, held at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC on Thursday, May 22, 2014.
WASHINGTON – The Rev. Franklin Graham told a large gathering of pastors on Thursday to address controversial issues from the pulpit, declaring that "God hates cowards."
Graham, president and CEO of Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, based his remarks on Revelation 21:8, wherein God lists eight groups of people who will be "in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
Of groups like murderers, idolaters, unbelievers, and others, the first group of persons listed were the cowardly. It was this first group that Graham focused on for his speech, titled "Standing Strong on the Controversial Issues," at the Thursday evening session for the 2014 Watchmen on the Wall National Briefing.
"The definition of a coward: a coward will not confront an issue that needs to be confronted due to fear. That is a coward," said Graham.
"God hates cowards. And the cowards that the Lord is referring to are the men and women who know the truth but refuse to speak it."
In his remarks at the dinner session, Graham spoke about the need for churches to speak out against abortion and homosexuality, declaring that "you're not going to shut me up."
"We have a responsibility to speak on the moral issues. Abortion, homosexuality, these are moral issues. This is a free country, you can do what you want to do but I want you to know it's a sin against God. This is a sin," said Graham.
Graham mentioned how he has "friends who are pastors" who say they want to preach the Gospel and not "become targets."
"Well don't you think the Lord Jesus Christ was a target?" asked Graham. "Could we get our heads chopped off? We could, maybe one day. So what? Chop it off!"
Rev. Franklin Graham addressing pastors at the Watchmen on the Wall National Briefing, held at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC on Thursday, May 22, 2014.
Graham's remarks were part of a multiday conference organized by the Family Research Council. Held from Wednesday to Friday, the Watchmen on the Wall National Briefing was geared toward pastors and encouraging churches to become more involved in politics, social issues, and public policy.
Featured speakers included Pastor Rafael Cruz, the father of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz; Bishop Harry Jackson, author and senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland; Joyce Meyer of Joyce Meyer Ministries; U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, and several others.
For the Thursday evening dinner portion, attendees experienced worship led by contemporary Christian singer Charles Billingsley and were present to see awards given to assorted pastors for their actions on religious liberty.
The last honoree for the evening was Graham. FRC President Tony Perkins commended Graham for his actions in the public sphere.
"Franklin is not the pastor of a church, but in a real sense he is a pastor to America's pastors," said Perkins before presenting Graham with the 2014 Watchman Award.
"And in that role, he has sounded the alarm and raised the righteous standard as have few other leaders in our time."
The son of the famous evangelist Billy Graham, Franklin Graham has garnered controversy in recent years for his remarks on same-sex marriage, Islam, and President Barack Obama.
Some have contrasted his public career with that of his father, arguing that Franklin Graham has taken more overtly political positions than Billy Graham has.

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Darlene Zschech Finishes Chemo, Leads Worship Again

Darlene Zschech Finishes Chemo, 
Leads Worship Again

CBN News May 23, 2014

Four months after Darlene Zschech announced her breast cancer diagnosis, the Christian singer-songwriter is finishing up her last round of chemotherapy.

"Hallelujah is about the only word that fits at the moment. I am so thankful that it is coming to an end," Zschech wrote in her May 23 blog.

Zschech will now face another six weeks of radiation treatment and is asking for continued prayers.

"On the days where I have felt I cannot do it anymore, I literally have felt the strength of people praying for me," she wrote.

"The power of the Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen has been beyond what I have ever experienced before," she continued. "Again, I am so thankful for every one of you."

Meanwhile, Zschech will be leading worship at her church Sunday for the first time since her diagnosis.

"Even if it's a bit rough and ready, leading people to the courts of our God is my greatest honor," she said. "I simply cannot wait! His presence truly is heaven."