Thursday, November 6, 2014

When a Jew Prays at the Temple Mount

When a Jew Prays at the Temple Mount

Wednesday, November 05, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
It seems ridiculous that a Jew offering a few quiet prayers at Judaism’s holiest site should make headlines, but given the suppressive “status quo” that even the United States of America supports, that is precisely the case.
So, it was a surprise to many when authorities that typically bow to Muslim intimidation instead allowed young Shahar Glick, son of shooting victim Yehuda Glick, to ascend the Temple Mount on Monday and offer supplication for is father’s recovery.
The elder Glick remains in critical, but stable condition at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center after a Palestinian Muslim gunman attempted to assassinate the rabbi last week over his belief that Jews should be permitted to pray at the Temple Mount as a matter of course.
Contrary to the claims of Israel’s antagonists, Shahar Glick reiterated that his father, and others belonging to the movement, aren’t trying to “Judaize” and eject Muslims from the Temple Mount, but simply want Jews to likewise enjoy freedom of worship there.
“We don’t want to deprive anyone of the right to pray here,” the junior Glick told the Channel 2 News crew that accompanied him to the holy site. “Muslims, Christians, anybody can. Most of all, we hope that they will let us, the Jews, pray here.”
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Senate Candidates Who Championed Pro-Life, Social Conservative Principles Win Decisive Victories

Senate Candidates Who Championed Pro-Life, Social Conservative Principles Win Decisive Victories


November 5, 2014

Republican Senator Joni Ernst speaks to supporters after the results of the U.S. Senate race in U.S. midterm elections in Iowa in West Des Moines, Iowa, November 4, 2014.
With the results of the midterm election giving control of both the House and Senate to the Republican Party, leaders of two prominent social conservative political action groups said in interviews with The Christian Post that those candidates who fully embraced their conservative stances on social issues were fully rewarded by the voters.
Tony Perkins, president of the social conservative advocacy group Family Research Council, and Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, agreed that Republican candidates who either supported abortion or hid their views on abortion and other social issues did not fare as well as those who fully supported the social conservative principles that many think hinders the GOP in the modern political climate.
"I think what you saw here are candidates who embrace the values, the values voters embrace them," Perkins said. "I think this was a clear referendum on Barack Obama and his liberal policies, and I think that is going to come with a mandate to the Republicans that they address these issues and address them quickly."
Perkins noted Republican Kansas Senator Pat Roberts as a prime example of what touting conservative social principles did in the grand scheme of one Senate election.
Republican Pat Roberts speaks to supporters after the results of the midterm elections in Topeka, Kansas, November 4, 2014.
Although polling leading up to the elections showed Roberts was in serious danger of losing his seat to independent candidate Greg Orman, Perkins said Roberts' late push in the election cycle, where he advocated heavily for pro-life and other conservative social stances, helped him to win reelection even though many thought his career might be coming to an end.
"The reason why I say Roberts, in particular, was because he was down significantly and almost left for political dead and he did not run from those values issues, rather he embraced them," Perkins said.
Tom Cotton, who won election as Arkansas Senator, and Joni Ernst, who won the vacant Iowa Senate seat, both campaigned heavily on pro-life and traditional marriage platform and both won their elections by decisive margin. Ernst replaces retiring Democratic Senator Tom Harkin, while Cotton displaces Democratic incumbent Mark Pryor.
Republican Tom Cotton speaks after the results of the midterm elections in North Little Rock, Arkansas, November 4, 2014.
Dannenfelser claims that Ernst's election represents the perfect symbolism of a new GOP-controlled Senate that will attempt to pass pro-life legislation.
"Ernst is the most significant among the Susan B. Anthony list's efforts, because this is an unapologetic pro-life woman who will be on the floor for the U.S. Senate advocating for pro-life legislation," Dannenfelser said. "And that is an enormous victory for women and the Susan B. Anthony List. Everything that we have done for this election is for gaining the Senate and having a woman be a great spokeswoman in the Senate."
Both Dannenfelser and Perkins agree that Scott Brown, a Republican who lost to Democratic New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen, only hurt himself in this election by not staying true to the Republican social principles. Brown never made clear his stances on abortion or gay marriage during his campaign, although it's alleged that he is pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage.
"I think the main problem with Scott Brown is that he never clarified what he believed at all. He could have carved out a consensus play, which would say, 'I'm not for all pro-life measures but I am definitely for a late-term restriction,'" Dannenfelser said. "He could have done something like that. It would have been smart to do something like that, and he didn't do that. He did not gain the advantage that all of our other candidates did and that was a huge mistake on his part."
In one of the most expensive Senate campaigns in history, North Carolina's incumbent Senator Kay Hagan was ousted by Republican challenger Thom Tillis. Dannenfelser sees Tillis' victory, along with Mark Udall's loss in Colorado, as a clear indication that the Democratic Party's "War on Women" campaign attack against the Republican Party is now officially dead.
"I believe that the abortion-centered 'War on Women' message has just died. It is dead in the water," Dannenfelser said. "Kay Hagan was an Emily's List candidate. Emily's list advice was 'do not talk about abortion.' She did not. She only reluctantly admitted that she was against the pain-capable bill. I think it is one more piece of evidence that the war on women manipulation is dead now."
With a conservative majority in the Senate, Dannenfelser said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had promised that he would advance a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would prohibit abortions after five months of pregnancy. The bill passed the House in 2013 but has been stalled in the Senate.
"When that occurs we will have a majority pro-life Senate that will vote for that bill and that means that we will see a potential veto by this president, and the Senate will be very important in defining the next presidential race," Dannenfelser said.
Perkins added that the Republican majority needs to "fulfill some of these promises" and work quickly to repeal some of the liberal policies established by the Obama administration.
"What we have been hearing up to this point is that Harry Reid is blocking this reform. That won't be a legitimate excuse anymore, as the Republicans control both the House and the Senate," Perkins said. "They will have to fulfill some of these promises that have been made to turn this country around and undo what this president has done."
Source: Christian Post

Prophetic Wisdom for Braving the Coming Storm - R. LOREN SANDFORD

U.S. Capitol Building
U.S. Capitol Building (Flickr/Roman Boed)
I have been hesitant to release this publicly since I began sensing it some months ago, but I feel that at this point I must. Christians must be forewarned and positioned to be peacemakers, reconcilers and purveyors of hope in the face of the trouble to come.
I have long known that at some point Barack Obama would face a crisis to his presidency that would rock the nation. I expected it in the third year of his administration, but I confess that I've never been good at hearing specific dates from the Lord. I now expect it beginning in the third and into the fourth years of his second term. Many issues have already surfaced, as have many scandals that would have sunk any previous president, but so far none of these has seemed to coalesce into something worthy of "crisis." Witness the Fast and Furious debacle, the truth of what actually happened at Benghazi that is now surfacing via those who were on the ground during the attack, the scandals surrounding the Secret Service (from soliciting prostitutes to incompetence that allowed a runner to get all the way into the White House), as well as the IRS scandal and the resignation of its director, Lois Lerner. It has been a growing list. I have sensed with some dread that, in these last two years of the current administration, corruption will be exposed and turmoil will erupt at such a level and depth that we simply won't know how to deal with it.
It would be a mistake to make the president responsible for all of this, although he bears a significant portion of the responsibility, as do his predecessors. No matter what anyone tries to make of it, know that this is not a racial crisis, but rather a crisis of fundamental integrity, and that it extends to both sides of the congressional aisle. What is coming is the culmination of decades of erosion in the moral fiber of the nation, our rejection of God, of godly principles and the relentless pressure of a culture of self that leads us to vote for whoever promises to give us the most at the expense of personal responsibility. Additionally, we increasingly tend to elect those who advocate immorality in the name of individual rights and freedoms. In the end, God's ways work and man's ways don't, but mankind has always had a difficult time accepting this as truth.
The enemy of our soul has always been an opportunist who stands ever ready to fill the vacuum left by godly people who either abandon the biblical standard or neglect to stand forth and pay the price that raising the prophetic cry against immorality and corruption exacts. Charismatic and evangelical Christians, committed to the historic faith, will pay an ever higher price for our stand in the days to come. How we choose to respond will make the difference between being permanently marginalized on the one hand or walking in victory on the other (and ultimately enjoying favor with God and man) in the midst of a time of increasing turmoil.
It's time to play our role as prophetic Daniels to our Nebuchadnezzars and as Josephs to our Pharaohs. As they did, we can become assets to a lost world, demonstrating the love and power that flow from our Savior and our Father God without compromising our integrity or entering into idolatry. It's time to position ourselves to receive and minister to a growing stream of the hurting and the broken without judgment, condemnation or bitterness. More than ever, it will be love and grace that win the lost, not cries of judgment and destruction. It's time for us to shine.
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Love For His People Editor's Note: On Oct. 30 I shared my thoughts about the need for Christians to stand strong, in my NOW THINK ON THIS message, "No More Restraints?" - in reference to Christians standing for what is right against the falling walls that once stood on a strong foundation here in America. 

You can read that here: Now Think On This blog or see the message on this blog or the link to all my Now Think On This messages in the left hand column. 

Steve Martin, Editor

Obummer: Pro-Israel Republicans Take Over Congress

Obummer: Pro-Israel Republicans Take Over Congress

“I know that you are pleased with me, for my enemy does not triumph over me.” (Psalm 41:11)
As Americans headed to the polls on Tuesday in the midterm elections, many supporters of Israel wondered what the outcome of the elections would mean for the Jewish state.
The results are in and it looks like Israel has gained a major foothold when it comes to bolstering support for Israel among American lawmakers.
For the first time in eight years, Republicans are in control of the US Congress. Republicans won control of the US Senate and increased their majority in the House of Representatives.
Republicans picked up seven seats in the Senate, giving them 52 out of a total 100 seats. In the House, several high-profile races ended in Republican victory, including Florida and Wisconsin. The usually Democratic-leaning states of Maryland, Illinois and Massachusetts turned from blue to red.
The results are a major blow to the Democrats, especially US President Barack Obama. Obama now faces an uphill battle during the remaining two years of his presidency with a Congress that is now controlled by a party that firmly and vocally opposes his policies.
The American people have spoken and they are not happy.
Elie Pieprz, the Director of External Affairs for the Yesha Council and a former DC lobbyist, explained to Breaking Israel News that the election results were a bit surprising and created a “much bigger wave than expected” among Republican support.
“The election results are consequential for Israel, especially since Netanyahu is trying to bypass the White House,” Pieprz said.
“The Democrats are trying to differentiate themselves from Obama, who has been radioactive to Israel and the Democratic Party as a whole,” Pieprz said, referring to the rising tensions between the Obama administration and Netanyahu.
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In light of the results, Pieprz explained that Obama can either gracefully bow to the needs of the American people or work with Congress, or he can do the opposite. Democrats now have the task of redefining themselves outside of the Obama narrative.
“Many Democrats have seen the mistakes of the Obama administration. In the 2016 presidential election, we will see many Democrat and Republican candidates who will want to restart the relationship with Israel,” he said.
“Many Democrats will say they have a different approach to Israel than Obama. The toxicity of communication between the two administrations is something the Democrats don’t want to replicate again.”
While Obama has hit some pretty intense lows when it comes to foreign policy, Pieprz said that when it comes to Israel, the president has been very “successful in pressuring and pushing Israel.” However, with Congress in the hands of the Republicans, the threats imposed on Israel by the Obama administration will be that much tougher to see through.
“When it comes to Israel, the Senate has more responsibility and authority in regards to foreign affairs,” Pieprz explained. “Now we have a number of Republican senators who are fairly strong in foreign policy and very pro-Israel.”
One such senator is Tom Cotton (R-AK), a Gulf War veteran who is “very strong in international affairs.”
In the House, Representatives such as Lee Zelden (R-NY), the only Jewish Republican in Congress who “campaigned with a strong religious perspective on Israel; Carlos Cordello (R-FL), “a very solid advocate on behalf of Israel”; Alex Mooney (R-WV), who has been to Israel a number of times, worked in Christian political movements and is a “strong asset in the House”; and Mia Love (R-UT), the first African-American female Republican who uses her Mormon religious beliefs to “govern her positions and Israel is certainly one of them,” will be fresh faces and vocal allies of the Jewish State.
“To have these kinds of personalities in Congress is very consequential for Israel,” Pieprz stated.


"Warring With Wisdom and Revelation" Dutch Sheets

"Warring With Wisdom and Revelation"
Dutch Sheets, Dallas, TX
The Elijah List

At this time of year, there is a heightened level of demonic activity. The hearts of Americans are also being gripped by fear as Ebola ravages lives and communities, Islamic terrorism escalates, and our national security is severely threatened by open borders. We are reminded, however,"...we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul" (Hebrews 10:39).

God is calling His remnant warriors to rise above this deluge of wickedness and employ the weapons of our warfare, which have the power to destroy even the mightiest of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). 

We cannot be tactical in our approach, however. God is calling us to a higher level in our warfare. As the Church seeks God's direction for moving forward in victory, I feel strongly that we must reconsider the importance of warring with wisdom and revelation.

Revelatory Dream

Several years ago my daughter, Hannah, received a dream from the Lord that was not only for Hannah and me, but also for the Body of Christ in general. In her dream, we were dropping her off at a college or university. She had to get a new pair of shoes before entering the campus, which she picked up inside "Safeway" supermarket. Wondering why her new shoes were found in such an unusual place, she looked back and saw the name was no longer "Safeway" but "Other Things."

As we prayed about this dream, we felt the Lord say that a new season or phase was coming (new shoes). On this new journey, we could not go the "safe" and familiar way; He was about to do "other things". God was calling the Body of Christ into a time of tremendous stretching and paradigm shifting to prepare the way for those who would pioneer new methods and activities. 

I also understood that we would have to keep coming back to the Lord in a very deliberate way so that He can show us what, how, and when to do it.

Next in the dream, Hannah was given her room assignment: Room 601 on the "Gray Floor." I knew that the color gray is Biblically symbolic of wisdom. With my love of word studies, I remembered that 601 is the Strong's Concordance number which corresponds to the Greek words for "revelation." (Photo via pixabay)

I knew this was a reference to Ephesians 1:17-18, "may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."

The Two In Tandem

This dream was extremely significant to me. The symbolic designations of Hannah's room and floor were intriguing. The broader area (the floor) was wisdom, yet it wasn't complete without revelation (the room). Neither would be adequate or function without the other. Unfortunately, most of the Church focuses on one or the other—not a balance of the two—with the greater portion of Christ's Body emphasizing the need for wisdom and knowledge. While I would never downplay the need for wisdom—in the dream it was the larger portion—it is also true that wisdom without revelation is very detrimental to our cause.

Wisdom is yesterday's revelation that has been processed and made into a way of thinking. It is a general understanding of God's ways, purposes and principles learned over time. Wisdom serves as our foundation.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Revelation is God's lifting of the veil created by sin from our hearts and allows us to receive fresh insight directly from Him (2 Corinthians 4:3-6). Revelation is a spontaneous and specific understanding for current situations. It is applicable truth for today.

Revelation must be interpreted in the larger context of wisdom. 

Likewise, we cannot build, war and accomplish God's desires based solely on the wisdom and knowledge we've acquired through the years. We also must seek revelation on how to apply that wisdom at the right time, and in the right way.

If you just operate based on wisdom, you become an old wineskin that cannot take in the new wine, the present Word of the Lord. Without revelation, we will merely maintain our ministries and not truly operate in Kingdom advancement. We must continuously come to God for fresh truth so that our youth is renewed like the eagle (Psalm 103:5). 

This heart posture will keep us willing to break out of the mold and jump off new cliffs into deeper waters that He can release through us.

A Recipe For Hope

Effective intercession is absolutely linked to revelation. When praying about any situation, we must ask ourselves, What Scripture applies to this? Or Holy Spirit, what is Your will and strategy in this matter? Regardless of His chosen method for speaking to us, when we rise up and place God in His rightful place of authority, we will hear from Him and be the overcomers He desires us to be(Photo by Jennifer Page Enter In via

Using these principles, countless Believers throughout history, have prayed rebellious spouses and prodigal children to the foot of the Cross. Cycles of poverty and infirmity have been broken off of families. And through a word of knowledge or prophetic word shared, table servers have been launched into their destiny! 

By following Holy Spirit's promptings, nameless, faceless men and women have been used of God to deliver and transform entire people groups and nations.

Do you find yourself in a seemingly hopeless situation? Have circumstances caused your heart to be gripped by fear? Are you in need of direction or strategy for resolving a particular issue?

God wants you to find your room of revelation. It is often a process that requires time and great perseverance, but don't give up. Draw near to Him; He'll guide you there. Despite how difficult your situation, Holy Spirit is willing to disclose Heaven's strategy and insight to you, enabling you to break free of oppression and adversity. Your destiny is to be a kingly warrior, overcoming in life through the Kingdom authority of Jesus Christ. You can do it—if you live on the floor of wisdom, within the room of revelation!

This teaching is derived from the Dutch's book, Authority In Prayer: Praying With Power and Purpose.

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries

Email: click here

Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, teacher, and conference speaker. He travels extensively, empowering Believers for passionate prayer and societal transformation. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries, and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. Dutch's greatest passion is to see America experience a sweeping revival and return to its Godly heritage. 

Dutch is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging Believers to contend for awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime. Dutch has written over 20 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. Dutch and his wife Ceci have been married for 35 years and now reside in the Dallas area. They treasure time spent with their two grown daughters, son-in-law and grandson.

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GOP Owes 'Prayer of Thanks' to Evangelicals

GOP Owes 'Prayer of Thanks' to Evangelicals

Republicans sealed control of the Senate with more than six seats needed, a momentum Reuters suggested the GOP owes to evangelical voters.
FOX News exit polls showed that nearly 60 percent of voters who identified themselves as Protestant or Christian also identified themselves as Republican.
"If Republicans win control of the Senate in the midterm elections they should say a prayer of thanks for Christian conservatives," Reuters reporter Alistair Bell wrote more than a week ago.
Studies suggest the voting block may be shrinking, but it's still a considerable force. The latest Reuters-Ipsos polling shows Evangelicals are more enthusiastic about the midterms than the general population.
Forty-nine percent of evangelicals said they had a great deal of interest in the midterm elections, compared to 38 percent of other voters.
Pollster George Barna estimates there are 77 million evangelical and Catholic voters in America. About 30.6 million of them supported Mitt Romney in 2012, and 20 million voted for the President.
But the troubling number is the 26 million who didn't bother to vote at all.
A recent Pew Research study found 56 percent of Americans feel religion is losing influence in American life and say that's a bad thing. That same study showed 49 percent of adults feel churches should express their views on social and political questions. That is up 6 percent from four years ago.

Pro-Lifers: Election an 'Overwhelming Victory'

Pro-Lifers: Election 
an 'Overwhelming Victory'
WASHINGTON -- Pro-life groups were cheered by the wave of allies swept into office Tuesday night.
"Tonight's overwhelming victory for pro-life candidates signals the fact that the bottom has fallen out of the abortion-centered 'war on women' strategy," Marjorie Dannenfelser, head of the Washington-based, pro-life group The Susan B. Anthony List, said Tuesday evening.
The SBA List and its partner Women Speak Out PAC spent $5 million on five key Senate races.  They saw outright victory in four of them: Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas and North Carolina.  And it's predicted they'll also see a victory in the other state they targeted, Louisiana, when Republican Bill Cassidy faces off against Democrat Sen. Mary Landrieu in a run-off next month.
The SBA List's communications director Mallory Quiqley told CBN News the group is particularly pleased with the ascendancy of Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell to the post of senate majority leader.
Some conservatives have worried McConnell may act like a mushy moderate and basically 'Romneyize' the Senate.  And they fear that could so displease Americans they'll basically spew the lukewarm Republican Party from its positions of power and not give it a presidential victory in 2016.
But Quiqley points out McConnell has a 100 percent pro-life voting record.  And he's promised to bring up the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act for Senate action soon.  If it becomes law, it would basically ban most abortions after the fifth month of pregnancy.
A number of House victories Tuesday night will also add strength to the already large pro-life ranks in the U.S. House of Representatives.

After Removing 'God' From Dictionary, Gospel Spreads in Albania

After Removing 'God' From Dictionary, Gospel Spreads in European Nation

Doors have opened for a Christian radio ministry to broadcast in Albania which has a 1% Christian population. (Facebook/Tide Radio)
Imagine looking up the word "God" in the dictionary only to find it's not there. This was the case in Albania, where before the fall of communism in the early 1990s, government leaders attempted to remove all spirituality from the culture—destroying churches, temples and mosques and even removing the word "God" from dictionaries.
Now, the door has opened for The Tide global radio ministry to expand into this former atheist nation, bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to Albanians through radio programs produced on-site in the language listeners were born to speak.
"This nation that was once so closed to the gospel is now open to missionaries and allows full religious freedom," said Don Shenk, director of The Tide. "Sadly, though, the effects of blocking the gospel for so long are still felt, as most of the current population was raised under a system that indoctrinated them to disbelieve God's existence. We know, though, that God's love for the people of Albania is without measure, and our heart is to share with them the matchless and eternal love of Jesus Christ and the truth of salvation through Him."
Christians currently make up less than one percent of the population of Albania, and prior to Albania's atheistic period, the majority of Albanians identified as Muslim, with many still identifying culturally with Islam. Nevertheless, the foundation has already been laid for a Christian radio outreach through the establishment of Radio 7, a Christian network in Albania that has been on the air since 2002.
Earlier this year, Radio 7's founder contacted The Tide to request assistance in establishing a radio-based church planting ministry in Albania. While Radio 7 currently broadcasts in some highly populated areas, the majority of its programs are translations of North American ministries that primarily focus on believers. The Tide has the capability to produce programs in the native language of Albanians that will reach out to the many unbelievers in that nation.
"Radio 7 has a wonderful ministry in Albania," Shenk continued. "What The Tide is able to do is produce heart-language radio programming that will be specifically geared toward speaking to the hearts of unbelievers of Muslim or atheistic backgrounds. God has opened an incredible door of ministry, and we at The Tide are honored to play a role in sharing Jesus with the people of Albania."