Friday, July 17, 2015

"The Ministry of Reconciliation" - Cindy Jacobs

"The Ministry of Reconciliation"
Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX
The Elijah List

"For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. And He gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation." 2 Corinthians 5:19 (NLT)

The Body of Christ is awakening to the need for reconciliation. People are beginning to realize that we cannot go on as we have—offended and divided—and still be effective at reaching the lost.

The ministry of reconciliation is carried out on multiple levels. First and foremost will always be the need that each person has to be reconciled to God. God does not want to us to be divided from Him, but rather to experience the fullness of relationship with Him.

Beyond this place of private reconciliation though, we must humbly face the reality that many have not been able to see and experience Christ, in part, because the Body of Christ has not faithfully expressed reconciliation in both word and deed.

Go Be Reconciled to Your Brother

After being reconciled to God, we are called to pursue reconciliation with each other. Matthew 5:23-24 puts it like this:
Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

Notice that it doesn't say if you have something against your brother, but rather if he has something against you. We need to seek out those who are offended with us and work to reconcile, forgive and be forgiven.

I'll never forget one time when the Lord impressed upon me that there was something I believed He could not do. At first, I was rather indignant! How could He accuse me of such a thing? Then He softly reminded me of an old broken relationship that I had never worked to mend, and because so much time had passed, I felt it was impossible to fix. He was right! (Of course. He always is!) I did think something was impossible for God. I began to pray, and God mended this long-standing breach.

On a much broader level, I believe God wants to bring reconciliation between the different races represented in the Body of Christ, and the need for this is urgent. 

As one looks around, it isn't hard to discern that there are large walls of separation between the nations or different races of people in the Church. Often, congregations are completely segregated. When a conference is held, there will be little mixture of races. Even large prayer gatherings are usually predominantly one race with very little representation of other races.

How do we get these walls to come down? 

First of all, we have to be willing to acknowledge that they even exist. Second, we need to consider why they exist, even if it means facing some hard truths about our histories and systems. Third, we need to make a concerted effort to rectify the situation. We need to make changes both in word and deed. If we simply talk about what it means to reconcile but do not put it into practice through repentance, it will come to nothing. Most churches would say they agree that reconciliation needs to take place, but many of them don't know how to practically go about reconciling.

The process of racial reconciliation for the Body of Christ needs to occur in at least three primary areas:

1. The Local Church
The local church needs to teach and equip people to reach out to those in their communities who are different from themselves. There may have even been sins committed against a certain people group, either within the church itself or in the community at large.(Photo via pixabay)

One Presbyterian church member told me how her church ran from the inner city so African-American people wouldn't want to become members. They removed themselves to the white suburbs. She shared with me how they felt they needed to go repent to the church in the inner city for their prejudicial attitudes and pride.
There may be members of your church who are Asian, Hispanic or some other race different than what is predominantly represented in the church. 

Ask yourself, "Are we cultivating friendships with these brothers and sisters in the Lord? Have we ever considered someone other than the predominant race to speak or give some kind of input at our church? Are we listening to the needs and experiences of these groups, even if their stories are different from ours?"

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

2. Church to Church

As a pastor, have you met and fellowshipped with pastors of other races? Have any of them ever been invited to stand in your pulpit? Do you know the needs of their churches, and have you ever prayed together?
Commitment comes out of relationship. Many times it takes one on one meetings together with leadership before Churches can meet together in the Spirit.

Are there any feelings of separation because of living in different sections of the city where racial barriers exist? The church should be the first to tear these walls down. You might need to ask another church if you can visit them on a Sunday to repent of wrong attitudes, evil speaking, sectarianism or prejudice. I have known of some pastors who have knelt before a formerly "rival" church and repented to the whole congregation.

3. Church to Community

In United States history, we have something called the Civil Rights Movement in which Black Americans fought for their rights. Unfortunately, because of racism, the Church as a whole did not stand up and join together with them in their fight. Some even fought against them. (Photo via Wikipedia)

This is a sin of the Church and has caused quite a bit of grief. It is important to repent of this to black leaders in the community and then make a concerted effort to rectify the situation.

Problems of racism which occur over generations in a community cause schisms and pain. In some communities, racial minorities have been refused housing, jobs and other kinds of equal opportunities. Some Hispanic, Asian, or African-American churches have not been able to rent facilities. Stereotyping people of certain races has resulted in segregation from nicer parts of town, which then forced them to go to areas they would not have preferred. It is one thing if this is their choice, but quite another if they are not given a choice.

A study of the history of your community will tell you where these sins have existed and what repentance needs to take place. If these hindrances to reconciliation are not dealt with, I believe we are in for some serious problems in our cities. There is a harnessed rage one feels in many places, not only in the U.S., but in other countries as well.
Racial rioting, such as the ones we've recently experienced in Ferguson and Baltimore, could begin to take place on a much bigger scale and with more frequency if the Church doesn't wake up and actively do something towards healing the division between races. The Church has the only solution – the ministry of reconciliation through the Blood of the Lamb and the name of Jesus.

In many cities satan has a plan to stir up strife and drop the match which will ignite the hatred of the hearts of the oppressed. We must lift up Jesus through repentance, forgiveness and the rectifying of the ancient problems to pour the water of the Holy Spirit upon the nations of the earth. As we come into unity in this manner, the blessing of the Lord will be poured out upon the peoples, and God will heal our land.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for a spirit of repentance to fall on the Body of Christ over division and offenses that have been allowed to linger.
2. Pray for the Church to humble herself and fully allow the Holy Spirit to search our hearts for areas of division and broken relationships.
3. Pray for a release of supernatural unity and reconciliation.

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Yet, in her heart is the memory that Jesus left the ninety-and-nine to go to the one. Generals International is an international Church movement, reforming the nations of the world back to a Biblical worldview. They are achieving societal transformation through intercession and the prophetic.

Cindy has authored seven books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her five adorable grandchildren.

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Naghmeh Abedini: Hope Is Not in Government Officials

Naghmeh Abedini: Hope Is Not in Government Officials

Naghmeh Abedini, wife of imprisoned Pastor Saeed Abedini, asked for continued strength for her husband and for her and her family as they continue to fight for his release.

The release of Abedini and four other Americans were not included in a nuclear deal reached this week between world leaders and the Iran.

"The ups and downs have really allowed the Lord to refine me and teach me to keep my eyes on him and my hope on Him instead of governments and officials," she said.

"I want to believe the best for my family, for Saeed and for my children but I continue to be in contact with the State Department and the White House and continue to pressure them that he is released immediately," Naghmeh said.

"He is in the hands of hardliners that are chanting 'death to America.' These are the people that are holding him," she said.

CBN News spoke with Nagmeh Abedini, Saeed wife, who has testified to Congress on his behalf for his freedom. After the deal was reached, she expressed her deep disappointment in it andurged Congress once again to not forget her husband.

Click play to watch her interview. Naghmet Abedini on CBN News interview

Saeed Abedini revealed this week during a visit with his father that he believes he is now a target because he is an American citizen.

He and other Christians imprisoned in Iran fear what may happen next as many inmates are expressing anti-American sentiments since a nuclear deal was reached this week.

It's a threat Abedini knows all too well. On June 3, he was viscously attacked by fellow prisoners. He was punched in the face near his left eye and nose and both eyes were beaten black and blue. However, no bones were broken.

Despite the tensions, Abedini encouraged his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who were disppointed in the nuclear deal that left him and other Americans in prison, saying the God was still in control.

"I know that so many of you have felt that I have been left behind after a deal was reached with Iran and I am still not home," he wrote.

He is in control and He is the One who beautifully writes the history over all governments, presidents, and any P5+1 negotiating team," he said.

Read Pastor Saeed's entire letter below:

I know that so many of you have felt that I have been left behind after a deal was reached with Iran and I am still not home.

I want you to know that as I wrote the thank you letter to President Obama after he had visited my family in January of this year (which he read at the national prayer breakfast), that God is in control of all countries and leadership in the world when the body of Christ comes together in united prayer. He is in control and He is the One who beautifully writes the history over all governments, presidents, and any P5+1 negotiating team.

We are all looking for a safer, more friendly world and because of this desire many of us are happy and others un-happy about the deal. Please join me in using these emotions that have been awakened to give fervor to united prayer for God's chosen people, America, and for the whole world.

Pastor Saeed,
In chains for Christ and chained together in unity

Shabbat Shalom ✡ "Strongholds of Ein Gedi"

David ascended from there and dwelt in the strongholds of Ein Gedi.

I SAMUEL (23:29)

וַיַּעַל דָּוִד מִשָּׁם וַיֵּשֶׁב בִּמְצָדוֹת עֵין גֶּדִי

שמואל א כ’’ג:כ’’ט

va-ya-al da-vid mi-sham va-yay-shev bi-m'-tza-dot ayn ge-dee

Shabbat Inspiration

In Israel, every inch of the Land seeps with historical and biblical significance and the beautiful mountains and oasis called Ein Gedi is a fascinating example. Found on the western shore of the Dead Sea, Ein Gedi is where David hid from King Saul and where he wrote many of the Psalms. Have you ever visited the breathtaking nature reserve which is less than an hour drive from Jerusalem? The Israel Bible brings Scripture to life with full Hebrew and English text and meaningful commentary of the significance of the Land.

David's Waterfall

Come along and explore the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve in this superb HD video.

World Leaders Take to Twitter After Iran Deal

World leaders took to Twitter, congratulating and condemning the final agreement with Iran. In 140 characters or less, here is what world leaders had to say:

Israeli Manicure Decals

Show your support for Israel in fashion! These nail stickers, featuring images of Israeli flags, symbols and famous landmarks, go over your manicure and last for 10 days. This set of manicure decals includes 46 stickers.

Today's Israel Photo

The mountains of Ein Gedi by Yehoshua Halevi. Amongst the rocks and caverns, flowing water can be found, and if you're lucky, you may spot ibexes and other animals coming to the rivers to drink.

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“Beautiful Inspirational Messages”

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I am enjoying receiving these emails, especially when they are of places to which I have been. PM Q, Queensland, Australia

Thank you for the beautiful inspirational messages and photos of God's Chosen Land. Hope and Pray to visit this Holy Land one day God willing. You are always in our Prayers. God bless and protect Israel/Jerusalem now and forever. Myrna Santiago
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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34 Nahal Ein Gedi Apt #17
Beit Shemesh 9909875

Holocaust Survivor Saved by Christians Returns the Favor

Holocaust Survivor Saved by Christians Returns the Favor

Thursday, July 16, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
At the age of 19, Arthur George Weidenfeld was among the many Jews whom British Christians successfully rescued from Nazi-controlled Austria just as Adolf Hitler and his cohorts were putting the “Final Solution” into action.
Seventy-seven years later, now a British lord, Weidenfeld is looking to return the favor by rescuing Syrian and Iraqi Christians under mortal threat from the advancing Islamist horde known as ISIS.
Weidenfeld was brought to England in 1938 by the Quakers and the Plymouth Brethren. Not long after, he started the publishing business of Weidenfeld and Nicolson. In 1976, his overwhelming success and unrestrained philanthropy landed Weidenfeld the title of Lord, Baron Weidenfeld, to be exact.
This week, Weidenfeld told London’s The Times that he “has a debt to repay,” and has established the Weidenfeld Safe Havens Fund to transport and financially support Middle East Christians facing forced conversion and death.
According to reports, the Fund has already flown 150 Syrian Christians to Poland, where it will support them financially for the next 12–18 months while they get on their feet and integrate with their new country.
The initial goal is to get as many as 2,000 Christians out of Syria in the coming months.
Much like with the Nazi Holocaust, the nations of the world are doing very little to assist and save the beleaguered Christians of the Middle East, leaving individuals and smaller organizations to tackle this impossible task.
Weidenfeld acknowledged that he can’t save everyone, but feels there is significance in a Jewish Holocaust survivor reaching out a helping hand to Christians in the greatest of need.
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War Torn Emotion ✡ "His Camp is Great"

And the Lord gave forth His voice before His army, for His camp is great, for he who performs His word is mighty, for the day of the Lord is great and very awesome; who can abide it?

JOEL (2:11)

וַי-הֹוָה נָתַן קוֹלוֹ לִפְנֵי חֵילוֹ כִּי רַב מְאֹד מַחֲנֵהוּ כִּי עָצוּם עֹשֵׂה דְבָרוֹ כִּי גָדוֹל יוֹם יְ-הֹוָה וְנוֹרָא מְאֹד וּמִי יְכִילֶנּוּ

יוֹאֵל ב:יא

va-a-do-nai na-tan ko-lo lif-nay khai-lo kee rav m'-od ma-kha-nay-hu kee a-tzum o-say d'-va-ro kee ga-dol yom a-do-nai v'-no-ra m'-od u-mee y'-khee-le-nu

Jerusalem Inspiration

Last summer, instead of carefree, relaxation, most of the Israeli population was living under the threat of rocket fire. Life between sirens, in and out of bomb shelters, had become the daily reality for millions of Israelis. Daily we prayed for God to protect "His army," our guardians, the soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces and keep all of the People of Israel safe and secure. This week marks the one year anniversary of the start of Operation Protective Edge. Throughout the war torn summer, Soroka Hospital was the safe landing ground for injured IDF soldiers and civilians.  Since learning of its role in treating IDF soldiers, LIBI USA has committed to donating much-needed funds to expand Soroka's Trauma Unit.

Families Divided as Heroes Head to War

Witness the raw emotion of the families separated at pivotal moments in their lives, as our heroes headed off to war last summer.

Israeli Hospital Prepares for War

The only Israeli hospital on the southern front prepares for the next breakout of Hamas rockets.

IDF Paratroopers Sweatshirt

This great hooded sweatshirt bears the emblem of the Paratroopers Brigade, an elite combat unit of the Israel Defense Forces. Stand in solidarity with the soldiers and wear this awesome sweatshirt with pride!

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Our brave soldiers treck along the outskirts of the Old City of Jerusalem, by Boruch Len.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of Jerusalem!

“I Listen to Your Video Music Clips and Tears Run Down My Face

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  Shalom. Thank you for your emails Jerusalem365. I listen to your video music clips and tears roll down my face. I love the Jewish people and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Kalma South Africa.
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Persecuted Pastor's Wife Breaks Silence on Obama's Broken Promise

Persecuted Pastor's Wife Breaks Silence on Obama's Broken Promise

Naghmeh Abedini with her children.
Naghmeh Abedini with her children. (Facebook)
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President Barack Obama should have secured the release of jailed U.S. citizens before sealing a nuclear deal with Iran, and the accord should not win congressional approval until their freedom is guaranteed, the wife of a detained Iranian-American pastor said on Wednesday.
Saeed Abedini, 35, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was sentenced by an Iranian court in 2013 to eight years in prison for allegedly compromising Iran's national security by setting up home-based Christian churches in his native country.
His wife, Naghmeh Abedini of Boise, Idaho, said her husband has faced threats to his life from Islamic militants held in the same prison west of Tehran and that his physical and psychological health has deteriorated from a lack of medical care and from stays in solitary confinement.
Abedini is one of three Americans known to be currently detained in Iran.
His spouse said their release should have been assured before Obama even agreed to the talks that produced a deal on Tuesday aimed at restricting Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.
The agreement has drawn fire from Republican lawmakers, but Obama strongly defended it in a news conference on Wednesday, saying it was the only alternative to a nuclear arms race and more war in the Middle East.
Obama also said any notion that he was content with Americans being held in Iran was "nonsense," but insisted that including their fate in the talks would only have undermined the U.S. bargaining position.
"If the question is why we did not tie the negotiations to their release, think about the logic that that creates," he said. "Suddenly Iran realizes ... maybe we can get additional concessions out of the Americans by holding these individuals."
Obama delivered the same message to Naghmeh Abedini and the couple's two young children when he visited them in Boise in January, she said.
The pastor's wife conceded she was not sufficiently well-versed in nuclear matters to evaluate the deal but said parallel talks could have been held to seek the release of her husband and other detained Americans.
She said she was now pinning her hopes on Congress, which must approve the accord. She said Republican leaders and some Democrats have spoken of making congressional approval contingent on the release of the American prisoners.
"It's very difficult for my children. And it's heartbreaking for me to see them growing up without their dad," she said.
© 2015 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. 
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Arab Hatred for Israel Turns to Love

Arab Hatred for Israel Turns to Love

Thursday, July 16, 2015 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY

An Egyptian church leader now based in West London has told how hatred for their ancient enemy Israel turned to love through reading the Bible.
Sameh Metry leads a lively 100-strong Arabic congregation in Ealing while at the same time serving as vicar of an English-speaking church in nearby St Hugh’s, Northolt. And he showed his keyboard skills as he led a high-octane worship session during a conference in Manchester aimed at building bridges between Middle Eastern followers of Jesus.
He was born into a Coptic Orthodox family in Upper Egypt and became a born-again Christian at 15.
But he explained that even Christians in Egypt are encouraged to hate Jews and that in writing essays, for example, the more vitriol you could express against them the higher marks you would get.
“But whenever I read about Israel in the Bible I fell in love with these people; something happened in my heart connecting me with them. I identified with them, even wondering if perhaps I had Jewish ancestry.”
Before he began a theological course in Singapore, the principal warned him that they prayed for Israel at the college, and was shocked to discover it was not a problem for him.
He started a successful Bible school in Egypt, with 350 students enrolled, but the secret service closed it down. He was jailed for a time and prevented from leaving the country, but eventually got out with the help of a friendly customs official and settled in London where he founded a Bible school and started his church.
Asked if he believed Arabs and Jews could be reconciled, he answered in the affirmative, adding: “But only in Jesus.”
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