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Sunday, January 16, 2011

"January 16" - Bob Jones Shares On It's Importance

Jan. 16, 2011
Sunday, 3:00 pm

Greetings "Love For His People" blog readers.

This morning, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2011, Bob Jones shared a word to those gathered at the Antioch International Church weekly 10 a.m. service, in Fort Mill, SC on the Heritage property (in our church meeting location next to MorningStar Fellowship and Comenius School.) I want to share part of that with you, for personal encouragment and edification too, with this writing. It was not just for us gathered there.

Before the meeting, I had walked up to where Bob and Bonnie, his wife, were seated on the left hand side, second row, first two seats, in the main church room. I bent down in the aisle to greet Bob, so he wouldn't have to get up (though I didn't think he would anyway! He is 80 years old.) I thanked him for the word he had given me 15 years ago here in Charlotte. Bonnie Chavda had asked him to come and pray for each individual on staff at Mahesh Chavda Ministries/All Nations Church.

(At that time, as it seemed his customary way of ministry, he took my hands and said he saw the color "brown." He said that color represented the ministry of teaching. After hearing that word, and several subsequent similar prophetic words given to me throughout the next 14 years, I  refuted it almost instantly in my mind and heart. "I am an administrator, and that is that." I had falsely concluded this to myself, and didn't believe, nor had any desire to, that "I had a teaching gift.")

Bob then began telling me that the number 15 was very significant today. Especially for this day, the 16th of January, 2011. He spoke to me of the almond tree budding, and how 15 years ago the Lord gave him a vision of trees with white buds coming out on the 16th of January. He said now was the time of releasing of those who had been trained and prepared for this time and season.

Just the Friday night before, at the Antioch "Beit Tikvah" meeting held in the same room, I had shown a photo I had taken in Israel, of my hand with two almonds. I had picked them up off the ground in October, 2009. They were from one of two almond trees found on the new property that Vision for Israel & The Joseph Storehouse (Barry & Batya Segal) had just bought, west of Jerusalem, near Moe'din. As he shared, I started to get excited!

He continued on, telling of the reopening of the John G. Lake healing rooms 15 years ago also. I said Mahesh Chavda had visited John's grave in Ohio around then, and had brought me back a square inch piece of white fabric that he had laid on the grave stone for me. I had kept it for many years in my thick New American Standard Bible. (I just checked now. Not there.)

Sharing further, Bob told how the Lord was bringing forth His new leaders now. He spoke of how William Branham had gotten started in 1956, and how for 40 years the church was in an "Icahbod" state, but then the glory had begun to return. (1996 by my math.)

I then told Bob I was going to highly suggest to Senior Pastor Peter Wyns that Bob share this word at some point to all this morning, during the meeting. He said he wanted to (and I knew Peter would definately have him speak it!)

So after his very touching message on "Saving the Most Difficult", Peter had Bob come up. (By the way, Peter's message was based on the prophet Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon (605-562 B.C.) Nebuchadnezzar had taken the inhabitants of Jerusalem prisoner and brought them to Babylon, for which reason this period in Biblical history is referred to as the Babylonian captivity. But after Daniel and his three faithful friends stood for righteous, and seven years of the king's being out in the wilderness, Nebuchadnezzar finally acknowledged his dependence on the God of Israel. Anyone can be saved. and we are praying for many for THIS year.)

Again, Bob shared on how the budding of the almond tree, on January 16th, 15 years ago, was now significant for THIS DAY also, Jan. 16, 2011.

He continued on, telling a word the Lord had given him recently about the "repairing of the fishermen's nets", for the harvest that is to come. How churches needed to start working together in "unity" for this to happen."

Again, I got real excited, for just this past Wednesday, Jan. 12th , I had posted my weekly "Ahava Love Letter" edition (see below) on this blog, Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz and MySpace. Then I sent it out to the 227 "Ahava Love Letter" list, in e-mail format ,on Thursday, Jan. 13. The title was (is) "U-N-I-T-Y" is spelled..." (Hope you read it!)  :)

Bob spoke on the need for networking and connections to come among churches.

This wasn't the full word he delivered. I don't have the CD recording in hand, so this is from memory.

Being it is the 16th, Peter encouraged all of us to believe the Lord for a word TODAY. And so I share this with you.

Let it be Lord!

Steve Martin

P.S. I would believe Bob's word is on the recording of Peter's message. If interested, check back with me at and I will find out. Typically there is a $5 CD charge, plus S/H of $3.00.

P.S.S. If you are reading this after Jan. 16, ask the Lord for a personal word even yet for you. He will give it to all who ask!

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA