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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ephraim Shaul & the Oprhans in Liberia - latest report

Ephraim Shaul Report from Liberia
March 19, 2011

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Love For His People Note: Eprhaim Shaul is a Messianic Jew, now living in Liberia, who has cared for eight orphans for several years now. We support them monthly as we can with funds for food, clothing, school, and medicine. Here is his latest update, through Facebook messages. I had written to him and he responded. He calls me Dad.

March 19 at 12:40pm


Shabbat shalom. Tell me how you all are doing now that you have gotten out of Ghana and made it to Liberia safely. Are you in a town, city, out in the country? How is the food?

We are praying for the Lord's daily provision for you and the orphans.



Ephraim Shaul March 19 at 1:32pm Report

Shabbat Shalom Dad,
Praise be to Adonai for his life care towards us. We're doing well by his grace. Some of the kids were sick,they were suffering from Malarial and fever, but through our Master and Yahshua, now they are doing well. As i told you the other time that before leaving from Ghana i bout some malarial treatment that I'm now treating the kids, and they recover.
We're in Liberia Grand Gedeh county. It's at the east part of Liberia. We're not too far from one of the city name Zwedrue, the capital city of this county.
Dad, it's not that I'm keeping on asking you for money. I know that if you have money, you'll bless us with it. But it's because of the situation with us that's why I'm asking you always. I don't want all your support and effort to go in vain. I think i told you the other day that the Lord reveal this to one of the ladies on our bus that you really love us and and you have more passion on us. You're always with us in prayer.
It just happen that we're in New Land, a new country which we have not seen before. So please don't be up set of i ask you for any thing. You are the only father we have right now on the earth. If i don't mind you next to God in our LIFE. Our Creator is using you to safe our life. Todah for your email and let us keep in touch and prayer. I know that you love us and care for us here.

Still we don''t have place to sleep. And we know that you're with us in prayer. I talk with brother Ben Martin and he's also etxtend his great love to the Kids.

I'll like to stop here for now. Please extend our greeting to MOm and the entire Martin family there.
May the Lord bless you more for your great love and concern towards us. You behave like a true father to us.

Ahava and Shabbat Shalom,

Son and the kids

Ephraim with Israeli flag

Ephraim with the boys he cares for.

Ephraim teaching Shabbat class in Ghana before they had to flee in March.

Ephraim on Skype when we spoke to him.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA