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Monday, March 28, 2011

Fear Not Little Flock - Ahava Love letter

   Ahava Love Letter
“Fear Not Little Flock”
"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32 NASB)

Dear family of friends,
Growing up in Iowa, one of my summer joys was to spend a week or so at my cousins’ farm near Hazelton, Iowa. Pulling blood suckers off our feet from the shallow creek; chasing the scared chickens around the yard; throwing corn cobs at the lazy huge hogs lying in the thick, gooey mud… You know, just a few things young whipper snappers do for fun in the hot sweltering sun.
Shearing the sheep was an annual event too. I tried to avoid that particular task, for it was not easy. My Uncle Roger and cousin Jim did it. Aunt Marilyn was always involved for sure too! Being quite the farmer’s wife that she was, she did as much as the guys did, and then even took care of the ongoing household jobs. I admired her very much. (She sent me a birthday card every year too!)
Sheep are a rare breed. They come in several colors of white, grey and black, and wool varieties. I am certainly not an expert on raising them, but did observe some things in those youthful days now gone by.
They tend to be very frisky, timid and jittery. A watchful shepherd is usually nearby, looking out for invaders, varmints above and below the ground, and caring for their daily needs. If you want a good “product” for the market, with valuable wool and meat, you best care for them as required. You don’t raise sheep just as a pet.
I tend to think that the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) had a very good reason why He told stories about sheep. He knows humans can very much act like them. We need continual care, proper nourishment and a faithful leader at all times. He knows our very being, for He is, of course, the Creator of all, and most especially of us.
So when He tells us to be not afraid “little flock”, I find comfort in that very fact. He is the one taking care of us. My trust is not in the USA government, the military, or another institution of mankind’s making. My foundational trust is, and will continue to be, in Him, the One who created me and you.
Assurance comes when we daily realize and apply in our lives His proven words of protection, guidance, and provision. That they are ours to hear and walk in. Did He not say that He is the Good Shepherd? Did He not say that He is the One who knows what is going on all around us, as the shaking increases? Yes He did. That settles it in my heart. May it be settled in yours.
Fear not little flock. It is a true statement. Jesus (Yeshua) is the One to believe in for today, and when tomorrow comes. In fact, for all eternity. Just do it, heh?
Ahava to you my family of friends,
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. Our 2nd annual “Ahava Adventures” service trip to Israel is set, with flights, hotels, and ground transportation in place. On the date of  Oct. 29, 2011, only ten will depart from Charlotte (or join us in Philadelphia) to spend six days/nights in Jerusalem and two days/nights on the Sea of Galilee in Tiberias (only $2495 for the entire trip!) Our Israeli friends will meet us there, as we further connect with the believers in The Land.
This isn’t your “basic tour” time. We go where not many can, or would go, for we want to be more adventurous, more supportive, and experience even more what Israel’s people and land is about in this day and age. We do see spiritually and historically important locations, but our primary focus is to bless the ones living the day to day life there. Curious enough to find out further? Contact info is below.
Can’t go yourself? Please consider sponsoring a friend, family member, or person in your church, especially of  “the next generation” age group. Trust the Lord to highly impact their lives for life, to impart to them a heart for His people that will never leave them, and give them an adventure they will never forget.  (Heh, it is tax-deductable for you too. In part or full, it doesn’t matter.)
P.S.S. Beit Tikvah – Passover Seder on Good Friday, April 22, 2011 at Antioch International Church, Fort Mill, SC!

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider donating now on-line by clicking here for our website’s “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      E-mail:
 Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       Twitter: martinlighthous  and  LovingHisPeople  
Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage!)  

Ahava Love Letter #20   Date: March 29, in the year of our Lord 2011    

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA