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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Palestinian convert to Christianity hosts Evangelical TV show.


‘Ex-Muslim’ preaches the Gospel

Palestinian convert to Christianity hosts Evangelical TV show.
When Hazem Farraj was 15, he became a Christian. But as a Palestinian Muslim
living in east Jerusalem, he couldn’t tell anyone, especially his father.

“For almost three years I was an underground believer,” Farraj told The Media Line
during a visit to Jerusalem. “I would go to the local mosque and to the Dome of the
Rock in Jerusalem and pray Islamically, but in my heart I was praying to Jesus.”

Today Farraj, 27, is very public. He lives in California and hosts Reflections, a
Christian TV show in English and Arabic. He is grateful for everything in his life,
he says, but he has also made sacrifices for his faith.

Farraj was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1984. Like many immigrants, his father
insisted the children speak Arabic at home. An observant Muslim, he worked hard
to teach his children about Islam.

When Farraj was 12, his father moved the family back to Beit Hanina, a middle-class
 east Jerusalem suburb. The large family of 13 siblings studied Islam, and many
of them became more committed Muslims.

“Islam says to pray five time daily – I only prayed four times, because I was too
lazy to get up for the early morning prayer,” Farraj recounts. “Do the prayers.
Memorize the verses from the Koran. Go to Islamic class and the mosque.
It was all just actions to me. The deeper I got into Islam, the more depressing
it was for me.”

Farraj decided the solution was to convert some Christians to Islam. He approached
his upstairs neighbors, Christians, and they began a discussion that lasted more than
a year and a half.

“I said to them, ‘What if I told you that God can answer your prayers in the name of
Allah,’” he recalls. “Now, he wasn’t answering my prayers, but I needed something to
hold onto. They told me things I was searching for, like ‘Cast your worries upon Jesus,
who cares for you’ and ‘God so loved Hazem that He gave His only son for him.’”

When Farraj was 15, he attended an east Jerusalem church with these neighbors.
He does not want to name the church, fearing it could become a target of attacks.

“I sat in the last pew in the back corner, and I saw something I had never seen,” he
recalls with a wistful smile. “I saw a guy named Steve singing with a guitar and
smiling as if he knew Jesus. I saw people at the altar raising their hands and
loving God, and it made me mad because I wanted it to be the God of the Koran.”

He fled to a downstairs room, where he lay a piece of carpet on the floor and
prayed facing Mecca in Saudi Arabia, according to Islamic rules.

Nothing happened. He went back upstairs to the church, and, he says,
became a Christian.

“I started to pray in the name of Jesus and something happened on the inside that
transformed me,” he remembers.

Soon afterward, the second intifada broke out, and his father moved the
family back to the US.

Farraj continued to practice as an underground Christian. Finally, just before his
18th birthday, he told his father that he had become a Christian. His father cut off
all contact with him, and Farraj has not seen him since.

The pain hurts even 10 years later.

“You don’t ever get over it, you just get through it,” he says. “It has left me
wounded even today.”

He also has no relationship with his stepmother or his siblings.

At age 18 he followed his former neighbors to Alabama, where they had moved.

“I slept for six months, and when I wasn’t sleeping I was eating – I weighed
225 pounds and I was so depressed,” he recalls.

“Then one day I came across a Christian TV station, and there was this preacher.
This voice inside me – I believe it was the voice of God – said, ‘I’ve called you to this.’
I knew it meant that I was called to tell people about Jesus and to help them
come to prayer.”

His TV show, Reflections, reaches millions of viewers around the world.

Farraj says there are “many” underground Christians in Arab countries today, and that
he gets emails thanking him from around the Arab world.

He also gets death threats.

David Parsons, the media director of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem,
says there are “hundreds” if not “thousands” of underground Christians in the West Bank.

“There’s a lot of upheaval in the Arab and Muslim world right now,” Parsons told
The Media Line.

“Some are saying ‘Islam is the answer,’ but there are a lot of Muslims who know they
tried it for hundreds of years and it’s not the answer. As a Christian I would attribute it
to the movement of the Holy Spirit. People are looking for different answers.”

Parsons says the International Christian Embassy has opened branches in “several
North African countries.”

Farraj says his recent trip to Jerusalem was to recharge his own batteries and to meet
underground Christians.

“I love Jerusalem,” he said with a grin. “I’m here to enjoy the spirituality of Jerusalem
and to encourage the believers. I thought I was the only ex-Muslim in the world,
but they’re really everywhere.”


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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA