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Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day IS Family Day at the Martins

First there were the two of us, 
Miss Laura Jean Unzicker and I...

(37 years ago and counting...)

...and then overnight two got these four. 
(The water was good...)

A few grandkids were added to the Martin clan,

 ...with the help of spouses of course, 
as He lovingly planned!

And then the Blades begin to multiply too... make for more happy days. Yahoo!!

And soon Father's Day will come, 
Could be a few more by then.
Always good to fill the quiver
With boys, and girls, 
and the Blade's red hens.

(Had to end with a word that rhymed.
Andrew and Christen, and Jack,
do though have three hens.)

(Photos and poem by Steve Martin, except for when I am in the photo, holding our puppy Zoe. Then Miss Anna Blade gets the credit line. She is the one on the right in the bottom photo!)

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA