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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Roots & Reflections with Barry Segal - The Heart of Jerusalem (Episode 5)


Can't make it this year to Israel? Host Barry Segal of Vision for Israel presents his Roots & Reflections TV series, so you can tour right now. 

Not only will you see the sights and hear the sounds, but in joining with Batya Segal in each episode, you'll hear one of their Israeli praise and worship songs.

Of course, Barry will also give you the tastes of Israel, as he "sometimes" shares his meal with you. Gotta love it! also will learn a new Hebrew word in each episode, enabling you to have your regular lessons. One word I learned, and later put on a T-shirt, was the word "Sababa"! 

The best translation in English would be "cool"! Wearing it in Israel went over real well, as people on the street would greet us with joy as they said "Sababa!"

The first 12 half hour shows can be seen on his YouTube channel VisionForIsrael.

Shalom and ahava, 

Steve Martin
Love For His People

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA