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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Former 4HIm Christian artist Kirk Sullivan apologizes to Israel for President Obama. THANK YOU ISRAEL TODAY!

EXCLUSIVE: Christian artist apologizes to Israel for President Obama

Tuesday, August 06, 2013 |  Jonathan David, Israel Today  

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Music minister Kirk Sullivan of the Grammy-nominated and ten-time Dove award-winning Christian band 4HIM recently spoke with Israel Today’s Jonathan David about the biblical connection between the Land of Israel and the Jewish people. He also articulated his views on the Iran threat, and wholeheartedly apologized for President Obama’s treatment of the nation of Israel and its leaders.
Israel Today: As a Christian artist, what is your view of modern Israel?
Sullivan: I believe scripturally that God gave the land to Israel in the Old Testament, and I don’t think it’s God’s will for them to give it up. Scripture spells out that they (Jewish people) are God’s people. Salvation (through Yeshua) was offered to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles.
IT: Is Israel generally viewed positively or negatively in the Christian music industry in the US?
Sullivan: Positively! You’re going to have people that don’t, but those are the people that don’t know the Word (Bible). Those who study Scripture know what God says about the Jews.
IT: Do you have any contact or connection with the Messianic body in Israel?
Sullivan: I have friends who visit Israel three or four times per year. I know others who regularly send aid and support to Israel.
IT: The message of what God is doing through Israel's restoration seems largely lost on the younger generation of Evangelical Christians. How can more of them be reached?
Sullivan: When pastors preach the Word of God! There are a tremendous amount (of pastors) who preach superficial messages from the pulpit. They don’t teach that Israel is a huge part of Christendom. Israel and Jerusalem are the center of everything and they’re not teaching it. They’re not teaching Scripture; historically or prophetically. The things that are taking place that lead to Christ’s (Messiah’s) return are taking place in Israel. When He (Yeshua) returns, He’s coming to the Mount of Olives.
IT: What do you think of President Obama's plans to make Israel return to pre-1967 borders?
Sullivan: Our President is godless! Every opportunity he gets, he treats Israel and its leaders with contempt. It took him 5 years to visit Israel. His decision to have Israel return to “pre-’67 borders” is a decision that American Evangelical Christians do not agree with. We’re totally against it. I apologize for our President.
IT: What should be done about the Iran threat to wipe Israel off the map with nuclear weapons?
Sullivan: You know it’s a spiritual thing when you have a country like Iran, the size of Texas, that (threatens) the tiny piece of land called Israel. Israel should continue to do what they usually do and go bomb their (Iran) facilities. They’ve done it before. War is a terrible thing, but at some point, Israel should take action.
IT: Any plans to put on a concert in Israel?
Sullivan: I have never been to the Holy Land, but I would love to go. I would love to put on a concert in Israel.

Love For His People Editor's Note: 

It is GREAT to see prominent voices stand up for Israel, and speak the truth. Enough of the lies that the rest of the news throws out. A BIG THANK YOU TO ISRAEL TODAY for your journalistic work.

Much appreciated Aviel Schneider!  

Steve Martin

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA