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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Poll: Israelis oppose surrender of land

Poll: Israelis oppose surrender of land

Tuesday, August 06, 2013 |  Ryan Jones  
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to hold a national referendum on any proposed surrender of land to the Palestinian Authority as part of a new peace deal before signing on the dotted line. But Israelis have already answered him: Don't bargain with our birthright!
In a survey conducted last week by the Israel Democracy Institute, a full 62.5 percent of respondents said they were against surrendering Judea, Samaria and the eastern half of Jerusalem for the creation of a Palestinian state.
Previous polls have shown that a majority of Israelis do support a two-state solution to the current conflict, but they clearly do not agree to meet Arab land demands in full.
Various strategic and historically important areas, in particular the city of Jerusalem, are red lines for most Israelis.
Unfortunately, the results of such surveys are likely to be ignored by the Israeli delegation now negotiating with the Palestinian Authority under the auspices of the Obama Administration in Washington.
Those talks are taking place under a shroud of secrecy, so whatever concessions Israel might be preparing to make (whether willingly or under duress) will not be known until the last minute.Share on facebook

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA