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Friday, September 13, 2013

Ahava Love Letter - “What Do You Want” (Steve Martin)

“What Do You Want” 

“Your word is a lamp for my foot and light on my path.” (Psalm 119:105 Complete Jewish Bible) 

“By Your words I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.” (Psalm 119:105 THE MESSAGE)

Dear family of friends,

Our dog Zoe, a miniature Dachshund, will sometimes give me that look she does at times, which is a puzzling stare at me. My response often is, “What do you want?” as I smile at her. She will then tilt her head the other way as if to say, “You don’t know? Why not?”

I can only imagine what our Lord does when we ask Him the same question, “What do you want?” as we come to a place along the journey when we are uncertain as to the next step. Maybe He will respond back the same way, “You don’t know? Why not?” After walking with Him for many years, I guess we should know more than we let on. Or maybe we really do need further direction and don’t have that solid foundation in our spiritual building yet.

As the Scripture is written, His Word is a light to my feet. Whether King David or another wrote that centuries ago, it still holds true for us today. Guidance is given when we ask, and seek Him in His Word, which has been so carefully and diligently preserved for us since compiled through the hands of the Jews.

A daily reading of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) words will build up a reservoir in our hearts and our minds, so that when we do come to a crossroads on the path, or a possible turn that will be needed up ahead, we will have that internal map, along with the current inspiration of Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) guiding us along the way.

A major house purchase, a career changing decision, a relationship adjustment, or something as small as the need to know  what to make for dinner that night (don’t laugh, many of us ask that question every day!)…the Lord wants to be involved in our decision making. He is ready to guide us in the next step, if we but seek Him and ask.

A good Bible teacher, Bob Mumford, in 1973 wrote a now classic book on my book shelf called Take Another Look At Guidance (recommended reading). I agree with the description written about it, “What a blessing the wisdom he shared in it has been to me through the years of my walk with the Lord! It provides biblically based counsel about how to find and follow God's guiding path through life. Bob basically says the written Word, the rhema (Greek for “now” ) word and surrounding circumstances are three guide posts needing to line up to receive that directive confirmation we so often need.

Daily choices we make today will later become pivotal points in where we end up next week, next month, or ten years down the road. Erik Krueger, founder of Shiloh Fellowship in East Lansing, Michigan (later becoming New Covenant Christian Church) once said in a meeting in the early 1980’s that a decision we make today could take us down the road 20 years from now where we may or may not want to be. I will always remember that word, as I took it to heart. It is that important to make the right decision.

We had better make our choices and decisions based on solid ground, as given in His Word, and not make them based on our own understanding. Again, He has given us a road map, along with the Holy Spirit, to guide us.

“What do you want?” is more easily answered if our walk with the Lord is based on daily communication with Him. Grow in that communication today. He has, and He IS, the answer to every question and need. Call on Him today, and He will answer you.

Ahava (love in Hebrew) to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
Be sure to get my two books The Promise (CreateSpace/Amazon 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Both available through and other website book stores. (Also by writing me!)
Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


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Ahava Love Letter #75   “What Do You Want”  ©2013 Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (09/013/13 Friday at 5:35 am in Charlotte, NC)

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog:

Here are the last few:

The Hiding Place (#74)
Why Is A Gentile Like You Celebrating the Feasts of the Jews? (#73)
They Are Loved Too (#72)
Oskars Needed Again? (#71)
Little Orphan Chuckie (#70)
Demons & Fire Trucks (#69)
I Like Mike (#68)
Disappointed with Small Beginnings? (#67)
Rise Again (#66)
The Cities (#65)
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart (#64)
Anxious (#63)
Hidden (#62)

Get Back in the Boat (#61)

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA