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Monday, October 14, 2013

Ahava Love Letter - "Foundation Stone" - Steve Martin


         “Foundation Stone” 

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth.” (Gen. 1:1 Complete Jewish Bible)

“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” (Eph. 2: 19-22 NKJV)

Dear family of friends,

Foundation stones are mighty, upon which much can be built. More solid than your standard rock, they can withstand pressures that others would crumble under. They were created by God, for both practical and spiritual purposes.

There is one particular large stone in Jerusalem, which is called the Foundation Stone, located on Mount Moriah. I touched that stone in 1988, when non-Muslims were still permitted to go into the Dome of the Rock. Someday the Jewish nation of Israel will build the temple there again, where previously two others had stood, in Solomon’s time and then again when the Lord, the Only Begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) walked on this sacred land. It is the very place where His Name is written in stone upon the earth.

Wikipedia has this entry in regards to this holy place.

The Foundation Stone (Hebrew: אבן השתייה, translit. Even haShetiya) or Rock (Arabic: صخرة translit. Sakhrah, Hebrew: סלע translit.:Sela) is the name of the rock at the heart of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. It is also known as the Pierced Stone because it has a small hole on the southeastern corner that enters a cavern beneath the rock, known as the Well of Souls. It is the holiest site in Judaism (Midrash Tanhuma, chapter 10); Jewish tradition views it as the spiritual junction of Heaven and Earth. Jews traditionally face it while praying, in the belief that it was the location of the Holy of Holies in the Temple.

The rock is located towards the centre of the Temple Mount, an artificial platform built and expanded over many centuries. The current shape is the result of an expansion by Herod the Great on top of vaults over a hill, generally believed to be Mount Moriah. The rock constitutes the peak of this now hidden hill, which is also the highest in early biblical Jerusalem, looming over the City of David.

Several years ago I prepared a teaching, sharing how upon the very solid, spiritual foundation stone of Jesus Christ Himself, Whom we are being built on, stands for us. Here is the outline, which I entitled “Built Together in Him”.

“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” (Eph. 2: 19-22 NKJV)

THE BIG IDEAAfter the two temples of stone had been built in Jerusalem, the Lord says we are now to be the temple where His Spirit will dwell, being fit together.

THE PURPOSEEach one of us is to part of this new spiritual temple, with Jesus Himself being the Chief Cornerstone.

THE INTRODUCTIONAfter the death of King David, King Solomon built the first temple on Mount Zion, as promised to David by the Lord. It was a grand sight, and remained for years until destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.

2.      Herod’s Temple was started in 20 B.C and completed in 64 A.D, only to be destroyed in 70 A.D. The only remains today is the Western Wall, part of the retaining wall, and the Southern Steps which lead up to the temple courtyard.

3.      The Jews are looking to build the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, on the same location where the second temple was built. Preparing now with the utensils, high priest garments, and the golden menorah (seen just outside the Jewish temple Institute.)

4.      But the Lord desires to build His temple, made up of living stones, the believers from among the Jews and Gentiles, who make up the “One New Man.”

THE PREVIEW: How are we to be “fitted together”, to make up this new temple, to become the dwelling place of God in the Spirit? Let’s consider how this will be done.

I.                   People from all ages, tribes and tongues are saved from the nations. Matt. 28:19
A.    “Go and make disciples of all the nations…”
B.     Many tribes and cultures will make up this body of Christ
1.      Adds beauty and diversity
2.      Shows the splendor of the Lord and His creation

II.                Jews and Gentiles come together, as one family, to live together. We will be the One New Man, the Bride of Christ.

III.             Jesus is putting the temple together. He places each of us in the part of the building where we have our purpose and function.

IV.             Day to day interaction causes the “stones” to fit together, rub together, and build the walls.

V.                As more stones are added, the building grows in size and grandeur.

VI.             The Lord’s Spirit is able to dwell within this temple, the Body of Christ, the Messiah.

THE CONCLUSION: It takes time to build a structure – both in the natural and the spiritual. It takes a willing group of people to be joined together, and take their place. It is time for us to give ourselves to that purpose.

At the beginning verse I used for this Ahava Love Letter reads, God created the heavens and the earth. Being His Word, which spoke into existence all creation, is the solid rock of all, that which follows in the Old and New Testaments is what we can and need to stand on.

Jesus Christ Himself is the Foundation Stone. His truth spoken, out of His very Being, will fulfill the prophetic words spoken through the prophets and apostles.

We have a solid rock upon which we can stand. And we shall, because of Him.

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
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Ahava Love Letter #81   “Foundation Stone.”  ©2013 Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (10/14/13 Monday at 7:00 am in Charlotte, NC)

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Temple Mount and the Western Wall
in Jerusalem, Israel

Western Wall

The Third Temple

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA