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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Give Thanks" - music video by Ari Lesser

"Give Thanks" - music video by Ari Lesser

Uploaded on Jun 6, 2010

Hi my name's Ari I'm a child of the Earth
Been around the sun 21 times since birth
Feel at home everywhere cause the Earth is my mother
So if you're from this planet you can call me brother

Primary concerns are having water to drink
Food to eat, air to breath, and some time to think
A notebook to write in, a pen to write
And a pillow I can rest my head on each night

I don't worry too much when conditions are adverse
No matter what happens things could always be worse
I got to move forward can't move in reverse
And so I go with the flow of the universe

I try to give thanks that my life is so blessed
Every single morning when I wake from my rest
Cause I love being me, my eyes still see
My lungs still breath, and I still can pee

In the bathroom, I give thanks for sacred Mayim (Hebrew for "water")
Whether it's from a river, a lake, or a stream
I'm so lucky clean water comes to my sink
Allowing my to wash my hands and take a drink

No matter where I am before I hit the road
I give thanks for shelter as I leave my abode
Mansion, apartment, house, tent, or shed
How wonderful it is to have a roof overhead

I'm grateful for clothes not for material reasons
But because they protect me no matter the season
Keep me warm in the winter, shade me from the sun
Let me focus my mind on thoughts of the One

I try to think of others and not only of myself
Pursue happiness instead, of seeking wealth
Speak the words of a lover not the words of a hater
Remember that my life is just part of something greater

It's to the oneness of all things that I pray
I do it everyday in my own special way
Knowing there is something greater helps me realize
I don't know much, and I'm not that wise

I'm grateful and blessed just to be who I am
Living in a free country and born a free man
With hands that can work, and legs that can walk
A mind that can think, and a mouth that can talk

I can hear, I can touch, I can taste, smell, and see
All five of my senses, they work properly
Parents taught me the difference between right from wrong
My mind, my body, and my spirit are strong

Got water to drink, got food to eat
Got clothes on my back, got shoes on my feet
I can do arithmetic, I can write, I can read
What more could I ask for I have all I need

So look at your own life and if the same is true
You should probably give thanks too
Be grateful that your basic needs are met
Cause when your living the good life it's easy to forget

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA