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Monday, October 21, 2013

Mind Control, Spy Eagles?

Mind Control, Spy Eagles? What Will Israel Think of Next?

Sunday, October 20, 2013 |  Ryan Jones, Israel Today  
Conspiracy theories in the Arab world regarding what Israel is capable of in its quest to gain the upper hand in the Middle East conflict continue to pour in, and continue to get wilder by the day.
Recently, a respected Egyptian celebrity openly claimed that Israeli mind control was possibly behind remarks by a usually-rabid anti-Israel cleric's failure to paint the Jewish state in the very worst light.
When former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi was overthrown in July, Muslim Brotherhood preacher Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi denounced the Egyptian military that spearheaded the coup as "worse than Israel."
Qaradawi's intent was to smear the Egyptian army, but his remarks left many followers asking, "How could anyone possibly be worse than Israel?" Had Qaradawi inadvertently suggested that perhaps Israel isn't all as bad as he and other Muslim clerics have long insisted?
Mounting criticism of Qaradawi eventually became too much for Egyptian actor Hassan Yousef, a self-proclaimed long-time friend of the venomous sheikh.
In a recent interview on Egypt's Dream 2 TV (translated by [MEMRI][1]), Yousef seemed to be grasping at straws in his desire to exonerate Qaradawi.
"The Qaradawi I know is dead. That man is a double. What we just heard could not have been said by the Sheikh al-Qaradawi," Yousef said, clarifying that "Israel is capable of anything."
Perhaps realizing how bizarre his ramblings sounded, Yousef then upped the ante by suggesting that it was the real Qaradawi who had made the offensive remarks, but that the sheikh was under the effects of an Israeli mind control chip implanted in his brain.
To the north, Lebanon's Hezbollah triumphantly reported last week that it had caught an Israeli spy operating on the wrong side of the border. What the terrorist militia had actually captured was an eagle with a tracking bracelet from Tel Aviv University on its leg.
Millions of birds migrate over Israel every year, and many are tagged and tracked to better understand migratory patterns and to help protect endangered species. The bird hunted down in Lebanon was an endangered species.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA