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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pakistan - first anniversary with Moses Julius


Moses Julius
12:42 PM (1 hour ago)

Dear Praying friends! 

Thanks for your  participating in this ministry through your prayers. We have victory because you pray, and as you Bless Israel may you be blessed! 

By the Grace of ELOHIM we had completed successfully one year to promote the LOVE of YESHUA (Jesus) and LOVE of ISRAEL among the Brick-Len Children. 

On 21-09-2013 we invited senior Pastor Pratas(Peter) Feroz Masih  (Eternal Gospel Assembly ) and Mr. Julian Safdar  Joseph Coordinator of (Cornerstone Asian Church Canada)  to celebrate first anniversary with us . The program was good by your prayer and financial support. 

Hopefully you are continue praying for me and my team in Pakistan. 

With love and Blessing,

Mr. Moses Julius. 

Skype ID: moses_julius Facebook research my name: Moses Julius

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA