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Thursday, October 3, 2013

You shall plant...


Recently, the Lord gave My Olive Tree another 
opportunity to expand our vision and begin planting 
grapevines in the Negev.

I will bring back the captives of My people Israel;
They shall build the waste cities and inhabit them;
They shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them;
They shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them.
—Amos 9:14

We have been receiving prophecy over the last 2 years 
about planting olive trees AND vineyards... however, 
until very recently, the My Olive Tree project has only 
been able to fulfill this prophecy with olive tree sponsorships.

I truly believe that God is calling My Olive Tree to help 
facilitate God’s vision—not just with olive trees, but 
also with grapevines!


It takes roughly four months to prepare the vine cuttings 
so that they are ready to be planted, and strong enough 
to withstand the desert climate and thrive in the soil of 
the Negev. We start with a cutting of a vine growing 
in the Negev.

We then plant it, wait for it to grow, transfer it into a 
bigger pot and repeat this process until it can be 
moved out of its planter and into the earth—where 
it is able to take root in ancient Edom and survive 
in this blessed land!

Each vine creates an opportunity for planting,
 growing, harvesting, selling, shipping, 
labeling, distribution, etc...

I am asking you to join us in our efforts. I am asking 
you to participate in Phase 2 of this My Olive Tree 
project. Together, we are creating employment 
for Israelis, supporting humanitarian aid, and
fulfilling prophecy.


I hope that you will take a moment to watch this video 
about this special project! Be sure to listen to the
part about Ancient Edom...

I know your faith will be blessed to see the prophecy of
Isaiah 35 fulfilled!


Curt Landry

P.S. I love this >>>video<<< especially seeing...

My Olive Tree [MOT] is a company that encourages the 
sponsorship of trees in Israel to help boost Israel's 
agricultural economy and provide jobs through continued
harvests, etc. MOT works with agricultural businesses and 
farmers in Israel. The contract with the farmers states that
 My Olive Tree receives 10% of the profit of the oil that 
is harvested annually from the trees. MOT has agreed to 
donate this annual percentage into humanitarian aid work 
in Israel—the other 90% remains with the farmers. This
 is in an effort to bless Israel's industry and families.

While there are options to plant trees for less in Israel, 
many times these trees are small "saplings" that are 
planted solely for the purpose of reforestation. They are 
generally planted without irrigation and do not receive 
further care. MOT plants for reforestation and for the 
purpose of receiving future harvests. The trees are at 
least 3 feet tall, irrigated and receive the care they need 
to become mature trees that produce annual harvests. 
They are purchased from nursery stocks that are 
designed to produce healthy harvests in specific 
types of soil. Your sponsorship of the tree is not 

For More Information




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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA