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Monday, December 9, 2013

"May My Name be declared..." Jerusalem365

May My name be declared upon them,
and the names of my forefathers
Abraham and Isaac, and may they
proliferate abundantly like
fish within the Land.
GENESIS (48:16)

וְיִקָּרֵא בָהֶם שְׁמִי וְשֵׁם אֲבֹתַי
אַבְרָהָם וְיִצְחָק
וְיִדְגּוּ לָרֹב בְּקֶרֶב הָאָרֶץבראשית מ’’ח:ט’’ז

ve-ye-ka-RE va-HEM she-MEE ve-SHEM
ah-vo-TAI av-ra-HOM ve-yeetz-KHOK
ve-yeed-GOO la-ROVE be-ke-REV ha-ah-RETZ

Jerusalem Inspiration

The Hebrew word for name is שם - SHEM. The great Hebrew
master, Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch explains that the word
name שם - shaym - is related to the word for ‘there’ שם - shom.
Rabbi Hirsch explains, “in the realm of the mind, by naming
and defining something, one puts it in its ‘proper place’.”

In this verse, Jacob is blessing his grandsons Ephraim and
Menashe by placing their ancestors name upon them,
establishing ‘their place’ within the spiritual legacy
of their forebears.

Give Someone a Meaningful
Gift of a Hebrew Name Certificate »

Jacob's Blessing
Watch the way Jews have blessed their children for 
thousands of years and how they continue to do so 
today using today's powerful verse from Genesis.

Watch Now »

Christians Apologize for Oslo
A group of roughly 40 Christian representatives from 
Oslo, Norway came to Knesset to apologize Wednesday 
on behalf of their communities for the harm caused to 
Israel by the Oslo Accords.

Read More »

Gold Name Necklace
A stunning 14K white gold necklace made to order 
with your name. This beautiful piece is handcrafted 
and made in Jerusalem.

Check out this Amazing Deal »

Jerusalem Daily Photo
Today's picture by Yehuda Halevi shows a view of 
Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. The mountain 
has the oldest Jewish cemetery of over 3,000 years old, 
and is located east of Jerusalem's Old City.

More Yehuda Halevi Photos »

Thank You
Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored 
by George Akolgo Anamolga of the Netherlands, in 
honor of One Jerusalem for Israel.

Sponsor a Day »

"What A Blessing"
Stay in Touch »
Shalom! I love Israel, and I pray for the peace of Israel 
and Jerusalem and I pray for the safety and security of 
Israel! God gave Israel to you, and no one can take that 
away from you! Greetings and with love, 
Maria S. Budapest, Hungary

Hola from New Mexico! What a blessing to start the day 
with an awesome scene from Israel, reminding me to 
"Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem." 
Gracias, Marydee M.

Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA