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Thursday, December 5, 2013

One Cannot 'Occupy' His Own Home - Israel365

Also - "A Covenant With Abram" ✡ Twilight in Tel Aviv


"One Cannot 'Occupy' His Own Home"
- Knesset member Naftali Bennett (see interview below)

In that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying:
‘Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt
unto the great river, the river Euphrates.GENESIS (15:18)

בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא כָּרַת יְ-הוָה אֶת אַבְרָם בְּרִית לֵאמֹר לְזַרְעֲךָ נָתַתִּי אֶת הָאָרֶץ
 הַזֹּאת מִנְּהַר מִצְרַיִם עַד הַנָּהָר הַגָּדֹל נְהַר פְּרָתבְּרֵאשִׁית טו:יח

ba-YOME ha-HOO ka-RAT ah-doe-NIE et av-RAM
be-REET lay-MORE le-zar-ah-KHA ma-ta-TEE
et ha-ah-RETZ ha-ZOTE me-ne-HAR meetz-ra-YEEM
ad ha-na-HAR ha-ga-DOLE ne-HAR pe-RAT

Today's Israel Inspiration Recently, Israeli Knesset member
Naftali Bennett spoke in New York and when faced with
protestors and hecklers questioning Israel’s right to the
Land, Bennett took out an ancient coin. “This coin, which
says ‘Freedom of Zion’ in Hebrew, was used by Jews
2,000 years ago in the State of Israel, in what you call
occupied,” he said. “One cannot occupy his own home.”

Today, Jews from around the world are coming home
with the help of an organization called "Israel Returns."

Support the Return of the Exiles and Receive a Free Shofar »

One Cannot 'Occupy' His Own Home
In this CNN interview, our Knesset member Naftali Bennett
declares that Israel is no occupier, and that no other state
will arise in the land of Judea (at7:35 minutes of the video).
This is the Maccabee message of today.

Watch This Video »

Jumpin' Jerusalem
A fun and informative video to learn all about the customs
of Hanukkah. You'll even find out the one key difference
between Israeli dreidels (Hanukkah spinning tops) and
those played in the rest of the world.

Watch Now »

Israel Investing in Christian TourismIsrael’s tourism ministry
is working in cooperation with the Church and other bodies
to prepare for the holiday rush. Tens of thousands of
Christians are expected to arrive in Israel for the
Christmas season, and the ministry is busy preparing
Christian holy sites for the onslaught of visitors.

Read More »

Shema Israel: Leather and Silver Bracelet
This popular stylish leather bracelet is mounted
with a sterling silver plate that features a 14K
Star of David while etched with the classic
Jewish creed: Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu,
Hashem Echad (Hear, O Israel, Hashem is our God,
Hashem is One) (Deut. 6:4).

Check out this Amazing Deal »

Today's Israel Photo
Today's photo by Noam Chen shows a beautiful twilight
on the banks of the Yarkon River in Tel Aviv.

More Noam Chen Photos »

Tuesday's Photo Trivia
Tuesday's photo by Boruch Len was of the Bania Springs
in the Golan Heights, one of Israel’s wonders in the north.
The spring emerges at the foot of Mount Hermon and
serves as a main tributary into the Jordan River.

Thank You
Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by
Kate Hendrikse in honor of Joyce Fieldhouse.

Sponsor a Day »

"Thank You, Thank You So Much"It’s great to hear from so
many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world
you are enjoying Israel365!

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Just a short note to say, Thank you, thank you so much for h
elping my country and giving hope to the Filipinos after
Haiyan. We, evangelistic Christian Filipinos, are keeping
our eyes on you as biblical prophecies unfold right before
our eyes. Our love, prayers and support will always be with
God's Chosen people. God bless you more and more.

Sincerely, Geordelle Espino-Bernardino,
Negros Occidental, Philippines

Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA