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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Word of Love From Sweden - Eva Haglund

Shalom Steve!

I wish you a nice beginning of the new year!

I saw on your blog that there were a man who lived in Peru who did painting. Is he a relative? There were nice paintings! My husband comes from Peru.

You wrote about Rick Joyner. I do not know him so much but have gotten a good impression of him. For instance he talks about love in Body of Christ - fellowship and care of each other.

Not so many talk about this and I think it is important to talk about what Jesus did. He prayed that there will be love from God in the Body of Christ, which will be a testimony to the world (John 17:21.) I think it is, for instance, as in Acts 2:46. The enemy has stolen it from quite a lot in the Body of Christ. Instead there sometimes are as if clubs. In 1 Cor.12 we can read that we need each other much in friendship.

Jesus say in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this than to lay down ones life for his friend." Jesus talked about love. Why then are there not so many who preach this. To be hospitalble and have fellowship. That is love - not just a smile. There needs to be much more fellowship.

Jesus says also, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." Sometimes some Christians have a good heart to evangelize but are not interested in friendship. You also have to have friendship so people who get saved have friends to come to.

We can see that Jesus had fellowship. For instance in John 21 they were eating together, talking and Jesus made breakfast and a warm fire. Jesus is the Friend. You can talk to Him when you eat breakfast or go on a walk. He is the best Friend among friends.

Our heavenly Daddy and Jesus have much fellowship and are not impersonal. They talk to each other.

Christian conferences can be good and it can be good to be at one. But if you want to go to conferences, when is there time to have a cup of coffee with a friend and have time with God? I like to be at a good conference but also to have time in fellowship with God and friends.

Jesus gave time and shared His bread. For me this also means fellowship because I think to share bread can also be to talk with each other around a table. Where there is just a club in the Body of Christ I think God wants to restore so it will become as He wants.

There are also friendships but I think there needs to be more. I think also that we are not created just to do things for God or just to ask God for things but to be a close friend to God.

This I think is where worship comes in because it has to do with the relation to God. Dance as unto God I think is also worshiping Him with the body as Mirjam and David did.

To have a relation with God is to read His Word because Jesus is the Word.

I think the Bible symbol for instance can be bread. Jesus is the Bread, the Life of Bread. (John 6:35)

Jesus did not just talk or preach about love For instance, when He told us to wash each others feet, He did this to show care. He lived love. He was like a servant and gave all in love. He is life. He is love.

Thank you for many good things you write and give on the blog!



Love. Love not. What will I choose?
Who is God- a hard God?
A God of love?
The money, the idol in the bank.
Is it worth to live for?
Is money, things more worth than care and love?
Who is God?
Did he keep his love in heaven or did he gave?
He gave his Bread - his life…
He gave ALL he had not because he had to but by FREE WILL…
He preached by his life that he is a God of love.
He gave ALL he had in a deepest pain - NAILED for us…
The pain he carried he carried for us - a love more worth than money-
He the King - thought that we were more worth than all money in the world…
You are rich if you have him…
Eva Haglund.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA