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Thursday, January 2, 2014

UPDATE: IDF Reportedly Did NOT Forbid Contact With Messianic Jews

UPDATE: IDF Reportedly Did NOT Forbid Contact With Messianic Jews

Wednesday, January 01, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
It has come to our attention that an article we ran in mid-December (“IDF Soldiers Warned Against Contact with Messianic Jews”) contained a number of reported inaccuracies that gave the impression that Israel’s defense establishment had specifically targeted Messianic Jews as a dangerous influence on young Israeli soldiers.
The story revolved around the publicized visits of Messianic Jews to a Beit Hachayal (Soldiers’ Home - a kind of hostel or retreat) in Jerusalem. The Hebrew press subsequently reported that pressure from ultra-Orthodox anti-missionary groups had resulted in a new directive from the Ministry of Defense for soldiers to avoid contact with Jewish believers in Yeshua (Jesus).
Such an order was never issued, sources told Israel Today. It is likely that the anti-missionary groups themselves were the source of that rumor used in the initial Hebrew reports.
The reality is that no religious group is permitted to enter a Beit Hachayal with the intent of proselytizing young soldiers - not ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups, not Messianic Jews, not Hindus and not Muslims. This is not a policy directed solely at Messianic Jews.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA