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Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Behold, I will lift up My hand to the nations." Israel365

Behold, I will lift up My hand to the nations

and set up My banner to the people, 

and they shall bring your sons 

in their bosom, and your daughters shall be 

carried upon their shoulders.

ISAIAH (49:22)

הִנֵּה אֶשָּׂא אֶל גּוֹיִם

 יָדִי וְאֶל עַמִּים אָרִים נִסִּ

י וְהֵבִיאוּ בָנַיִךְ בְּחֹצֶן

 וּבְנֹתַיִךְ עַל כָּתֵף תִּנָּשֶׂאנָה

ישעיהו מ’’ט:כ’’ב
hee-NAY eh-SAH el goy-EEM 
ya-DEE ve-EL ah-MEEM ah-REEM 
nee-SEE ve-hay-vee-OO va-na-YEEKH be-kho-TZAYN 
oo-ve-no-ta-YEEKH al ka-TAYF tee-nah-se-NA

Israel Inspiration

Isaiah describes the great contributions that the nations 
and non-Jews will play in the resettlement of the 
Land of Israel. In modern times, great Christian warriors 
for Zion have emerged to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy, including 
Orde Wingate, who passed away 69 years ago this week. 

An officer in the British army in the 1930’s, Wingate trained 
many of the future leaders of the Israeli army. Wingate 
drew on his love and knowledge of the Bible, and distilled 
strategies from the battles of Joshua, Gideon and King David. 
Known throughout Israel as “Hayedid” or, “The Friend,” 
the Jewish people remember Orde Wingate, whose 
Biblical passion and contributions to the State of Israel 
cannot be overstated.

Israel Photo TriviaCan you tell where this
stunning photo by Avinoam Michaeli was taken?
Send us an email with your answer!

Tell us your answer »

Today's Must See VideoHow inspiring to count so many flags
in Jerusalem last year, as supporters from around the world
gathered for a pro-Israel march.

Click here to watch »

Daily Deal
The Jewish Bible with insights from classic Jewish thought,
a must have for your library.

Click here for this amazing deal »

"Shalom from Australia"I want to take this opportunity to
thank you for all the beautiful Israel365 Scenes they have
given me a picture of Israel that is so beautiful and
comforting a feel of peace and joy. Again thank you
so much.
Gloria Thomas

Shalom from Australia, having only just come back from
your wonderful country a couple of weeks ago. I love the
photos and information and to feel closer to Israel when
at home.
Linda B

With Many Blessings,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA