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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - The Body of Christ by Eva Haglund

Shalom Steve and friends!

I send you many greetings from Stockholm!

I heard the first flower is ready to come up - maybe the spring is coming in Stockholm.

Hope so. It is beautiful with all flowers in the spring and new things in the nature. It is like God doing new things in our lives.

I have been thinking and have some thoughts to share.

Thank you for all you do for God at Love For His People"!



Here are some of my thoughts to share:

I read about what Morris E.Ruddock wrote about when people were gathering in small groups and God met them. He also talked about to carry each other burdens and about Acts.2:46. I like what he wrote!

The Body of Christ needs this today!  The church is not the building. I believe in 1 Cor.12 that we Christians need each other and Jesus as the head, whom everyone needs first. He is the source. 

We need more of Jesus. As Jesus wants to be our Friend - not just to come and ask for things. He wants love in Body of Christ with real friendship. In real friendship it is natural that people also meet in a home and eat together and have fellowship as in Acts.2:46

It is written in 1Cor.12 that as in a usual body "the hand" needs the " foot" and so on that we Christians need each other - all with different gifts. I think it is meant about friendships here, not just in a church building. You cannot know everyone well but we are all Christains in Body of Christ. Instead of being as one man, sometimes as the church we ought to stand together as one Body  - needing each other. 

We all need each other. Jesus is the best friend you can have and we need Him firs. I also think about when Jesus talks about love to each other in John.15:12 "This is my commandment , that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one`s life for his FRIENDS". 

Jesus is talking about real friendship here. God is love and showed a lot of love. He came as a servant and washed the disciples feet - as I think this is also a picture of showing care to each other. Carrying each other´s burden. Helping each other.

It can be to comfort, to help anybody with practical things who has a big need; pray for anybody who does not feel well; visit anybody who do not feel well. The enemy has stolen a lot of real friendship in the Body of Christ and we need more of this back. 

If a person lives far away you can write at e-mail for instance or call when you cannot meet in person. Jesus prayed that love among Christians would be a testimony to the world. John.17:21. Agape. The world needs love. All need love around us and God is love.1 John.4:8.

Sometimes evangelists are passionate for God wanting to win the world but they do not understand fellowship, friendship and that the people who get saved need people who take care of them, to show love and care.

Many people are wounded today and counseling is also fellowship. In John 21 Jesus taught on fellowship, practical love, breakfast, and a warm fire for the hungry, frozen and tired.

We need to learn to know of Jesus more and more .He loves us and loves when we talk to Him. He wants us to be with Him. He loves when we read His Word - the Bible.

Jesus is a real friend.

God of love,

Eva Haglund

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA