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Monday, March 24, 2014

Actor Kevin Sorbo - "God's Not Dead' Star Speaks Out Against Hollywood's Christian Stigma

"God's Not Dead' Star Speaks Out Against Hollywood's Christian Stigma

Kevin Sorbo
Kevin Sorbo (Facebook)
Actor Kevin Sorbo has some harsh words for comedian Bill Maher, who recently called God a “psychotic mass murderer” while discussing the upcoming film Noah.
“All I can do is feel sad for the guy because I think he’s a very angry, lonely man,” Sorbo said in an interview with Newsmax to promote his new film, God’s Not Dead, which released Friday. “There’s no reason to try and talk to a guy like that because he has so much hate."
“I wonder what happened to him in his lifetime,” the actor added. “The atheists I’ve met—not all of them are angry. I’ve got some very good friends who are atheists. They just don’t believe. They simply don’t believe. We’ve had great debates. ... [Maher just] has so much hate.”
The actor continued, “Morals are declining, the country is going under. We are getting worse and worse, and everything is OK, according to half the population of this country. Not everything is OK.”
Sorbo, who plays an atheist professor in God’s Not Dead, has also spoken out about the stigma Christians face in Hollywood.
“There’s a negativity towards Christians in Hollywood,” reports him saying. “And a negativity towards people who believe in God.”
The actor who once played Hercules says he has noticed a difference in how he is treated in Hollywood since he publicly came out as a Christian. He says he has not been offered as many roles as he was in the past, and he doesn’t understand why his faith should affect his work.
“I don’t begrudge them—why do they begrudge me?” he asked.
Sorbo believes Hollywood will stop treating Christians negatively when believers stand up for their beliefs.
“The silent majority is starting to get annoyed with what’s going on,” he says. “I think more people need to start speaking about it instead of just sitting there and taking it. ... It’s happening; you’re getting attacked; you need to stand up for yourself and your beliefs.”

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA