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Friday, March 21, 2014

“Let Go & Let God” – Now Think On This by Steve Martin

“Let Go & Let God”
Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“The Lord protects those of childlike faith; I was facing death, and He saved me. Let my soul be at rest again, for the Lord has been good to me. He has saved me from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling. And so I walk in the Lord's presence as I live here on earth!” Psalm 116:6-9, New Living Translation

“Let go and let God.”

I heard the words in my spirit. I knew it was the Lord. Even in that deep sleep, when He speaks, I have learned to recognize His voice.

The day had barely turned to March 21, 2014. It was going to be the first full day of spring. The clock’s red letters said “2:12”. As in “A.M.” As in, “It is still quite dark outside here in Charlotte, NC.”

But I had woken up, or to put it correctly, I had been woken up with His words, “Let go and let God.” When I confirmed the time on the clock placed at the headboard of our bed, I quickly reminded the Lord that I had a long day ahead that Friday. It was going to be around midnight before I’d probably get to bed again, and I really wasn’t wanting to get up just yet.

But in learning to trust Him in these things, having experienced Him this way in the past, when awoken with a word spoken from Him, I responded. I got up. The five hours of sleep would have to be enough for that day.

There were a few things that I knew He was speaking that word to me about. One was the upcoming income tax due, whereby the remaining $1100 was going to have to get paid. There were yet another 24 days to see His hand provide for that. I was being challenged in my trust.

My faith level had already risen a degree, when He sent the unexpected room renter from Minnesota this week. He had arrived just last Sunday, after responding to an ad I had placed on a website that morning at 5:30 am. This upcoming rental income would cover three fourths of the tax bill. Thank you Jesus.

I am most grateful for this provision, as the Lord takes care of our needs. The years in walking His chosen path for our lives, for my good wife Laurie and I, have proven His love over and over again to us and our family. Walking His walk brings the joy and fulfilment He desires for His children.

But I actually don’t think this word, His word, “Let go and let God,” was just for me. I think it is for you who are reading this.

Our Lord, God of heaven and earth, Creator of all and Caretaker over Israel, truly cares about matters in our lives. That income tax bill that is due in three weeks; that long day ahead where more sleep would have been good in preparation for it (or so we think); the child whom we have raised, with as much love as we knew how, and yet still has not followed the Lord’s ways as we had spent long hours praying they would; He most certainly cares about that.

The Lord is saying to you, “I am in control. I am taking care of that concern. You can put it back in MY hands, and watch Me take care of it.”

In addition, there is the thought that the "Let go and let God" may be in connection to something else. Sometimes He calls us to let go of the "cup" we are holding - that treasure or object we know came from the Lord in days gone by. It may be the best cup we have ever had. It may actually be an actual object, like the  #24 Jeff Gordon NASCAR cup I used to really admire, or you might have even a championship cup from your favorite team 20 years ago.

On the spiritual side, it may be that prestigious role you have always filled, but now the Lord is calling you to let go of that one, for the new one He has prepared your for these past years while doing that one. In my life, it was letting go of leading worship and a praise band, so I could give that time to writing books. I love it even more now - the new role He has placed me in!

It may be that event, person, or passion that is keeping you from letting go so you can take the next path the Lord has in store for you, which you won't know about until you let go of this one.

But if we let go of that past, He has a better one for us now. He wants us to move on and live in the here and now. We have to let go of that and go forward with the now. Fresh manna daily, right?

As the Psalmist wrote in the Scripture shared above, “And so I walk in the Lord's presence as I live here on earth”, we too can choose to walk in our Father’s presence, each and every day, with His Holy Spirit as our Guide and Comforter. We can choose to abide under the shadow of His wings, protected by the flurry of activity around us, remaining peaceful in His loving care.

My prayer for you, for my family, for those who have entrusted prayer concerns to me, is that you will also this day, “Let go and let God.” I am trusting in Him and keeping my eyes fixed on Yeshua, the Author and Finisher of my faith. I hope you do too.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Now Think On This #133  “Let Go & Let God” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (03.21.14) Friday at 3:30 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA