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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Rocket Fire on Israel Largest Spike in Two Years

Gaza Rocket Fire on Israel

Julie Stahl
CBN News Middle East Correspondent
March 13, 2014

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JERUSALEM, Israel -- Islamic Jihad terrorists, backed by Iran, launched dozens of rockets from the heart of Gaza on Wednesday. It marked the largest spike in Gaza rocket fire since 2012.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel wouldn't tolerate terror from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

"If there is no calm in the south, there will be no calm in Gaza, and that's putting it mildly," Netanyahu said. "I call upon the residents of the south to follow the instructions. The IDF will do the job."

The Israeli Air Force struck nearly 30 terror sites in Gaza in retaliation for the barrage. The IDF said it targeted infrastructure terrorists use for training, planning and implementing attacks.

More than 60 rockets fell inside Israel, including at least five that exploded in populated areas, but caused no injuries.

Several rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-rocket system.

Islamic Jihad, which is armed by Iran, claimed it fired the rockets in retaliation for the deaths of three members killed earlier this week in an Israeli airstrike.

The IDF released a video that it says clearly shows those three terrorists launching a mortar shell at Israeli soldiers and running from the site.

Visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron said his country stands with Israel on security matters.

"Let me be absolutely clear about these attacks from Gaza, we condemn them completely," Cameron said during a meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres.

"I think there are three important points to bear in mind; first of all they are a reminder once again of the importance of maintaining and securing Israel's future and the security threats that you face. And you have Britain's support in facing those security threats," he said.

Cameron is here on a 30-hour visit, in part to promote the U.S.-sponsored Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Netanyahu said there can only be genuine peace if Iranian-backed terrorists can't fire rockets at Israel.

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