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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - Eva Haglund - Praying For The Nations

Shalom Steve!

I send you many greetings from Sweden!  It is about 5+ C just now. Spring is beginning to wake up. 

I was outside praying for Sweden today. God shows me how to pray. 

I have thought about intercession and think that we all need to be one and pray. If we stand together praying it is also strong. I feel myself that I want to take a new step in the school of intercession for nations and for the chosen country of Israel. I want to grow in this. There are nations who are bleeding today and they need our prayers.

To intercede for a friend, for a relative or a country is also to show love to people. It needs a lot of intercession. In Eph. 6:18 we can read about " supplication for all the saints". We can also read in the Bible about a house of prayer. We need church buildings to be more of house of prayers today with both young and old together. 

In Acts. 12:5 we can see about Peter " constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church". It is interesting to see in Acts. 12:12 that there were many praying in a HOME - in a house as was Mary's. We also need prayer meetings in homes and in the Bible they were in Mary's house. 

Jesus asked the disciples -could you not pray one hour and we can ask ourselves - can we pray one hour? If we are not used to this we maybe can begin with 15 minutes and increase at home. It is also better to have ONE prayer for Israel than NONE at all. 

The nations need our prayers. There are BIG needs! Israel needs our help. They need our hearts in prayer!

We need different sorts of prayer. We need spiritual warfare for instance but also our tears In prayer as Jesus was crying for Jerusalem. Jesus loved and loves Jerusalem and the holy city needs our prayers today!

I think there needs tears in prayers for the nations also. If we do not have tears we can ask God for it. In Lament. 3:48-51 is written, "My eyes overflow with rivers of water for the destruction of My people. My eyes flow and not cease, without interruption, till the Lord from heaven looks down and sees. My eyes bring sufferings to my soul because of all the daughters of my city".

In Ps. 126:5 we can read " Those who sow in tears will reap in joy".  I think it also can be tears for the nations.

Worship and dance to Jesus is also strong spiritually. When we lift up God as Paul and Silas in the storm enemies flee and it happens spiritually when God is in the center of the worship. 

We need to understand more in the Body of Christ also the importance spiritual dance to Jesus. Worship God with the body. We also need prophetic dance. Miram and David danced to God. I have read about prayer dance and have practiced it a little. It was interesting to read about. 

Personally I think that sometimes a prayer night feels long, but you can also include dance worship (but careful if you have neighbors you can disturb!)

About intercession-  I think as we bless  Israel with  prayers He bless the nation we live in also. Anyone who blesses Israel is blessed so Jesus gives back when we pray so.


Let us pray... 
Like a child in our arms - 
Let us pray for our nations.
Let our hearts be crushed -
nations are bleeding...
Let our tears fall for the nations 
Like a child you carry in your arms.
Crying for a child you love - love to the nations.
Israel is like a precious child for God.
Let our hearts be moved.


Many greetings and blessings from Stockholm! Please pray for Sweden!

Eva Haglund

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA