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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - WE NEED EACH OTHER by Eva Haglund

March 26, 2014

Shalom Steve!

Many greetings from Stockholm!

Thank you for serving God with "Love For His People"! Thank you for all good things you write and also for your support for Israel and the Jewish people!

Just now I have read what Rick Joyner wrote about that we need each other. I totally agree with him! I  have been thinking and share some of my thoughts about the subject:


Sometimes Christians are so stressed and do not think they need each other. Some will just seek the Lord and some just want to evangelize without friendship. We need seek the Lord and we need intercession in a world who really need intercession but we also need each other. God is not impersonal and want us not to just do things for Him but to have a relation with Him -  to have Him as your friend. Our heavenly Daddy and Jesus have much fellowship. In John.21 we can see for instance that Jesus had fellowship with the disciples. We as Christians need each other, too. 

The church is not a building as many people think.

The church is the Body of Christ with Jesus as head, not any strong  leader but Jesus.
As usual, our body needs each other's part ,1 Cor.12, so we need sisters and brothers not just in a church building but much in friendship. Even if you cannot know all, still how love and have some contact with people you also cannot know well. 

It is not good for us to stand alone. We need each other. We need each other in friendship to pray together.  For instance, you can worship together but also do other things. Take a walk and look at the nature with friends.

We also need meetings together. It can be in a house as Mary had meetings in hers, as in Acts, or in a building. If three friends meet in  a home seeking God  - that can also be a meeting. We need more of house of prayers today. We need to pray together and worship.

We do not need clubs but fellowship. In the Bible it talks about hospitality and in Acts 2:46 they broke bread from house to house and had fellowship. Jesus also prayed in John.17:21 that love will be a testimony to the world. 

He tells us to love one another in John. 15:12-13. He does not just mean to see each other in a church building but to have real fellowship among Christians. When Jesus tells us to wash each other`s feet I also think He talks about to take care about each other - show care to our sisters and brothers. I also believe in forgiveness - not to be bitter to anyone. 

However I believe it is good to have mature leader/leaders in a local church who care for people and do not have a hard heart but has been touched by the heart of the Father. I think all in the Body has the same value but with different gifts. We need to be one in Christ Gal.3:28. I think it is a new time when also God wants to work, to do more things in teams and that it is a new time when He wants to restore more of the love in Body of Christ.The enemy has stolen much of it among us. 

The enemy wants us to be bitter to each other, so he can bring more division to the Body. But we need forgiveness and love among each other. I believe also that when guided by God, Christian friends can live close to each other as in Ps.133. It is written about blessings with it. Sometimes Christians live so far away from each. I think that it is not good. If we live so far from each other, it is hard to be together. It is easier to pray together, have a meeting and other things together also in friendship if we do not live so far away from each other.

Jesus is the head as the body. He is a real Friend. We need Him first. This Friend gave His life for us in love. Friendship with God ought to go hand in hand with friendship with each other. 

If you do not have friendships now - He want us to get them back!

Wash the feet - showing care. 
Like a servant - giving out...
Love is to give... Wash the feet -
"ask anybody how it is - how are you" ?
Giving bread to a friend who do not have
...Write that letter...
Call that person who is alone... 
Invite anybody for a dinner...
Wash your friends dishes... 
We are cleansed by your water,
but reaching out is
showing love.
Wash each others feet.

Eva Haglund.

We need to come together!

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA