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Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Grandmas Are Coming by Julia Loren

Julia Loren:
The Elijah List

Julia LorenI was just waking up, and in that drowsy state it was as if an angel whispered in my ear, "The grandmothers are coming." 

I could have dismissed it as the tail edge of a dream, but the next morning I heard it again. And the following morning. Finally, I sat up and began listening for the more complete word the Lord was speaking. It was just about a week ago that a more complete word emerged, and this is what I believe the Lord is speaking:

Land of Promise by Robert Bartow"The grandmothers are coming. They are the young grandmothers who are seeing in the spirit and the older grandmothers who have seen in the spirit. Their revelatory insights are coming to the foreground – now that so many other distractions of life are falling away.

"In an instant, the weighted ceiling of the enemy's oppression will shatter and the grandmothers will rise up into the heavenlies and see more clearly than ever before.

Let your spirit soar! For it will not be as before. 

The brokenness of the years are releasing a new fragrance to your prayers, to your nurturing touch, and adding joy to your years.

"You are of the age to receive an 'Anna Anointing,' and it is being poured out for any who will receive it.

The anointing to see the unseen potential in the infant, the child, the teen, and the young adult and call it forth is yours for the asking.

It is like the Anna in the temple who took the infant Jesus in her arms and saw the light of the world and his destiny. And because of your age, you will be received. And because of your anointing, you will be heard.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Grandmas are coming"It is a gentle anointing. It is a nurturing anointing that calls life into infant hearts, infant ministries, and stands back to bless and intercede, rather than stepping forward to direct and care for that which you see emerging.

It is the freedom of a grandmother to bless and not have to undertake the responsibility for the care and feeding of another's child or ministry. It is the joy of a grandmother to see what is emerging and 'gentle' it into birth." 

(Photo via Stock.xchange by trolf)

In Luke 2:36-38, we read about Anna, a widow who happened to be a woman given to prayer: "Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem."

How did she see the true identity of this infant?

She entered into continual awareness of God's presence through prayer.

Prayer was the intimate dialog between herself and God, her true and constant Companion who met her in prayer and would tell her His secrets (see Luke8:10) because of their close relationship.

So, if you are a grandmother, this is your time to "see" the unseen in the younger ones among us and call it forth. The world has need of you. And what is to come needs those who will call it out in the young and release it through intercession.

Julia Loren
Julia Loren Ministries / Blue Moth Media

Website: /

Julia Loren is a prophetic author of several books including Shifting Shadows of Supernatural PowerClaim Your Anointing and The Future of Us: Your Guide to Prayer, Prophecy and the Coming Days. She lives on an island in the Pacific NW.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA