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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thus said the Lord, God, 'This is Jerusalem! - Israel365

Thus said the Lord, God, 

'This is Jerusalem

Among the nations have I placed 

her and all 

around her are countries.'


כֹּה אָמַר אֲ-דֹנָי יְ-הוִה זֹאת

 יְרוּשָׁלִַם בְּתוֹךְ הַגּוֹיִם שַׂמְתִּיהָ וּסְבִיבוֹתֶיהָ אֲרָצוֹת

יחזקאל ה:ה

ko a-MAR a-do-NIE e-lo-HAY-nu zot
bi-TOKH ha-go-YEEM sam-tee-HA u-si-vee-vo-TE-ha a-ra-TZOT

Today's Israel Inspiration

In a new public television project called "The Royal Tour,"
Prime Minister Netanyahu leads a fabulous tour of the Land.
He says, "I happily joined this project in order to show the
world the beautiful face of the State of Israel, the land of
milk and honey. Each place that we visited was more
beautiful and special than where we had been previously.

Israel has places that are sacred to all religions and
we strictly uphold freedom of religion and worship. It was
also important for me to show the deep link between
the Land of Israel and the Jewish People." Come and
see what makes the Land so special with Israel365
and the Bible as your guide.

The Royal Tour with Bibi
A historic television event is coming to public television
next month with the release of "The Royal Tour." The
one-hour special gives unprecedented access around
the country in an up-close-and-personal journey with a
very special guide: the PM of Israel.

Watch the Trailer »

Film on Holocaust Survivor Wins Oscar
Until her death last month at the age of 110, Alice Sommer
was the oldest living Holocaust survivor. One week after
her death, a documentary about her life and her optimism
won an Academy Award.

Read More »

Silver Bracelet with Turquoise
Enjoy this funky braided rope bracelet with small silver
and turquoise beads. Its sterling silver plaque is engraved
with the Hebrew words “Y’varechecha V’yishmarecha”
(May you be blessed and guarded) from the
Priestly Blessings.

Get this Great Deal and Free Shipping »

Israel Photo Trivia

Michael Shmidt's stunning photo of Jerusalem. Can you
guess the name of the world's oldest Jewish cemetery
seen in the foreground? Hint: it gets its name from the
olive trees there. Send me an email with your guess or
post on Facebook!

Guess on Facebook »

Thank You
Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored
by Steven Smith of West Allis, Wisconsin on his 29th
wedding anniversary. Mazal tov!

Sponsor a Day »

"I Love Being Reminded Daily of the Wonders"
It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch
and let us know where in the world you are
enjoying Israel365!
Stay in Touch »

I am enjoying Israel365 in Post Falls, Idaho. After
visiting Israel in 2013, I love being reminded daily
of the wonders of your beautiful country - Joli

Thanks, my friend. I receive your emails, and I'm
so happy. Thanks and God bless you, Samson S.

Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA