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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Feasts of the Lord - A Little Help In Understanding Them

The Feasts of The Lord - Biblical Holidays

Do you know and understand why the biblical Feasts of the Lord, which are found in the Bible (Torah, Tanak, New Testament) are for believers today? After all, these are our Jewish roots. They were first given to His Chosen Ones the Jews, to bring His light to the world, and then for all believers in Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ. It is one way God the Father has revealed His Son Yeshua (salvation in Hebrew) to the nations.

And how does He do this revealing? By instructing the Jews to keep His annual feasts, which then demonstrates His plan of salvation for the entire world, both for Jew and Gentile. 

Again, salvation ("Yeshua" in Hebrew) for all who would believe and receive.

Here are a few pieces of artwork to help further explain what He has done, and continues to do, for us.

Happy feasting! Chag Semach Pesach (Happy Passover!),

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Feasts of the Lord 
- to bring us to Yeshua (Jesus)

Known commonly as the Jewish feasts, 
they have been given as a
demonstration of His love for all of us.

Passover (Pesach) - Yeshua's (Jesus') death, burial 
and resurrection
on Resurrection Sunday

His sacrificial death on the cross 
- as a sheep led to slaughter (Isaiah 53)

Shavuot - Pentecost
- the first fruits, when the Holy Spirit came 50 days
after His resurrection

Announcing His soon coming triumphal return

Day of Atonement - 
reflecting on sin and His atoning Blood for us

Feast of Tabernacles - Sukkot
Spending time with Him in His eternal rest
of salvation

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA