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Friday, April 11, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - GOD HAS NOT REJECTED THE JEWS by Eva Haglund

Shalom Steve!

I have been  thinking of  the Jewish people  and send you what I wrote.

Some trees here have begin to become green and some flowers comes up  so I take  photos. Sometimes you see deer close. They are  beautiful!

Many blessings and greetings from Sweden!



I wanted to write about the Jews because anti-semitism is increasing and we as Christians need to make our voices heard. When anti-semitism increases God's love to the Jewish people remains eternal.

When people are against Israel Yeshua, the Lion of Judah, we know Who fights for Israel. The Lion is strong and has authority. God keep His promises to the Jewish people in the Bible. God told Abraham to look at the stars in Genesis 15:5 he heard the number for stars.

As God counts all stars He can count all people. I believe we are like stars before Him. I am thinking of a symbol for a human being as a star. As He calls each star by name He calls us each by name. He see all people and all Jews. Every time Abraham looked at the stars he could think of the promise God gave him. When we look at the stars we can think about that. As long as the stars are above us God's promises to the Jews remain. God told Abraham to look at the stars and we can do. In Rev.22.16 is written that Yeshua is the Morningstar.

The state of Israel will remain and He loves the chosen people so much! God do not reject the Jews when there are some people who do. Israel, His people, are so precious for Him like a precious lamb for a shepherd or like a child a parent loves very much. God has not abandoned the Jews but God has done everything for the Jews. He gave his Son.

In Isaiah 53:7 is written about Yeshua that " He was led as a lamb to the slaughter." Our heavenly Daddy's heart was crushed for the Jews whom He appeared to first.He was willing to do everything for the Jews so He sent His Son to die for them.

Would He reject this people? No, He does not! In Rom.11:1 Paul says, "I say then ,has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin."

Paul did not deny that he was a Messianic Jew. I also think he kept the Jewish feasts as I think it is a blessing to keep for all people. Also for Christians who are not Jewish to keep His feasts.

The Jewish people are like a treasure for God. They are like a golden necklace for Him with diamonds in His hand. He do not reject the Jewish people.

In the newspapers we could read about a big heart as birds created in the air in Israel this year. God sent birds to create a heart to show that He loved the Jewish people when people wrote that anti-semitism had increased.

Yeshua loves the Jews so much and in His name is eternal salvation.

John. 3:16, "For so God loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

Eva Haglund


Israel is amazing like a star.
Israel is beautiful like a  rose.
Israel is  like a golden necklace  
with diamonds for God.
Israel is like a fragrant garden 
with fruit trees.
Israel is like a vineyard 
with grapes looking like precious stones.
Israel is like a precious lamb 
for a shepherd
or like a child a parent loves so deep.
God loves Israel!

Isaiah 62:3, Isaiah.40:11

Eva Haglund

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA