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Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Womb of Awakening: The Birth of the Mysteries of God by Ian Johnson

The Womb of Awakening: 

The Birth of the Mysteries of God 

by Ian Johnson

Identity Network

New life is always hidden in its conception, but the fruit of conception results in the birth of and revelation of the mysteries of God.
Mysteries only remain mysterious while they are hidden, but when the ways of God come into the light, the Sons of God know His ways. In an age where many are saying the Church is irrelevant, God is bringing new life to the fruit of her womb.
If we look for a revival (a fresh release of an old move) all we get is the revival of an old move. But if we seek revelation of the pattern of heaven, we get the birth of the mysteries of heaven on earth.
We are in the third day of the Church and it's worth noting here that the revelation of the fruit of Eve's womb didn't appear until her third child was born. The fruit of Gods salvation didn't come from Able or Cain but from her third son Seth. So the third day of the Church is going to reveal the fullness of the salvation offered by God to mankind.
The Hidden is Revealed
Romans 8:22 says that the Worlds groan for the revelation of the SONS as in childbirth. That which has been a mystery in the darkness of the womb is about to be revealed in the birth of SONS.
When that which is hidden is revealed, it becomes the engine to transition, from mystery to revelation. The revelation of SONS and fruit is the glory of the third day church. Currently we live in the fruit of the Reformation of 1517, but that was just a pregnancy, not a birth
The Church for a long while now has been pregnant with promise, we have seen stirrings in the womb and even known that the womb contains wonderful new life. But we haven't been able to describe the awakening because its image has been hidden in the darkness of the womb. Psalm 139 so beautifully paints a picture of God knitting us together in our mother's womb. This is true for us as individuals but it's also true of the mysterious womb called the Church.
The picture of childbirth is the picture I want to portray in this article, before birth the awakening clung to its mother through the mystery of blood in the womb, (the Womb called the Church) but when the awakening is presented at birth; the revelation of the SON is there for all to see and the one who carried the awakening has a role change. She now has to train up a child in the way he should go. Her role is no longer to steward the mystery but to help the mystery to become a fully grown SON. Hence it says in the book of Ephesians that the role of the Pastor, teacher, evangelist, Prophet and Apostle is to present fully grown, mature, functioning SONS. 

The role of the five-fold is not to rule but to bring them forth as mature SONS of the Kingdom. The role of ruling belongs to the SONS. So the five-fold gifts are only there to train the SONS to rule as SONS. This is the great birth and the great awakening taking place right now in the womb called the Church.
The Role of the Church
The SONS become the mystery revealed, it's taking a while for the Church to understand her role, but she will because God has chosen the Church to be the Womb of awakening in the earth - the place where SONS reveal the Kingdom of God. So that we proclaim with the saints in heaven, The Kingdoms of the earth, have become the Kingdoms of our God and His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.
In the same way Mary carried the Messiah in her womb until it was time for Him to be presented, so the Church has carried the SONS, remember that Jesus was the firstborn among many SONS. When Mary released Jesus into the world she lived in every range of emotion possible to a human - joy, sadness, sorrow, fulfillment, etc., the whole range. It's the same for the Church, as she learns to let the fruit of her womb go into all the world and become Jesus to the nations.
There is a great awakening upon us and this article is a call to SONS to come forth, out of the reformation of 1517 and into Sonship and dominion. Placed before us is an open door; into the realms of heaven and heaven on earth. A place that will bring great honor  to Jesus. A place that will bring delight and shouts of joy from those who have gone before, from the Church in heaven who are waiting to see their reward revealed in a generation of SONS. This is your day and your hour to bring forth the reward for the suffering of our Messiah Jesus.
Ian Johnson
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA