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Thursday, April 17, 2014

VIDEO: Israeli Messianics Respond to Anti-Missionary Group

VIDEO: Israeli Messianics Respond to Anti-Missionary Group

Thursday, April 17, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
A couple of months ago, the virulently anti-missionary group Yad L’Achim began publishing a new glossy magazine targeting Israel’s Messianic community. Believers across the country were surprised to find the first issues of “The Seekers” delivered to their private mail boxes.
The magazine sought to paint the Messianic community as a den of unrighteousness based upon belief in a false messiah, with the apparent hope that some from within the Messianic community would come running to Yad L’Achim in search of a way out.
In the aftermath of this bizarre phenomenon, the Israeli Internet evangelism movement One For Israel began producing humorous video responses to various of the Yad L’Achim claims against the Messianic faith and movement.
The videos have been a huge hit on the Israeli Messianic scene, and have no doubt been viewed by many non-believing Israelis, as well.
One For Israel has now added English subtitles to the first two videos in this series. The videos are well worth a watch for believers abroad to see how local Messianics respond to those challenging their faith, especially within a Jewish context.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA