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Monday, May 12, 2014

From New York to the IDF - ISRAEL365

The voice of your watchmen, they raise their voice, they sing glad song in unison; with their own eyes they will see that the Lord returns to Zion.

ISAIAH (52:8)

קוֹל צֹפַיִךְ נָשְׂאוּ קוֹל יַחְדָּו יְרַנֵּנוּ  כִּי עַיִן בְּעַיִן יִרְאוּ בְּשׁוּב יְ-הוָה צִיּוֹן

יְשַׁעְיָהוּ נב:ח

kol tzo-FA-yikh NAS-u kol yakh-DAV y'-ra-NAY-nu kee AI-yin b'-ai-YIN yir-U b'-SHUV a-do-NAI tzee-ON

Today's Israel Inspiration

47 years ago, the IDF chaplain, Rabbi Shlomo Goren proudly declared “The Temple Mount is in our hands!” After 2,000 years, Jerusalem was reunited and returned to the Jewish people. On Jerusalem Day, May 28th, we'll commemorate the miracles and give thanks to the Almighty and the brave soldiers of the IDF. Get an amazing IDF eBook in time for Jerusalem Day!

New Hebrew Music Monday

Today's verse comes alive in our new Hebrew music video, "Ma Navu - How Beautiful" performed by Safam. Enjoy singing along to the words of Isaiah with our helpful English transliteration!

From New York to the IDF

Emily Young hails from New York and is one of many lone soldiers serving in the IDF. “A lone soldier has much the same experience as a regular soldier in terms of responsibilities while in the army,” Emily said. But outside the army, the story is completely different.

IDF T-Shirt

Wear your pride in the Israel Defense Forces with this 100% cotton t-shirt. Bears the army's insignia and it's Hebrew acronym, "Tzahal."

Today's Israel Photo

A proud female Israeli soldier receives her beret at the end of basic training.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Jill Levin of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in honor of Jeremy Levin's birthday. Yom holedet sameach!

“Praying for the IDF”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
I continue praying for the IDF so God can give them strength and wisdom. Peace in their hearts. Deborah M.

Thank you very much for this nice opportunity to be in daily contact with Erets Yisrael and her future. Longing to come home when possible. Fulp V. Netherlands
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA