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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hamas Teaching Terror To Toddlers

Hamas Teaching Terror 

To Toddlers

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
Emboldened by recent plans to join the Palestinian Authority, Hamas has produced a new and astonishing television show for little kids. (See below)
The program's star is a giant fuzzy bee who encourages tender-aged Palestinian toddlers to attack Jews. The show is hosted by a young Muslim girl who praises a little girl because her uncle is a policeman who "shoots Jews."
"You want to be like him?" the young Muslim host asks the little girl, who appears to be about three-years-old.
"Yes," the little girl replies. "I will shoot the Jews."
"All of them?" encourages the host. "Yes," says the little girl.
"Good," encourages the host.
This kind of Islamic-sponsored child abuse is nothing new. Hamas has been feeding this kind of Jew-hatred propaganda to Gaza's youth on a daily basis for years. But this new program targeting toddlers with their deadly scheme is shocking even to liberal-minded peace advocates.
The outrageous episode was broadcast on May 2 by Hamas' Al Aqsa TV and is another example of the horrific lengths to which the Islamic terror group is going to destroy Israel.
"This is the generation that will bring victory to its people and will liberate their land," gloats Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh.
Steven Stalinsky, executive director of the Washington-based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), told Fox News that his group has been monitoring Al Aqsa TV since it began. "They have multiple TV shows for children that include cartoons. Now they have the bee character, but there have been a whole series of other cuddly animal presenters who all have ended up being martyred and killed. They've killed them all off. The bee is just the most recent... but they don't normally last more than a year."
Stalinsky continued: "The first to be martyred on the 'Pioneers of Tomorrow' children's show was a Mickey Mouse-style character called 'Farfour.' He went to his death after being interrogated by an Israeli intelligence character. Since then, a rabbit and a bear have been among the presenters of the show to also have been 'martyred.'"
The media analyst noted that "Al Aqsa programs are not only anti-Semitic, but are also pro-martyrdom and pro-terrorism with lots of indoctrination of children to become martyrs and blow themselves up."
And the problem is not only among the Palestinians. "You definitely see similar things on Al Manar TV (Hezbollah TV in Lebanon), but also in Egypt, where they are notorious for a lot of children's TV shows espousing anti-Semitism," Stalinsky said. "Anti-Semitism on Arab TV is everywhere in the Middle East."
All of this is a stark reminder of how cautious Israel must continue to be about any so-called peace process with the Palestinians. Particularly Palestinians willing to cooperate with Hamas. It was a very wise Prime Minister Golda Meir who understood a long time ago, "Peace will only come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us."
Watch the video (Caution: this video is very upsetting):
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA