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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Trojan Horse: UK Fears Islamic Takeover of Schools CBN News by Dale Hurd, CBN News Sr. Reporter

Trojan Horse: UK Fears Islamic 

Takeover of Schools

LONDON -- The British government has announced that schools will be required to teach "British values."

The news comes after Islamists took over several schools in the United Kingdom. This alleged plot to turn British faith-based schools into Muslim training academies has been dubbed "Operation Trojan Horse."

"Individuals with a religious motivation have taken public money and basically created madrassas, basically created religiously motivated schools that promote intolerance, and this in some cases is a criminal enterprise," Islamic expert George Igler said.

The decision comes at a time when Britain was already in an uproar over the explosion of Muslim halal food in the nation's food supply and after revelations that several predominantly Muslim sex gangs around Britain were using English girls as sex slaves.

Whether it's food or schools, Islam is advancing in Britain. Islamists want to conquer the United Kingdom.

"Look, we have around 100 Sharia courts in this country," Anne Maries Waters, who runs Sharia Watch UK, said. "We're the only Western country with a functioning network of Sharia tribunals and councils."

"They're dealing with marriages, divorce, even with criminal matters. They're marrying children," she said.

In Birmingham, with its large Muslim population, authorities say Islamists were turning schools into centers of extremism.

For instance, in one school the Muslim call to prayer was broadcast across the school playground, and non-Muslim teachers were forced out.

"In the most serious cases, a culture of fear and intimidation has taken grip since the schools were last inspected," Michael Wilshaw, chief inspector of schools for England, said.

Michael Gove, British secretary of state for education, told parliament this will not happen again.

"Schools that are proven to have failed will be taken over, put under new leadership, and taken in a fresh, new direction," Gove said. "And we will put the promotion of British values at the heart of what every school has to deliver for children."

The fact that Muslims are in a position to take over several schools shows the growing influence of Islamic radicals in Britain.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA