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Monday, July 28, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - COMFORT MY PEOPLE - Eva Haglund

Eva Haglund from Sweden

Today many people suffer in the world. People can go through many difficult things and face traumas. People who have not suffered so much do not always understood people who need comfort and care. Sometimes people who have gone through sufferings understand people who suffer more because they have been there in the deep valley.

Many people need counseling and care today. Just a cup of coffee for anybody who hurts means much, or talking to someone who maybe has no friends and no money in any church. This is sometimes the reality. There is war and people flee for their lives and goes through traumas. People can face difficult things in family situations.

God says in Isaiah 40:1, "Comfort, comfort my people." Comfort is also shown by practical love to people - for instance to give food. Comfort is to give words from the Bible - words like honey or a balsam.

Words of encouragement and about God who loves gives hope - a God of hope. There are teenagers who have never felt loved at home by their parents or never had a father or mother. There are teenagers who have parents who are alcoholics. They really need comfort! 

Jesus says in John 19:26-27, "Mother, see your son" and "Son, see your mother."

Today there needs to be mothers and fathers in the Body of Christ and the old and young generation need more contact. Fellowship and friendship as we read about in Acts 2:46 and in John 14. I believe God wants to restore more in the Body of Christ. 

Church was not meant to be just a meeting on Sundays and an unpersonal club as it is sometimes. God wants in this late hour to restore more of real friendship where it needs in the Body. This is comfort to the people. 

I think comfort can be demonstrated in different ways. In the Bible, Scriptures of comfort can be spoken, buying flowers for anybody wounded. It can be to give food to a refugee who has wounds. It can be to sing a song for anybody. We are sent to set the captives free and heal the broken hearted. 

Counseling and gifts of the Spirit is not meant for them who have enough money but for everybody. The Gospel is also for the poor, not just for them with money. Counseling and prophetic words can many times be a comfort. Wounded people do not need to hear that money must be given to get counseling or a prophecy.

They maybe do not have food for their children. We read in Luke 10 about a man who was robbed and wounded physical but also had wounds inside. He did not have any money. The Good Samaritan showed compassion and care.

Economy must be solved in another way. I am not against sowing. It is good and needs but not to GET counseling or a prophecy.

Do we have to sow to get comforted in the Body?  No, I do not think so. Comfort in agape ought to be free. In 1 Cor 12 it is written about sharing different gifts with each other. There are Christian conferences today which cost money but there are Christians who cannot come. Is then one church for poor and one for those who have money? This thinking was what they had in Acts.2:45 when they thought about each other economically. They helped each other as needed. It was not selfishness.

To sing Christian songs and to worship is also a means to comfort others when they hear. A sermon can be comforting, and we need sermons which comfort. For instance, teaching about God's love for Israel and the Jews. People need to hear that we are to love them in a world of much anti-semitism. This is also to comfort My people - to stand for Israel and to pray for Israel and the Jewish people.

The Bible is full of comforting words. The God who said "comfort My people" is a God of comfort and when we read the Word we get much comfort. Many people in the world need to know His love today.

God showed the biggest love when He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.
It is comfort to read in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

We are always welcomed by Jesus and receive His comfort when we need it. His standing there with open arms is like the father who received the son who had been lost. (Luke 15:20) 

Open arms when we need comfort and to receive Jesus in our lives is comfort. 
We need our Comforter - Yeshua (Jesus).


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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA