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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - THE DEEPEST LOVE by Eva Haglund


I send you many greetings from Stockholm!

Thank you for starting the ministry " Love For His People". This is good and means much! 

Thank you for blessing Israel and the Jewish people!

I read the blog every day. There are many good things you put there and write! You put beautiful pictures from nature. I like to read prophetical things. You put several things as are encouraging there also.

Please pray for me. I pray for you and Laurie! I want to listen to you singing some this evening at YouTube. I like it very much!



Sometimes people wonder if God loves them. There is no need to doubt that because God IS love and He made us because of love. 

His love is not based what we do but because He choose to love us. In John 3:16 is written that SO loved God the world that He gave His Son, that whoever believe in Him will not perish but have eternal love.

We cannot do anything to be more loved. We are already loved by God.
Salvation is not given because we are working to be perfect. We can just be saved by grace because Jesus died for us for our sins and you receive Jesus. 

Jesus, who was King in heaven, did not come as a hard leader. He came as a humble leader willing to serve as a servant. The purpose was not that He had to serve. He did it because He wanted to demonstrate His love. He showed us how to wash each other's feet. In the Body of Christ by showing care for each other much in friendship guided by God. 

Jesus preached with His life the heart of God - a heart full of love and compassion and who cares. Jesus showed much life. He did not just talk beautiful words but showed love.

In James is it written, "What does it profit, brethren if someone says he has faith but does not have works?"

Jesus could have chosen to stay in heaven. It had been MUCH more comfortable. He did not have to come to the earth and suffer. But He CHOSE it because of His love.  Abba - our heavenly Daddy could have closed His eyes when we fell in sin.

Instead our Daddy did everything He could for us. His heart was crushed by His love to us and He wanted to do everything for us. The most precious He had was His son. He know there were no other way for people to get saved than to send His Son. He had pain in His heart when He had to see His Son suffer like His precious Lamb.

Abraham did not have to sacrifice his son but Abba - our Daddy in heaven gave everything for us. It really showed a heart of a father - a daddy who loves. He loved us so much.

Jesus was led as a lamb to the slaughter Isaiah 53:7. He did not come to the earth to make a position. He did not come to be like a king in honor, ruling in a hard way.

He did not come to win honor. He did not choose to be popular and rich and people screaming on a scene when they saw Him. He came in humility like a servant can be or humble like a child depending on a parent.

In His love He chose to be badly treated if that was the cost to save and rescue others.

This was real love. Isaiah 53 showed the heart of the father. It is a beautiful scripture showing Jesus love to us. It gives us a picture of Jesus. I sometimes sing from this scripture because I think it is wonderful showing who Jesus really is, showing His love.

Who has suffered like Jesus? Many people suffer today.

The One who has suffered most is Jesus. Even before the cross He suffered very much. He was mocked as king of the Jews. He was mocked as prophet. His friends left Him and one betrayed Him just before the terrible suffering at the cross.

Jesus had so much agony in Gethsemane because He knew before that it was a terrible pain He had to suffer. That is why He had so much agony - the biggest agony but ANYWAY He chose to go this way of suffering.

 He was scourged and people put a red robe and a crown of thorns to show their hate. People people shouted "Crucify". This was a price a prophet can have to pay - sufferings and to be rejected.

Jesus  was a REAL prophet and God's Son. He payed the price. He was willing to suffer for truth and loves sake. Jesus chose to show love when it was very difficult.  He chose to suffer when it was necessary for the sheep.

It is written in 1 Cor 13 that "love does not seek it's own."

We can have suffered much but compared with Jesus sufferings it is just a glimpse because His suffering for us was so big. We do not understand how big it was.

He really was ready to suffer  because of His love.

The greatest love was shown at Calvary when Jesus had so much pain for us nailed at His hands and feet. The greatest suffering preached the greatest love anyone has showed.

Yeshua gave everything for us at the cross because He LOVES us so much!

The COST for the sheep was the CROSS -  His deepest love.

Eva Haglund


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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA