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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Ukrainian Jews Get a Real Israeli Welcome - ISRAEL365

And they return to you with all their heart and all their soul in the land of their captivity, of those who had captured them, and they pray by way of their land that You gave to their forefathers, and the city that You have chosen and through the Temple that I built for Your Name.


וְשָׁבוּ אֵלֶיךָ בְּכָל לִבָּם וּבְכָל נַפְשָׁם בְּאֶרֶץ שִׁבְיָם אֲשֶׁר שָׁבוּ
אֹתָם וְהִתְפַּלְלוּ דֶּרֶךְ אַרְצָם אֲשֶׁר נָתַתָּה לַאֲבוֹתָם וְהָעִיר
 אֲשֶׁר בָּחַרְתָּ וְלַבַּיִת אֲשֶׁר בָּנִיתִי לִשְׁמֶךָ

דברי הימים ב ו:לח

v'-SHA-vu ay-LEH-kha b'-khol li-BAM u-v'-khol naf-SHAM b'-EH-retz shiv-YAM a-sher sha-VU oh-TAM v'-hit-pa-l'-LU DE-rekh ar-TZAM ah-SHER na-TA-ta la-ah-vo-TAM v'-ha-EER a-SHER bah-KHAR-tah v'-la-BA-yeet a-sher bah-NEE-tee lish-MEH-kha

Jerusalem Inspiration

When the Jews in exile cry out to God to return to the Land, personal entitlement is not given as the reason for redemption; rather, they cite the Land that was promised to their forefathers, and the city that houses God's home- Jerusalem! We are human, and inevitably sin, but the Land and Jerusalem never lose their holiness and intrinsic value.

Jews at Heart Despite Forced Conversions

'Bnei Anusim' are the descendants of Jews who were forced to convert at the time of the Spanish Inquisition.  Hear how they recovered their heritage and found their way to Jerusalem.

Ukrainian Jews Get a Real Israeli Welcome

Efforts have been stepped up to help facilitate the immigration of Ukrainian Jews to Israel.  Aliyah is rising as Jews attempt to escape the violence and anti-Semitism that has become rampant in their country.

Pomegranate Wine Stopper

This pomegranate wine stopper makes a great souvenir from the Holy Land! The pomegranate ("rimon" in Hebrew), is one of the seven biblical species of the Land.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Today's photo by Ilan Rosen, highlights a book of Psalms on the stones of the Western Wall.  The Nation shall return in the merit of the Holy City.

Thank You

Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Joanne Prives of Rochester, New York in memory of her father, Julius Prives, whose yahrzeit is today.

“I Enjoy Every Bit of All Your Communications

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!)." Jerusalem365 has further broadened my perception of the city of Zion (God's city). This city belongs to Israel and no amount of false claims can make it otherwise. I enjoy every bit of all your communications, the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob will continue to bless you and strengthen you.  I am  Dr. Salisu Ali Rakum, writing from Kaltungo Local Government Area of Gombe State, Nigeria
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA