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Friday, August 15, 2014

The Rainbow Crusade

The Rainbow Crusade

Friday, August 15, 2014 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
I was completely captivated by the picture to the left showing a single, large gay-lesbian rainbow flag amidst a sea of Palestinian flags. The accompanying caption "someone brought the wrong flag" missed the point completely.
The picture was taken on European soil, perhaps Holland or Belgium. A seemingly unrelated and strange piece of news that surfaced the same week involved the tiny French village of La Mort Aux Juifs (Death to Jews), which refuses to change its name.
Marie-Elizabeth Secretand, the deputy mayor of nearby Courtemaux, said that the request to change the name is "ridiculous" because, she implied, it is part of French heritage. I believe Secretand when she says that no one has anything against the Jews in particular. However, by refusing to change the name of this town, she and others openly embrace the France's anti-Semitic legacy.
This brings me back to the blond-headed homosexual man proudly waving his rainbow flag together with a Jew-hating Muslim crowd.
Leaving aside the fact that he would have been killed in a heartbeat had he raised this flag in a Muslim country, what was he doing there in the first place? Is he just a solitary moron, or does he represent a wider phenomenon?
There should be little doubt by now that protests against Israel have crossed the line from criticism to outright, unabashed anti-Semitism. The two seemingly unrelated and opposing groups fanning the flames of this phenomenon are Muslims and liberals.
Just like the ISIS (Islamic State) flag, committed Muslims see the world in black and white. It is a world in which there is no place for anyone else but Muslims. Under Islam, the best that Jews, Christians and Yazidis could hope for would be living as second-class citizens (dhimmi).
For a Muslim, the Western axiom "treat others as you would treat yourself" – based of course on "love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord" – means that Muslims are expected to treat other Muslims like themselves. Everyone else will either have to convert, be reduced to a second-class status or be killed. Indeed the very name Islam means submission, not peace.
This begs the question: Why are Western liberals, who want to live in an amoral world, cursing Israel for committing fictitious war crimes? Why are homosexuals, anarchists, socialists and even millions of Christians endorsing the very people that would destroy them if given the chance? Is this a global suicidal movement, or what?
As I have watched this swell of anti-Semitism gaining momentum over the past month, it became clear that the only thing holding together these otherwise opposing forces is the cry "death to the Jews." Europe's legacy has been revived by the Muslim spirit of jihad.
What is happening in Europe today is nothing short of a holy war, a crusade against the Jews. Muslims, Christians and millions of French, Dutch, Swedish and British liberals are creating a lynching atmosphere that is beginning to manifest itself as de facto ethnic cleansing.
I live in Tel Aviv, but I hear French everywhere I go. Jews are once again on the run, and Europe once again is acting as the self-righteous inquisitor. A new holocaust is brewing. And this time it's not under the cover of Nazi flag, but rather under the cover of the rainbow.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA