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Monday, November 10, 2014

HONORING THE VETS - Morris Ruddick

Morris Ruddick

November 10th is the Marine Corps birthday. November 11th is Veterans Day. My intention is to honor and bless those who have served.

The pithy story reflected in the following slides is dramatic: 

It goes against the grain of the long-term spin reported by the press. It pivots on the issue of freedom, which has always been a priority from God's perspective.

It demonstrates the incredible way that God remembers and redeems. In the age-old struggle between good and evil, it's a glimmer of the old radio commentator's "rest of the story."

The untold story of Vietnam provides us with assurance that not only does "God know," but that He doesn't forget and that He works all things together for good in our service and efforts in taking a stand for what is right.

Solomon told a story in Ecclesiastes of a poor wise man who saved his city against more powerful aggressors. Afterward, he was forgotten. There's something about taking a stand for what it is right, something about those who pay the cost to make a difference -- that is a challenge to those allured with the status quo.

Yet, God doesn't forget.

In my own case, when I returned to Vietnam a full generation after my second tour, I prepared myself for the spin that the Western media had promulgated. Instead, I found something very different.

In our first month back, I had more Vietnamese to thank me for my service, a generation prior, than I had had Americans to thank me in all the years since I had left. The Vietnamese, from both the North and South, have born the brunt of our departure and -- they know. They also have not forgotten.

While our definition of veterans targets those who have served in the military and especially those who have served in harm's way for the cause of freedom, there is a significant correlation between those serving the cause of freedom and the advancement of God's Kingdom. But perhaps I'm getting ahead of the message in the following few slides. Click on this link:

I pray it will be a blessing to you.

To my Marine friends, Happy Birthday. To all who have served, Carol and I salute you! Thank you for your service.

With His richest blessings,
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA